Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

Mirror Sex Mirror: the result of The Public Experiment

A woman with a great ass looks at herself in the mirrorSex is like any art in that when it’s really great it breaks routine, reveals hidden beauty, and extends our sense of ourselves. Great art succeeds in creating something new, in a new way, from a new perspective. Great sex is the same. It needs variety, innovation, audacity, but it is sometimes difficult to find the will to inject those qualities into our daily lives. We need change, we need change in sex, we need other bodies with other predilections, but sometimes just changing the atmosphere will bring about some of that change we seek.

Long story short: my wife and I have been fucking our way across Europe. We’ve been keeping fellow hotel guests up late. We’ve been having fantasies in languages we hardly speak. We’ve been rutting around in strange neighborhoods. Continue reading Mirror Sex Mirror: the result of The Public Experiment

Sexy Spanish Dancers: her response to The Public Experiment

Two beautiful girls dance and flash as a couple does some hand fucking.Dear Dastardly X,

My husband and I rarely go out to clubs or discotheques together. Occasionally he’ll go out with friends to drink and look at the girls wiggle, but neither of us particularly loves dancing, and I’ve never been a four-in-the-morning kind of girl. But when it’s August in Barcelona, where we’ve been this past week, four in the morning just means a late dinner and a nightcap. The parties go till noon and then they start again, so one midnight we decided to find some sexy place. A friend had recommended a club near the Barrio Gotico, where we were staying, but when we got there the place was still empty. The waiter assured us that it would be filling up soon, so we chose a table in the corner as far away from the dance floor as possible. The music was good – not too loud, not too trendy – and we ordered a bottle of wine. Continue reading Sexy Spanish Dancers: her response to The Public Experiment

The Public Experiment

A hot wife with great legs prepares to have sex in public.Dear Little Showoff,

After the brazen way you last showed off your naked body to that lucky neighbor of yours, is it any wonder that I’m seriously contemplating making an appointment with one of our local real estate agents to see if there might be another apartment free in the building? I make a charming dinner companion, I promise – always appreciative of my hostess. And I happen to be a great lover of artistic photography – I guess you could call me a collector. So really, what could be more perfect? We could knock on each others’ doors in search of understocked kitchen supplies…share wifi…have neighborly orgies. You know: everything you look for in an investment property. Yes, I think I’ll head down to that real estate office this afternoon. Continue reading The Public Experiment

Getting Close to Santa Ana: the delayed result for The Taxi Experiment

A naked couple has taxi sex.My wife and I both have a taxi sex fantasy. We’ve never talked about it, but she’s dared my friend Mr. X to lure his wife or girlfriend into the back seat of one, and Mr. X has written to her with a four-wheeled fantasy of his own. Tragically for us both, my wife has a car (although she’ll occasionally take the bus) and I have a bike. Are you caught up now? Cursing countless missed opportunities like me? Well that’s why you go on vacation – for the taxis.

Madrid would have hundreds of them, I suspected, white SEATs, Audis and Peugeots zipping through crowds of drunk Spaniards at all hours of the night (also we have friends there and had decided to stop off for a couple of days – insignificant facts compared to those zipping taxis). Plus, with the sexual revolution still swinging in Spain 35 years after Franco, surely taxi drivers got an eyeful all the time. Hell, I’d been getting an eyeful all afternoon as we’d strolled through the Parque del Buen Retiro after some Velezquez in the Prado. It was sunny and hot and more than a few bikini tops had taken wing to land off in the grass next to the beach towels of bathing lovelies. As for the flocks of miniskirts twitching past, I figured Madrid must have ateliers every block or so, like hair salons, where they painted them straight onto pert Spanish asses so that foreign observers could study the Iberian anatomy without the obstruction of actual clothing. Ah, Spain. I was horny. Continue reading Getting Close to Santa Ana: the delayed result for The Taxi Experiment

