Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

The Neighbor Experiment – An erotic novel

The Neighbor ExperimentI’m pleased to announce my most erotic experiment yet. It’s called The Neighbor Experiment. Like the The Known Experiment, it’s a full-length erotic novel, and it has been published today.

Writing The Neighbor Experiment allowed me to delve even deeper into the sort of edgy erotic situations that obsess me here, and the result is easily the hottest thing I’ve ever written. It includes a cast of intriguing characters, at the center of which are Marco and Julie Fierro, a young Manhattan couple trying to find their way in a world where there’s never enough money and where routine quickly dulls passion. Other characters include a striking Englishwoman with unusual tastes; an elegant investor with one mouthwatering feature; a busty teenager living for thrills; and a hunky barista at the local cafe. They are all strangers…at least until the Fierros look out their apartment window one night and discover the shocking habits of the neighbors. The plot then rips through scenes of voyeurism,  jealousy, swapping, adventure, bribery, seduction, and bondage. Ultimately it’s a love story about this young couple trying to find other ways to live. Continue reading The Neighbor Experiment – An erotic novel

Mona’s Marriage Experiment

A woman in a sheer skirt prepares for a marriage experimentDear Dirty Talker,

I become more infatuated with your possibilities with every e-mail I get from you. Next time you decide to let a lover take you from behind while casually describing the sex to another lover over the telephone, won’t you please dial my number? Or maybe that’s a bad idea. The truth is, these days I can’t even pick up a telephone without getting slightly aroused. I have conversations with women working for my bank, at the other end of a toll-free number, and I become convinced that cocks are slipping into them from behind and driving them wild. This woman is naked, I think to myself. I am completely convinced, and I wait for her to begin describing the fucking and drive me mad with desire. Continue reading Mona’s Marriage Experiment

Everything is permitted: the result of the Masseur Experiment

Sex in which everything is permitted“She does get excited, doesn’t she,” I said. From my office, where I had been sitting at my desk, pretending to do something very important at my computer, I had been waiting for sounds from the bedroom, where my wife was being massaged by a masseur who was admittedly strikingly handsome. I had a sense that she would moan at some point, an invitation to something new and sexual, and I knew that the moaning would be my signal that I was to join her in the adventure. Continue reading Everything is permitted: the result of the Masseur Experiment

Four-handed Massage: her response to the Masseur Experiment (Part 2)

A hot wife receives a four-handed massageMr. X dared my wife to get a massage at home from her sexy masseur. The catch? He also wanted me to be at home. Her e-mail response was so long, and so potentially revolutionary for our marriage, that I’ve chosen to post it in two parts. The first part of her response is here. This is the second part.

Ever heard of a four-handed massage, Mr. X? That’s one for each breast, one for a pussy, and one for the rest of me. Actually, I shouldn’t make it sound like a joke. It all moved very slowly and sensuously for a while, each man really doing their best to give me a good massage, and nobody really making eye contact. I guess we all made it a bit of a joke at first too, but then it was just pure pleasure, and I began to moan uncontrollably again, and they focused on rubbing me everywhere. After a while, as we all became accustomed to the situation, the men took turns rubbing my pussy and my tits. Their fingers, even the masseur’s, began to actually press into me more often, sometimes two or three fingers. Their bodies were getting closer to mine, and my husband even began licking my nipples occasionally. Earlier I had been making the occasional light comment, like “Now this is a massage!” but now it was all very serious. Continue reading Four-handed Massage: her response to the Masseur Experiment (Part 2)

Hanky Panky: her response to the Masseur Experiment (Part 1)

A wife strips for a hot massage and some hanky pankyMr. X dared my wife to get a massage at home from her sexy masseur. The catch? He also wanted me to be at home. Her e-mail response was so long, and so potentially revolutionary for our marriage, that I’ve chosen to post it in two parts. This is the first part of her response. The second part is here.

Dear Mr. X,

I’m sorry it’s taken so long to write back. It’s still difficult to know where to start, but I will say that I followed your instructions to the letter!

