Group Sex Game: Round Two

Nude woman longing for group sexThe first round of the Group Sex Game turned out even better than expected.  Sixteen formidable contenders threw their fantasies into the ring, and I like to think we all shared a collective orgasm. They were asked to share their dirtiest fantasies on Craig’s List, and for all I know they may still be rolling around in bed with new friends. So without further ado, here they are (with the initial links, some of which may now be broken):


ForeignSexuality –

Chris –

Tori –

EbaCurious –


Justme –

reds –

UnpinnedStar –

Diablotin –

Charlotte –

Minamie –

LadyfromParis –

Willing Subject –

Sam T –

And an honorable mention to DarkDreamer, for explicitly revealing his past experiences.

As we begin Round Two, here’s a quick reminder of the rules of the game:

1) I post a modest little experiment on the blog from time to time and give you a while to accomplish it.

2) When your mission is accomplished, you respond in the comments here with a quick summary of how you did it – just a few sentences to give us a snapshot of the moment. As always on this site, anything you post is kept entirely anonymous.

3) Anyone who’s added their comment when the next round begins will be eligible to continue on, and eventually, round after round, our contestants will be narrowed down to a winner.

New Rule 4) we can also make up new rules as we go along. Why the hell not? After all, if anything, sex is about knowing how to adapt to situations. So, suggestions? (i.e., maybe everyone should drink when somebody says tits.)

Those are the rules. Now, for this week’s challenge, I’m keeping it doable in order to keep as many of us as possible in this thing for as long as possible (though in the next round I promise to begin upping the stakes significantly). I’ll also add that if new contestants want to join us, I think we’d all be very happy to hear about your adventures. Maybe you won’t be in the running for the grand prize (which is still precisely, exactly nothing – except supreme sexual glory), but maybe as in European soccer you can be in the second division and win your way up into the Primera League with feats of derring-do. We’ll see, and in the end it’s our sixteen competitors who will decide. Just don’t let the rules keep you from taking your clothes off.

Now…ready? This round’s challenge is in honor of a challenge I’ve set for the wife, which I hope I’ll be posting next week (it depends on her). You all have cameras these days, whether little digital ones or those incorporated into fancy phones. You also all know how to masturbate. So…let’s bring these two marvels of science together. Take a picture (or twenty) of yourself masturbating. You may make use of a mirror, or you may just hold that camera out there with your free hand. What you do with the photo(s) is entirely up to you. All that’s required to magnificently catapult yourselves into the third round is a brief description in the comments below of how you experienced the challenge. Did the fact of the camera take you quicker to the edge than usual? Were you thinking about others seeing you, or about seeing others? And afterwards, did the knowledge of that image on your camera keep you buzzing for a while? Maybe you don’t take a full body shot. Maybe you just snap a part of yourself that you find particularly erotic. Whatever the case, I know we’ll all be very eager to read about the results.

So start your engines, and snap away. There’s fun to be had, and fine art to be made!

Need to catch up? Read the Sex Experiment from the beginning: Table of Contents

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26 thoughts on “Group Sex Game: Round Two”

  1. Ok, we must be on the very same wavelength. Just as you posted this, I posted a short series of this afternoon’s (solo) delight.

    I’d been worked up for a couple days – my husband hasn’t felt well and so the resulting lack of release has been frustrating, to say the least. I quite literally could not keep myself from touching my body. I was thinking of my husband’s cock – large, thick, and totally satisfying in every way. His hands on me and how when we’re fucking I grip his bicep for dear life as I come… I fantasized about women’s bodies – their large, weighty tits (everybody drink!) for me to suck, their smooth pussies spread for me to view and lick and stroke… I thought about showing these photos to my husband, and telling him what I was doing and thinking about while taking them… And it was a very, very good afternoon.

    1. We are indeed in sync, Wife10. Love the photos and love your hot description of you and you husband (and your fantasies) in bed.

  2. Forgive the essay, but I’m always over-wordy and there are some new image files on my hard drive tonight.

    I mentioned in my Craig’s List ad that I’ve had fun letting people watch me do things over webcam before, so those of you who read that will not be surprised that tonight was not the first time I’ve taken pictures of myself.

    I’ve done it for all kinds of reasons… Sometimes it’s because they’ve given me some of them, or I want to get some from them… It’s not as clinical or as considered as that. I just want to share and share alike.

    Sometimes I give them unprompted because you’ve sent me an email so fucking hot I don’t think words will be adequate to describe how turned on I am. It’s rare for my face to be in them, but if I trust you, they are. My face isn’t in the ones from tonight. I considered posting them, but I don’t have anywhere safe to post them and am not quite comfortable attaching them to this post since I don’t think I can take them down later.

