Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

The Sunbathing Experiment

A woman sunbathing nudeDear Sultry One,

I’m still spending quiet moments contemplating the hot fantasy you spoke aloud during our walking experiment. I like to think of you being taken in sleek bathrooms. I’d like to take you as your hands gripped the sink counter and our eyes locked in the mirror in a brief, fearless fuck.

You constantly surprise me, but I’d like to see how you might surprise me with your flesh. I feel as if we know each other extraordinarily well after all these dares, or at least we know the dark parts of each other that stay mostly hidden from the world. I want to know even more about that dark places inside of you. I want to know how your darkness (which we could just as easily call “lightness”) corresponds to mine, and how it differs. I want to be able to find you in the darkness of this eternally erotic world we’ve created together. I want to know the ways you’re fucking, to discover more about what buttons to push and what dials to turn among the thousands in order to fine tune your sexual pleasure. Permanent orgasm – I’d like to imagine that for you. Continue reading The Sunbathing Experiment

Sex Zombies: the result of Mona’s Sidewalk Experiment

Fearing sex zombies, a woman removes her panties on the sidewalkOne of the interesting effects of anonymously giving your hot wife sexual dares (over which you both privately obsess), is that the thrill often sends your libidos off the charts, and then neither of us officially has any clue as to why the other is so hot to strip. We’re living private adventures, which is thrilling, but they’re really the same adventure. And the hotter those private adventures get, the more extravagant we are in the bedroom. All of which seems to be leading us towards some cataclysmic fuck as apocalyptic as the Bomb in a science fiction movie.

A few last remaining survivors wander the streets in a daze, in lingerie, urgently seeking more sex.

Human civilization has been destroyed by the Great Fuck, but only more fucking will save them…

…from a strain of Sex Zombies who want to fuck them…to death! Continue reading Sex Zombies: the result of Mona’s Sidewalk Experiment

Open Door Policy: Mona’s response to her Sidewalk Experiment

A woman puts a man beneath her heel and is open for sex or anything elseDear Mr. X,

Where were you, baby?! I waited for you in a dark alleyway, so wet because I wanted you to lick my nipples and let me taste your cock. I want it in my mouth, and I want to take it very deep. I have practice in cocksucking. I know how to take it so far back in my mouth that you won’t last a minute. Just consider that an invitation, sexy boy. Name the place and the time, and I will be there with lipstick on – on my knees! Continue reading Open Door Policy: Mona’s response to her Sidewalk Experiment

Mona’s Sidewalk Experiment

In public panties are goneDear Sultry Shaven Seductress,

I dream of you from many directions now – I dream of you naked on your balcony in the night, and I dream of your shaven pussy being adoringly licked through your pantyhose. You’re a wild one, and I only wish I could be wild with you.

So this week we’re going to focus on that wild pussy of yours – because I’m focusing on it, and because I’m convinced that you focus on it much more than the average woman does (which is one of the qualities I most admire in a woman). So take off those hose – it’s ridiculously warm out right now – and wear a skirt or a dress that makes you feel like fucking. Also: wear high heels. Also: wear a g-string, a teeny bikini, the skimpiest, sexiest pair of panties in your arsenal. You might also want to make these panties a pair you’re willing to lose, because you’re going to lose them. Continue reading Mona’s Sidewalk Experiment

So Sunk Down in the Fuck: the result of Mona’s Party Experiment

An invisible man gets the fuck down with a woman from behindA few days after Mona conspired to have herself masturbated through sheer pantyhose at a party, my wife and I went to a party, too. I will admit that I was hoping to find Mona there: for a glimpse of her fabulous tits, at the very least, and maybe for a private bedroom fondle of her shaven pussy through sheer hose? Well she wasn’t there, although the crowd was fun, and drinking a lot. We didn’t know a lot of the people attending, which is rare in a smaller town, and which tends to turn us both on. Nothing’s healthier for a marriage, as far as I’m concerned, than a bit of across-the-room flirtation, a hint of possibilities. And my wife does turn heads, and my head does enjoy a good turn or two. Continue reading So Sunk Down in the Fuck: the result of Mona’s Party Experiment

