Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

Sex Experiment Relay: Round Two

Incredible legs set to run a sex experiment relayMost Eager and Excellent Readers,

We have a new winner in the first round of The Sex Experiment Relay, the second of our daring games on this site after The Group Sex Game. For those of you who have taken a moment to sign up for the site, there’s also some serious experimenting going on in a couple of our member groups: Your Experiments and the Photo Orgy. If you like sex experiments or naked photos or orgies, feel free to join us. If you don’t, well I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place. Continue reading Sex Experiment Relay: Round Two

Sex Experiment Relay: Round One, last chance

Just a perfect ass ready for a sex experimentDear Readers,

We’re playing a game called The Sex Experiment Relay, and here’s how it works:

1) I post an experiment.

2) You post your experimental results in the comments section, as well as a new experiment for the next round of experimenters to fulfill.

3) Once at least three people have completed the round’s experiment, I’ll choose one to repost as the next experiment for everyone to attack. I’ll also be taking guidance from readers in the comments section on what experimenter to choose from round to round.

4) Once we’ve had fun with this for a while and have quite a few “round winners” (some readers may win several rounds), we’ll start with eliminations, the rules of which I haven’t figured out yet. As always, I’m also happy to change the rules if someone dreams up better ones (and I do take bribes). Continue reading Sex Experiment Relay: Round One, last chance

Group Sex Game Ends – Sex Experiment Relay Begins

Classy woman ready for group sexThe Group Sex Game has a winner. You sent off your sex fantasies to strangers, you stripped for the camera, but only one of you rose to a more mathematical challenge of phone numbers. Her name is Tori, she is charming, she’s got a way with words, and she’s made me wish I were a cowboy. Congratulations, Tori! It was well-played and well-deserved, and when the storied history of The Sex Experiment is written decades from now, you will be its first competitive legend, the girl with the whole package, the one with the kind of charm that wins championships. Bravo! I hope you can hear the roar of the crowd from wherever you are.

And I know that the last time we heard from you, you were begging for more. I fear that you may be out there alone in the big leagues (while we amuse ourselves with slow-pitch softball), but the weather’s hot, vacation’s here, and sex is in the air – which seems to me the perfect conditions for a new game. I’m calling it the Sex Experiment Relay (hell, I’m on vacation, too), and here’s the concept: Continue reading Group Sex Game Ends – Sex Experiment Relay Begins

Group Sex Game: Round Three – Last Shot

Ass in fishnet ready for group sexFor those of you just tuning in: we had a round one of the Group Sex Game in which sixteen fearless readers suited up and posted their deepest, darkest fantasies to Craig’s List; nine of those competitors rose to the challenge of taking naked photos of themselves, for themselves, and I’ll leave the “rose” puns to you; and now I’m giving those nine another week to complete the challenge of the third round: getting a phone number from someone you find attractive, whether you intend to call the number or not.

A few competitors have documented their noble attempts in the comments section of the round three post, but the clock is winding down, the crowd is roaring, and next Thursday we’ll either have a winner or another round. Continue reading Group Sex Game: Round Three – Last Shot

Group Sex Game: Round Three

Hot ass prepared for group sexI promised a Third Round of the Group Sex Game this week. We lost quite a few nobly, horny souls in the Second Round. May they all continue on towards future sexual glories. Happily, though, there are nine competitors who have successfully completed both rounds and are still with us:  PoisonRaina, ForeignSexuality, Chris, Tori, wife10yearsin, UnpinnedStar, LadyfromParis, Willing Subject, and Sam T. Formidable contenders all.

A quick reminder of the rules of the game: Continue reading Group Sex Game: Round Three

Group Sex Game: Round Two

Nude woman longing for group sexThe first round of the Group Sex Game turned out even better than expected.  Sixteen formidable contenders threw their fantasies into the ring, and I like to think we all shared a collective orgasm. They were asked to share their dirtiest fantasies on Craig’s List, and for all I know they may still be rolling around in bed with new friends. So without further ado, here they are (with the initial links, some of which may now be broken): Continue reading Group Sex Game: Round Two

Group Sex Game: Round One

Woman in mask for a group sex orgy.Alice’s erotic adventures this week have only reaffirmed my belief in the vast untapped potential of the sex-crazed among you, by which I mean all of you, assuming you’re human and breathing. So in honor of your sex craziness I’m inaugurating a simple little game to keep the collective blood flowing. I’m calling it the Group Sex Game, and here’s how it works: Continue reading Group Sex Game: Round One

Fuck-Finger Fuck-Suck-Finger Fuck: Alice’s response to her Five Word Experiment

A naked woman throws back her head as she is finger fucked.There is news from Alice. I only wish you were all at sex café the afternoon she walked in with her notebook to fuck a stranger with her mind and write it all down for her five-word experiment. I imagine she was quite a sight. I also may have to follow through with that threat of a good spanking (if only!). Alice is obviously a rebel, and she has a hard time following orders. Which is just one of the things I like about her. She has a tendency to make every experiment her own. Not that she couldn’t use a little disciplining (and my mind idly wanders back to that spanking).

Anyway, she began by telling me about a current lover: Continue reading Fuck-Finger Fuck-Suck-Finger Fuck: Alice’s response to her Five Word Experiment

Sex Cafe: Alice’s Five Word Experiment

A sexy young woman puts her hand in her panties.Beware a woman with a mohawk fetish. Do everything in your power to get her into your bed, but beware. You’re in for a wild ride, particularly if her name is Alice – particularly if she’s shown a penchant for having her clit sucked by a girl in a tight purple dress in the bathroom of a booming club. I’d missed her. I’d had fantasies about her. Hadn’t you? Well, last week she sent me another e-mail. I sensed an emergency situation. I sensed a libido on the prowl. Naturally I wanted to help. Here’s her e-mail:

Mr. X,
The more I think about sex and have sex, the more people notice. I had to share a tent during a storm with a stranger. He slid his hand up my shirt, sliding it around my stomach. He put his leg over mine. I stretched against him, but because I was running on forty-five minutes of sleep, I went to sleep when he didn’t progress. I’m leaving this city in a few weeks. May I have an assignment to complete before I leave?


Alice Continue reading Sex Cafe: Alice’s Five Word Experiment

I am a sex toy: her response to The Sex Shop Experiment

A woman shows her ass beneath a drawer full of sex toys.Dear Mr. X,

Did you miss me? I missed you. I wanted to send a postcard, or a sex toy, but then I don’t have your address, do I? So instead I thought of you and walked into a sex shop.

My chance to meet your sex challenge finally came one day when my sister went shopping. I told her that I wanted to stay home and read, and the second she drove away I changed into some sexy clothes and flew out the door. A few days earlier I’d spotted a sex shop not far from her place, and as I walked my excitement over what I would find there was almost unbearable. I had butterflies in my belly and a slightly burning crotch (ever so slightly, but distinctly there), and I thanked you for making it so fun in my head. Continue reading I am a sex toy: her response to The Sex Shop Experiment