Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

Perfect sex crime: the result of Liza’s Amusement Park Ride Experiment

A perfect sex object lifts her skirt and flashes her pussy.Sexy reader (and blogger) Liza wrote in asking for a dare set in an amusement park. She then proceeded to thoroughly surpass our erotic expectations. And now there’s more. As regular readers of this blog know, most of the sex “experiments” I “conduct” with my wife and others come in three parts: my dare, her response to the dare, and the overall “result” of the experiment (which is sometimes my more general thoughts about the experiment, and which hopefully includes me getting my brains fucked out). Thanks to the gracious and adventurous Liza, we now have a “result” written by her husband, who’s clearly as charming (and as horny) as she is (although wouldn’t you be charming too if you got to fondle Lizas on ferris wheels?). Here’s his debrief:


When Liza told me of her challenge to leave her panties on the ferris wheel, a feat that would be impossible due to security sweeps, I immediately took it upon myself to raise the stakes. That only seemed fair. If we couldn’t follow instructions to the letter, we should at least go one step beyond. Secretly sliding my fingers into her on the ferris wheel while we were in plain view of our companions on the ride and onlookers below was a new thrill. There was danger and intimacy and the feeling of pulling off the perfect crime (really perfect since no one got hurt and orgasms were had). Continue reading Perfect sex crime: the result of Liza’s Amusement Park Ride Experiment

Sex Machine: Liza’s response to her Amusement Park Ride Experiment

A hot wife strips like a sex machine.A charming reader named Liza, who has a sex blog of her own, wrote to me asking for an erotic dare set on an amusement park ride. I had no idea that she would become a sex machine herself. This is her daring response.


Dear Mr. X,

When I received the email with your dare I’ll admit I wasn’t surprised. It seems you are on a bit of tear with getting women to lose their panties all over town. I loved the idea of it, from the moment I read the message I started scheming.

I decided not to tell my husband about the plot. He knew that the dare existed, but that was it. By mutual agreement we decided that I would let him know what was asked only once we were on the point of making it happen. Continue reading Sex Machine: Liza’s response to her Amusement Park Ride Experiment

Liza’s Amusement Park Ride Experiment

A naked woman takes a sex ride through the air.Recently I’ve been lucky enough to have an exciting correspondence with a woman named Liza, who writes a sex blog of her adventures at, and she eagerly requested a dare. Here was my e-mail to her:

Dear Liza,

Spring is in the air. One can’t help but imagine what you’ve been wearing as you move through your world. If it’s gotten warm enough wherever you are, I presume the men around you are beginning to study what the sun has revealed of your body. April showers bring May flowers, apparently, and from keeping up with your sex blog, it does seem that with your erotic habits you’ve been doing your fair share of April showering. I only wish that I was occasionally there to soap your back (etc.). Continue reading Liza’s Amusement Park Ride Experiment

Swingers: her response to The Neighborly Experiment

A topless wife in a doorway greets neighbors who are swingers.Dear X,

First off, I thought a lot about your e-mail. I mean your idea that my sex fantasies usually involve anonymous partners and that this means I don’t really fantasize about men or women I know. That’s not always true, but I think you’re right, and I know this. Funnily enough, I guess I’m old fashioned about these things. If I’m honest, in the back of my mind it’s the man who should seduce a woman. I’ve had quite a few lovers in my life, but most of the time I just put myself in the way, if that makes sense. The men seduced me. I was just there and showed that I was open to it (it helps that I’m the friendly type). The only time I can really remember making the first move is with my husband, actually, and that was only because I was so sure he wanted it. Anyway, that story’s really not the point, but I did think about these things as I set off to attempt your difficult dare. Your other dares have been so wonderful – “tactful” really – that they’ve let me have a lot of fun anonymously, without putting myself in any kind of social danger (danger may be a strong word). This one, though, forced me to take the initiative in a way I almost never do, and honestly that made me uncomfortable, even if there’s always something sexy in that, too. Continue reading Swingers: her response to The Neighborly Experiment

The Neighborly Experiment

A sexy wife cooks topless in the kitchenDear Suntanned Savage,

That body that eased over against yours as you suntanned topless on that beach? That was me. That hand that caressed your thighs, then slipped past the elastic of your bikini to stroke your moistened pussy? That was mine. That cock you felt against the bared flesh of your ass, which then split you so deliciously from behind? That was mine too. You, my naked adventurer, are an amazing fuck. I’ve been wandering the beach ever since looking for you to materialize again like a mirage, for you to be splayed out on a beach blanket waiting for more, and more. Continue reading The Neighborly Experiment

Living the erotic novel: the result of Mona’s Pick-up Experiment

A naked woman reads an erotic novelIdentity is the product of the imagination. We are what we imagine ourselves to be, the main characters in our own fictions. Dreams may push us on towards future possibilities, but for the moment, we are closest to what we think we are. Perhaps our lives are regular ones, the lives of secondary characters in ordinary movies set in ordinary places. Perhaps our own movies are more adventurous, or more romantic. Perhaps we’re the character who always struggles, or the one who blithely succeeds. Maybe, if we’re lucky, we’re the protagonists in a thrilling erotic novel, our fearless bodies stripped to work magic upon the world. Continue reading Living the erotic novel: the result of Mona’s Pick-up Experiment

Mathematical Stripping: Mona’s response to her Pick-up Experiment

A woman is stripping and shows her big titsDear Mr. X,

I want you! I want you! I want you! I feel like one of those dolls with a string you pull, those dolls that say something every time. Me I just say “I want you!”, and then the string probably gets me stripping and makes my legs fly wide open. I am that kind of doll, which I guess you could call a sex doll.