First off, my husband and I have been talking a lot about sex with other people. We played around with that a bit more in the first years of our marriage, at least when the opportunity presented itself, and now we’ve been returning to those conversations more – both because of the little adventures we’ve had with the neighbors, which you know about, and because I’ve just been more sexual over the past year (thanks to you!), which also makes my husband more sexual. So anyway, although I have not mentioned our e-mails to him, I had told him how I’d gotten a massage that went a little sexy. I was pretty sure this wouldn’t bother him, and I was right. He even said that I should get a sexy massage whenever I liked! Continue reading Hanky Panky: her response to the Masseur Experiment (Part 1)

The Masseur Experiment

A naked woman receives a sexy massageOh Sexy Lady,

You got so tantalizingly close to surrendering the last of your clothes and letting your neighbors have their way with you. My entire body has been throbbing ever since. And ever since I’ve wanted you with a passion that has a newly sharp edge. I know: promises, promises. But seeing you step so close to the edge of a new world of erotic possibilities has gotten me lusting for every last inch of your flesh. I know that if I knocked on your door and found you standing there in a famously skimpy robe, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. That famously skimpy robe would be in tatters, and my mouth would be all over you. Continue reading The Masseur Experiment

Sex Sounds: the result of Mona’s Experiment Experiment

A nude screamer making sex sounds on a tableThere is at least one glaring disadvantage to anonymously e-mailing sexual dares to a real-life acquaintance: when she comes back and blows your mind with her erotic mastery, you may find yourself unable to think of anything else for days on end.

I dared my wife’s friend Mona to get herself a dare from someone else. She ended up having mad sex with a handsome new friend…and letting another handsome friend listen in over the telephone. This just about drove me insane with lust. It has also restored my faith in the kinky sex lives of my acquaintances. As well as causing me to spend an inordinate amount of time contemplating what I might do say or do the next time I actually see Mona in public. So far I don’t have any ideas unlikely to end in catastrophe. So far my strategy is to maintain that perfect poker face and simply admire her in my mind. Poor strategy, if you ask me, but that’s what I’ve got so far. Continue reading Sex Sounds: the result of Mona’s Experiment Experiment

Sex (and phone sex): Mona’s response to her Experiment Experiment

A woman has phone sex while having sexDear Mr. X,

So you are getting pretty smart! You understand now that one Mr. X is not enough for Mona. No I need lots of Mr.X’s, maybe even one for every night of the week, all these mystery men wanting me and telling me filthy things to do.

You were right that sometimes your dares do not scare me at all, but believe me that sometimes they really do. It all just depends on my mood or the situation around me, but it is true that when I am horny, I am HORNY, baby, and I will do almost anything you can imagine. So it was a good idea to order me to get my dare from another man. In the heat of the moment, as they say. Continue reading Sex (and phone sex): Mona’s response to her Experiment Experiment

Mona’s Experiment Experiment

A busty nude prepares for an erotic experimentDear Delicious Mona,

I want you too. Your outrageous stripping in front of the man you picked up in that bar got me so excited that I didn’t know what to do with myself for several days. I wandered around the city muttering “I want you” to myself, imagining you locked in the words of your last experiment, speaking them to absolutely everyone who caught your eye, imagining you fucking strangers in mysterious rooms, imagining you wrapping your lips around the cock of that man you desired and let catch you stripping…and imagining your lips around mine, remembering my own glimpse of your tight curves as you stripped for me too. Continue reading Mona’s Experiment Experiment

Fuck Fantasies: the result of The Neighborly Experiment

A man touches a woman's mind to feel her fuck fantasiesMy wife was mildly propositioned by the neighbor (and his wife). It was her fantasy about this neighbor that inspired me to give her a first erotic dare over a year ago and opened the door to The Sex Experiment, which has given us both a new sense of sexual possibilities. I have also flirted with the specific erotic possibilities presented by the neighbors. We had them over for dinner one night, and we all flirted at least half as much as we drank. All of which has been a hell of a lot of fun – almost as much fun as I imagine fondling the neighbor’s wife’s fabulous tits would be. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife? Isn’t that the way the old commandment goes? Well I do, and you would too. Continue reading Fuck Fantasies: the result of The Neighborly Experiment