    Tonight’s were taken for you (collective you), and I wish I could share at least the most chaste of them. I tend to take them in 2s or 3s. A steady escalation of some idea. I’m a horrible tease and a series is a good way of conveying that with just pictures.

    All this to say, on the one hand, there’s something mundane about taking pictures of myself. There’s not a thrill of the new (I get that from others’ reaction to them). And yet… It is new. My thoughts are not of the particular person they’re for this time, but the idea of more than one person enjoying them… Which seems strange to me. I’m not unselfconfident and yet am always pleasantly surprised by compliments.

    My favorite is usually the first… Tonight… An image of my stomach and lower to the tops of my thighs, taken while laying on my couch. The perspective is that of someone who is kissing my chest and stomach just after they’ve unbuttoned my boxers. I’ve been teasing myself for some while through the fabric and the tip of my cock is peeking out, and the outline of the rest of my shaft is obvious under the thin fabric.

    It’s the one that teases, hints at the most…. The second is where I make it clear just how aroused I am. Hands, oh how I wish they weren’t mine, are holding my cock up away from my body. A pair of fingers, oh how I wish it was a tongue, have swirled around the tip, and a thin strand of precum is visible connecting fingers and cock. My thoughts are entirely of someone who would see that and whose mouth would start to water at the thought (not to mention wetness elsewehere! 😉 )

    The final one by necessity is a different angle. From the side, almost a full body shot… My back is arched, fingers twisting a nipple, the other hand caught by the camera in midstroke…

    I’m thinking of the woman that wants to sit in a restaurant and come without making any visible sign. Of the couples that want to explore a third… Being the lucky m in those mw4w’s… The others as well. Part of my mind is thinking about an eager mouth and hands and I can feel my breath get short. But in the back of my mind, I want them to enjoy this as much as I am.

    Later, when I’m done, I hope that perhaps the pictures would convey some small part of that enjoyment…

  3. Fantastic report, WS, and worthy of a blog post of its own. Want to take over this thing for a while? As for the photos, I’ve being thinking a lot about this. First, if you’d like to post some here (and I’m sure there are many ladies who would be pleased by that), feel free, and I promise to take them down whenever you like (the same goes for anyone else with an exhibitionist streak). Second, I’ve been considering expanding the site’s functionality, but I’m curious to know what others think first. Already there exists a possibility to log in at the top of the page, and “friend” members, send messages to them, etc. I’ve thought about expanding this to allow people to post photos (that they could control) and chat in forums, but that would require a bit more tech education (doable, but requiring even more of my time), and also, I would want to do it in some elegant way: the strength of this blog, I think, is that it’s not just some cheap photo site, and so any separate photo/forum section would need to be consistent with the blog’s “style”, I think.

    Anyway, I’d be very curious to hear what others think. Would photos be fun? Would you use a forum? How horny did WS’s comment make you?

    1. Actually, just managed to add photo options for registered users, WS, if you’re more comfortable having total control over your photos yourself. You can decide who can see them, but I think viewers will need to “Sign Up” above (which doesn’t require anything of anyone other than an e-mail address). Only disadvantage to that solution: you’ll get fewer viewers. But if people want to try it out, I’ll watch closely to try to fix any kinks.

  4. This was taken when my dom told me to masturbate for him. This I believe was taken just before that where I’m all subbed out and showing off my body. It was taken in a church’s youth group room. Read more about it here .
    I keep these photo’s around just for something like this. Thanks for giving me an oppurtunity to finally put them up!


  5. Wow, Raina. I absolutely love the lighting here, and I’m proud to have a first photo on the site. And a church’s youth group room? I think we’d better not ask.

  6. I used my cell phone camera for this snap. The quick-and-dirty poor quality of the photograph felt illicit and daring. It made me remember the excitement-fear of being recorded on a cell phone during party shenanigans, and the furtive shame of untagging on Facebook…but in a good way. I didn’t finish in the process of obtaining the picture, but I will be sure to soon.

  7. Well this challenge was an interesting one. The problem I had was that it wasn’t the first time I’ve pointed a camera at myself and I’m sure it won’t be the last. So I had to find someway to make this a bit more fun to read. I didn’t want to wait too long, but I did want to wait until the timing was right and it felt genuine.

    When I came home from work today I found the house to myself and my hands wandering. I popped onto the blog to look at updates and see what people were submitting. I was pretty surprised to see the willingness of people to post themselves. But I suppose thats the fun in it. So as I sat there, mind wandering and having fun, I looked at the beautiful pictures posted and read the stories. I couldn’t help but think of the orgy and I started seeing it much more clearly. I snapped a photo with my cell phone somewhere in all this to complete the challenge. But I do want to thank the blog and the comments here because without the pictures and stories my day wouldn’t have been nearly as fun. 🙂

    I have no one to send the picture too and I won’t post it here but it sits on the phone waiting to be seen by someone new. Thanks 😉

    1. Great comment, Chris. I think your point about this experiment being relatively easy for you, and so then feeling compelled to make it “fun to read” is one of the impulses this blog is meant to inspire – in me, my wife, and in others. Sex, even the most energetic sex, can often be just sex. But as soon as you begin think of making it “fun to read”, the imagination comes into play (orgy!), and details start to matter. Even something as simple as a touch or a kiss can be turned into an overwhelming erotic experience this way. And I’d say the same of life in general: you want to go out there and make it “fun to read”.