So thanks to you I had a big adventure. Last Thursday night I went out to my favorite bar with a gay friend of mine. You can probably guess where, but every Thursday night is ladies’ night there, and shots are free. We go most Thursday nights, sometimes with a bigger group. We dance and get a little intoxicated, and sometimes somebody picks me up, or I pick up somebody, and either we rent a room in the hotel upstairs or we go back to my place or his. I have had some crazy encounters in there. One time a man took me up to a room where his wife was naked in bed watching television and waiting for us. They kept calling me “Cristal” even though the man knew my name was Mona. Anyway, that is another story and if you ever meet me in a bar do NOT call me Cristal (not that it was boring, but twice is boring, and I would never want you to bore me).

I don’t usually have to use a pickup line on these Thursday nights (I dress and they drool, baby!), but when I see a really yummy man I will sometimes go over and ask if he is gay. It is the perfect pickup line. Either he wants to prove to you that he is not gay, or he is actually gay (my friend went home with a man one night after I asked him this and he said Yes!). Also, if he does not laugh right away, or at least smile, you know he is an asshole.

Continue reading Mathematical Stripping: Mona’s response to her Pick-up Experiment

Mona’s Pick-up Experiment

Beautiful breasts that say "I want you"Dear Fearless Flirter,

I am attaching my résumé, since after your office fantasy I don’t think there’s anyplace I’d rather work. You will notice that I have no previous experience at “Ravaging the boss on her desk alongside a co-worker”, but I assure you that I am a fast learner. I’m willing to work long hours, stay late. Weekends. Company picnics. Hell, I’ll even pick up your dry cleaning. Just get me on staff, you sexy beast (a term I don’t know that I’ve ever applied to a woman, but in your case it’s deserved), and we’ll take it from there. I look forward to my first performance review.

In the meantime I want you to do some recruiting. No, I’m not afraid of competing candidates. I want you out in the world interviewing, shaking hands, undoing another button, etc. I want it to be at night, I want drinks to be involved, I want you to be dressed even sexier than usual, and I want your job interview to consist of just three words: “I want you.” Continue reading Mona’s Pick-up Experiment

Infinite Layers of Fuck: the result of The Sunbathing Experiment

A woman has sex on the floor after naked sunbathingMy wife speaks the truth when she says that she’s entirely at ease in the nude. As the weather gets warmer, she flashes more flesh, and I get hornier. Of course Spring always gets me buzzing for sex and bikinis anyway, but her increasing nudity is like a visual representation of my mounting lust.

It’s an immense pleasure to have a light-footed nymph cavorting around the house, but as they say about nudist beaches, it’s not really sexual (which still sounds to me like claiming to read Playboy for the articles, but admittedly I haven’t tested one of these beaches out to confirm just how unsexy the nudity is). Of course I love having my sexy wife naked and reveling in the feel of her own taut body. It makes me feel like a dissolute Roman emperor or a wine-stained Greek poet (incidentally, I think I was made to be one of the above, the more infamous the better, but then I’m getting off topic…but just let me imagine those lounging beauties, the casual immorality, the toga-strewn floors…for a moment…a second…there).

Here’s what I’m thinking about nudity: you want it to have a few additional layers. Those nude Greek and Roman statues in the museums don’t turn you on. They have perfect bodies, but we need more: a glint in an eye, a chemical connection, a history together, a story that needs to be written, a line to cross, a human pulse.

Let me be more specific:

Continue reading Infinite Layers of Fuck: the result of The Sunbathing Experiment

Beach Balling: her response to The Sunbathing Experiment

A woman nude sunbathingDear X,

I’m not the most sexually forward person in the world, although I do feel myself changing thanks to you. I’m more assertive, at least, and I get more of what I want when I want it. I’m not just talking about your dares, which have gotten easier for me overall but are still sometimes SO difficult. What I’m really talking about is just every day walking around. Sex seems possible almost all the time, and that realization has actually been a shock to me, believe it or not. If you start thinking about everything a girl could get up to, it’s almost too much! Permanent orgasm? I think it would kill me, but I don’t guess it would be a bad way to go.

Anyway, one thing I have never been prudish or timid about is getting naked, and I’ve already been nude sunbathing in the mornings out on our terrace, which is in the full sun from early until around lunchtime. I honestly don’t even care if people catch a quick glimpse of me. It’s my house, and if people want to stare, that’s their problem. It’s not like I’m dancing on a stripper pole. I’m just tanning my sweet little ass!

Continue reading Beach Balling: her response to The Sunbathing Experiment