I bet you want to fuck me: Mona’s response to her Party Experiment

A woman with perfect tits smokes a cigarette and says "You want to fuck me"Dear Mr. X,

You make me so horny, and I love your whole mystery man thing, but I also hate it, because I really want to fuck you. I want to take off all my clothes for you slowly, not all at once like that night on the balcony, and show you my tits first and let you kiss my nipples, then show you my pussy which will be shaven in a strip, and put your hand between my legs to feel how wet I am. I just imagine the look on your face, and I imagine unzipping your pants and putting your yummy cock in my mouth. I could definitely show you things. You want to fuck me now, don’t you? Continue reading I bet you want to fuck me: Mona’s response to her Party Experiment

Mona’s Party Experiment

A nude woman during a party experimentParty Girl,

I can’t tell you how much I miss gazing upon your naked body. Could we maybe make it a weekly thing? Say, I come around to the clump of palms beneath your balcony every Tuesday at 11 P.M., and you take off absolutely everything? Think about it. I know I do, regularly, and my hand starts creeping, and I dream of all the naked things I could do with your naked body. The neighbors would never be the same. Continue reading Mona’s Party Experiment

Sexy Secretary: the result of The Walking Experiment

A sexy secretary gives a blowjob beneath a deskBased on the fantasies shared by women on this site, you men on the make would do well to hang out in bars. Also, you’d do well to forget your name and operate anonymously. There was Sloane’s Fantasy Experiment, then my wife had a quick, anonymous tryst in the bathroom (and then there was that time the fantasy got real – and planted the seed for this dare?). The approving comments from female readers have confirmed that bar fucks are having their moment. This longing for anonymity fascinates me, and not only because it is shared by my wife. This desire for pure sex without the chance of consequences fascinates me, maybe because although I love pure sex as much as the next person, I love the chance of consequences, the human touch, at least as much. I wonder if there are two genres of fantasy, the “romantic” and the “sexual”, and although they often overlap, I wonder if women (in general) more clearly separate the two than men. Is that counterintuitive? Men are often said to compartmentalize their emotions, but I wonder if when it comes to quickies, women are wiser about keeping sex in its place, because they know all too well how quickly a wider mix of emotions can become chaotic. Or maybe these are called “fantasies” for a reason. Further research is required, people. Hot glances need to be exchanged across crowded bars, and the bathrooms must be populated. Continue reading Sexy Secretary: the result of The Walking Experiment

The trees are a part of you (and you are sexy): her response to The Walking Experiment

You are sexy and naked when I fuck you in the bathroomDear Mr. X,

I really liked this dare. You are sexy, you know. But it scared me more than most of the others have, even if it was meant to be easier. Put me at a party and ask me to flirt, and there’s no problem, because that’s what I always do (innocently, of course!). But even though my husband and I have never been at all shy in bed, and absolutely everything is a possibility there, I’m also a bit of a good girl in the sense that I’m still a little bashful when it comes to vocalizing my fantasies. I did it with my friend Mona, but I guess it’s easier for me (not that that was all that easy) if it’s something I can giggle about with a friend. When you’re speaking just for yourself there’s no give and take, and you really can’t pretend that it’s just a game. It’s SERIOUS when you’re alone, X, and I felt like a real serious little schoolgirl. Continue reading The trees are a part of you (and you are sexy): her response to The Walking Experiment

The Walking Experiment

A naked woman walks into the ocean dreaming of a sexual fantasyMiss Kiss,

Here’s hoping this e-mail finds you as delicious as ever. I’ve been plotting new adventures for you, and as tempting as it is to dare you to peel off your clothes and do absolutely everything to intriguing strangers, I realize that at this point in our relationship, at least, my role is more catalyst than master.

So here’s an experiment, a catalyst that may send you off into your own experiments or may simply be a kick. Just don’t assume that this more innocent run of dares means my intentions for you have become any more innocent. Nope. They’re dirty, lady. They are orgiastic. They are an endless series of mind-bending fucks.

So here we go, “innocently”. Continue reading The Walking Experiment