Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

I need to be told what we are doing: a reader’s sex dare

A couple fucking on a bar in a sex dareNow that my wife’s New Year’s sex dare is told (and here), it seems only appropriate that I share the fabulous adventures that night of our reader Sloane, who continues to push herself into new sex dares and capture our admiration in the process.

For her New Year she took inspiration from the experiment I first proposed to reader Lisa, then to my wife’s friend Mona. The experiment was then taken up by other daring readers on the site, who have posted their results in the Your Experiments group, and now Sloane….

Here’s the experiment in a sentence: write down one of your most pressing erotic fantasies and deposit it in a public place. I’ll let Sloane tell you how she did it, but I’m warning you: she’s charming. Continue reading I need to be told what we are doing: a reader’s sex dare

Midnight Kisses: the result of The New Year Experiment

Lips prepared for a midnight kissThe sexual instinct is a social instinct. We partner, we become “a couple”, and often it’s wonderful, but we guard ourselves, and even casual conversation becomes more limited. Coupled, talk gets smaller. We no longer seduce.

Seduction at bottom is a drive to strip away our public personas and get closer to the heart of others and ourselves. Naked in bed we are more true to our natures. Abandoning seduction we draw the map of our interior geographies too small. Continue reading Midnight Kisses: the result of The New Year Experiment

Kissing Game: her response to The New Year Experiment

A woman prepares her lips for a kissing gameHappy New Year, X! I kiss you and wish you all the best. There. Am I done? Have I fulfilled your dare with that chaste little smooch? I didn’t think so.

All right, then. Maybe I kissed someone else at midnight on New Year’s Eve. And of course, as always, obedient me, here’s the scoop. I spend way too much time on these e-mails, X, but I don’t guess I’d ever want them to stop. I’ll be eighty and flashing waiters, and you’ll be God knows how old. Continue reading Kissing Game: her response to The New Year Experiment

The New Year Experiment

Dark lips ready for a new years kissDear Dreamy One,

I hope you’re as sexy as ever, wherever you are. I have no idea when you’ll be back in town, but I do hope it’s soon. Somehow it’s more difficult to imagine you being sexy in unknown places, although I have no doubt you are.

So I have no clue whether you’ll be around for New Years, but even if you’re not, I’d like to be invited to the party. What I mean is this: there’s only one night of the year when you can kiss whoever’s next to you. So dance to a place you like at 11:59 and propose to make a stranger’s New Year. Continue reading The New Year Experiment

Dirty Secrets: the result of The Airplane Experiment

A husband and wife fondle each other while thinking of dirty secretsIs the pussy, the cock, the closest organ to the brain? That’s not an anatomical question. It’s more like a philosophical one.

My wife was in the airplane bathroom. She was likely masturbating, I knew, and I looked around the cabin wondering who might be inspiring her. I had no idea. The guy in the tweed jacket? Also, I was keeping one eye on the aisles, in case I found myself required to rescue her from an unwanted intruder. Unwanted? Well, wanted, maybe, and that possibility excited me in its own way, but I also knew that wanted could become unwanted in an instant. I’d set this thing up, and the day had already been a disaster, and I was realizing that it’s not so easy to strip and fondle yourself in an unlocked bathroom on a crowded plane. I was, yes I’ll admit it, a concerned husband. Partially because I know just how far she’s capable of going when she steps across the line. The mind creates a barrier, and then blood moves around, and then the mind’s not there anymore. The dirty secrets take over. Continue reading Dirty Secrets: the result of The Airplane Experiment

Sex Sky High: her response to The Airplane Experiment

A hot nude fondles herself and thinks of sex sky highMr. X,

I hate traveling and I hate flying the most. Actually I should probably say that I LOVE traveling but I hate the trip. Nothing excites me more than discovering new places (I’m sure your dirty little mind will make that sexual, and that’s probably true too). But this trip was to visit family, which tends to kill my libido and tends to destroy my hubby’s completely (his family). Combine that state of mind with a crowded airplane, and I knew that on this trip I probably wouldn’t get fingered in the back of any taxicabs. Until I got your ridiculous, impossible dare, and then I started plotting, as much as it scared me, because you know I don’t like to disappoint my X. Continue reading Sex Sky High: her response to The Airplane Experiment

The Airplane Experiment

A hot woman walking anticipates airplane sexLong Distance Lady,

I keep picking up the phone, hoping to hear you telling me to do something dirty on the other end of the line, but I just keep getting dial tones that won’t tell me how bad I’ve been.

And yet, as I pine away, I glimpse new possibilities. The holidays are here, and I spy the prospect of you jetting off somewhere to see family and friends and sit on Santa Claus’s lap. So this experiment is a conditional one: follow its instructions to the letter if you do find yourself on a plane, and if you don’t, well…then just come sit on my lap. Continue reading The Airplane Experiment

Tipping the waiter: a reader’s sex experiment

Woman flashing and dreaming of waiter sexWe’re travelling over the holidays, and though I know we’ll be getting up to adventures (which I’ll duly report at some point), I won’t be posting here till the first week of January. Don’t panic. I need my sexual fix as much as the next person, so here’s what you do: join The Sex Experiment social network, where like-minded lusties are proposing experiments to each other right now and explicitly (and artfully) reporting on their results. It’s free forever, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun in there. People are stripping in the Photo Orgy group and revealing fantasies that have long been secrets. I don’t know of any bigger turn-on than that. Continue reading Tipping the waiter: a reader’s sex experiment

Lust is my stop: a reader’s sexy bus experiment

A nude awaiting a moment of lustThere are secret connections being formed underground. A million erotic secrets just whizzed through the world wide web.

Look across the office, look across the bar: that person you see may well be performing some elaborate sexual experiment as you stare. Stare intently enough, and you might become part of the experiment, too.

I have no idea what new, exotic lusts strangers are propelling you towards, but I have news from the underground, from a sexual secret agent who calls herself Sloane. She’s won a competition, she’s stripped in The Photo Orgy, and she reports of excruciatingly sensual games she’s anonymously playing with her newfound friends.

Listen in: Continue reading Lust is my stop: a reader’s sexy bus experiment

Fore/play: Mona’s response to her Sex Fantasy Experiment

A woman and man having sex after golfDaring Mona is unlike daring my wife. It is unlike daring other women on this site, who take their cues from my wife’s e-mails, perhaps, and invariably respond with paragraph after paragraph of elegant prose. I hoped that that this blog would give me hope for human sexuality in the year 2011. Surprisingly, it has also given me hope for English grammar.

Compared to the literate ladies on this site, Mona is more like a series of tweets. With her a dare is an extended process. She requires clarifications (I know she’s just flirting). She wants to know if she could just strip for me again and skip the sex fantasy part (flirting). She wants to know my real name, wants to know if I went to the glitzy party on Friday, needs to know if I play golf, and if so, at what club (flirting). What Mona wants more than anything is to communicate, and to feel herself at the center of a discussion, preferably one held by strapping men. She is unstructured and anti-grammatical. Her tits destroy all rational thought. She is tapped into a force more powerful than mere intellect, and she knows it. Cocks stand at attention. She could start revolutions, and nobody would know exactly what they were fighting for, and nobody would care. Continue reading Fore/play: Mona’s response to her Sex Fantasy Experiment