  8. Your timing is impeccable! I am in a long distance relationship and my man has been asking for pictures for awhile, but my inherent shyness when it comes to pictures had always taken over.

    We’d been texting for the last 24 hrs, mostly dirty texts and he had me worked up well and good. I finally got home from my weekend away, saw this post and well instinct and lust took over. Despite feeling that mirror pictures are tacky, I started there before I took my nightly shower. He was already in bed, so after the shower, I started playing with my breasts, as he had been rather fixated on them in the earlier text messages and sent him that as well as a morning wake up call.

    After that, I was more focused on myself than taking pictures for him. Since he’d had me worked up for close to 24 hours before I could take care of anything, the end came quickly and explosively, my body convulsing tightly before lethargy spread through me… I slept well after that!

    1. Perfect, Tori! I’m so happy that the game pushed you over the edge – towards your breasts and explosive convulsions. And I know your man is much, much happier!

  9. I’m shit at taking pictures. And I was so distracted by how I was making myself feel, that my first 3 shots kept ending up being of my thigh or the floor! But it certainly wasn’t hard to find inspiration for my little “photo shoot”. I moonlight as an erotic model and I just set up a photoshoot for later this week. My photographer is an old, fat fuck that takes shitty pictures and lets his hands rest a bit too long when helping me change positions or inserting new toys. I imagined that this time when I go, his touch sent tantalizingly sweet shivers straight to my clit and left me silently begging for release. All I wanted was for him to put the fucking camera down, kneel between my legs, and lick me until I squirmed and shook with pleasure.

    I came shortly after that. I won’t post the finished product, but of course it was sticky!

    1. Fantastic Ma Belle! A brilliant example of how to ak-cen-tuate the positive. Poor man. I don’t imagine he’ll ever have the slightest hint of all that he missed.

  10. Huh. I didn’t think this would do much for me. I read it and it seemed a little too stagey. I figured the mechanics of getting the photo would be distracting and turn me off.

    But a game’s a game, I figured, so here goes. I’m on a business trip, staying in a bland motel. I grabbed my phone with one hand and took a short video while I worked my cock with the other. 00:14. I know that’s how long it was, because now I’ve got the little film here, and that’s the run time. Guess I was wrong…

    1. I laughed out loud here, Sam. Thanks. This is taking the scientific approach to these experiments to a whole new level – precise down to even seconds, in fact. Well played.

    1. Absolutely! The photos posted here have just been bonuses, and aren’t part of the experiment. We just want to hear (briefly) about how taking them excites you.

  11. Hmm, I’ve been debating for a few days (Since this was posted) If I were to participate or not, Missing my Fiancée’s touch I haven’t masturbated for a few weeks.. okay at least a month so when I saw this for the third time I just simply had to do it, sometimes even when the camera wasn’t pointed at myself I felt naughty for just simply having it in my hands. (Though we (Me and My Fiancée) have both gone onto stickam before it was a mainstream site and did a little show for a few folks), So as I reached my climax I felt the urge to just snap an innumerable amount of pictures of myself. (Thank you so very much Him)

    1. I’m going to speak up for our readers here, Lily, and say yes, absolutely, positively. Everybody likes an…explanation.

  12. I’m jumping on a little late to this one; my excuse is that I’ve been getting ready to move and haven’t had access to a camera since it’s packed. I finally broke down and used the one built into my laptop (hence the bad angle, and the contorting my body to get the shot).

    When looking at this picture, it’s important to know something about me – I’m a virgin, and very inexperienced. I’ve given oral once (given, not received), and no one else has even seen my cock before. So automatically it was an arousing experience, knowing that some woman might look at the pic and be attracted to my cock, or my inexperience (and want to change that).

    It was incredibly arousing to imagine women looking at the pictures of me jacking off; I think I’ll have to do this again once I’m moved in and have a camera I can position exactly right. Who knows, maybe a woman reading this now would want to ‘play’ over skype – I give you a show and you play with yourself for me.

    1. You win many multiples of bonus points for bravery. Maybe we should create a “Spirit of the Sex Experiment” award. You’d win it, I think. Unfortunately I can’t comment too convincingly on your Skype-worthiness, but this is well played.

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