His wife, my wife: the result of The Dinner Experiment

A woman showing her tits and smoking a cigarette at dinnerDinner with the neighbors. Dinner with a  man who has made my wife “puddle” as she thought of him while sunbathing naked on our balcony, which I know from reading an excerpt of a diary on her computer. I believe myself when I say that this moment of weakness was uncharacteristic, and I do still regret it, even if that moment of weakness has been compensated by the great moments we’ve had since. I think of her face thrown back in an orgasmic scream (lucky neighbors). I think of her laughter once we’re back on earth and sharing in the story of the planets we’ve just visited. We’re having fun. Continue reading His wife, my wife: the result of The Dinner Experiment

Me Nude: her response to The Dinner Experiment

Me nude by a bookcaseLet me give your photographic mind something to click at. The sexy artist gave me a half dozen of the photographs he took in black and white. They were beautiful, and he says he’s using them in his show, but in most of them you wouldn’t recognize me. In those where I posed behind the glass, you only see the outline of my body, and in others he’s covered me with digital layers so that I look veiled from head to toe, with only a hint of me beneath. There are two, though, that I really like. They were taken at the end of the session when he just asked me to play, and when I got to feeling, well, a little horny. You know that I’m-naked-and-an-attractive-man-is-circling-around-me feeling? That’s the feeling I mean. Continue reading Me Nude: her response to The Dinner Experiment

The Dinner Experiment

A nude wife after dinner sex.Good scientific method means that occasionally your experiments are going to be a failure. The results will sometimes surprise you, and your theories may be overturned. It’s these unforeseen consequences that make experimentation, particularly sexual experimentation, worthy of some healthy obsession. I’ve written about this before, but I was reminded of these thoughts this week after I received an e-mail from a devoted reader who had tried a couple of the wife’s experiments herself…with not entirely satisfying results. I replied that experimenting itself is its own victory, and that I hoped she’d keep at it. Continue reading The Dinner Experiment

Licking Pussy–That is All: the result of The Bus Experiment

Licking pussy.I’ll call it a vagina and probe it by the book. I’ll call it a cunt and tongue deep till I’m buried. Call it a vulva, it’s a fruit, a peach. A muff: I’ll be young and grateful and eager to please. And pussy, oh pussy: you’ll make me into a green-eyed cat.

She’d shaved it bare, making it like she likes it the best. She’d worn nothing under her skirt, and she’d boarded a bus to be fondled. Then she got home, and she was pressing it into my hip, an insistent mound of flesh, her eyes unfocused with lust. In these situations you quickly discover that beneath that skirt she’s not wearing underwear. I got rid of the skirt and got her down on the bed. She squirmed like a woman possessed by demons, but I held her still until the demon leapt from her into my tongue. Continue reading Licking Pussy–That is All: the result of The Bus Experiment

Shaven pussy, wandering newspaper: her response to The Bus Experiment

A wife with a shaven pussy is groped on a bus.

Dear Mr. X,

I love shaving my pussy.

Isn’t that a good start? I love the cool feel of shaving cream on my pussy, and the slight tingling of the magic herbal formula, or whatever it is. I love the twinge of fear I feel when I put the blade to my skin – it always leaves me breathless for a moment. And then I love sliding my free fingers over the folds of skin there, and spreading the skin for the blade. Then, with every swoop of the razor, I see some other pussy slowly revealed, pale and bare and lickable. How did you guess that this is one of my ultimate turn-ons? Have you taken up residence in my libido, Mr. X (it’s quite spacious, so don’t get lost wandering from room to room)? I mean, shaving my pussy turns me on so much that I’ve sometimes asked my husband to watch me doing it. You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve always found him to be suitably observant. Now, when I get the chance, I like to watch him shaving his face in the mirror in the morning. This never fails to get me wet. Razors are like sex toys for me. It’s just one of those things. Continue reading Shaven pussy, wandering newspaper: her response to The Bus Experiment

The Bus Experiment

A busty superheroine boards a trainDear Magnificently Misbehaving Mistress,

What are we going to do with you? Part of me hopes that I’ve restored erotic order and that you’ll have remembered that you have a normal human name, but that I am Mr. X. A bigger part of me hopes that you will be as rebellious as ever and continue making chaos out of order. Most of me wants to see you in ever-intensifying situations, wants to push your limits, wants to see you repeatedly transformed. I intend to show no mercy, my captivating one. I intend to lust after you more fervently than ever, even if from a distance, and I intend to dare you towards new lusts. Do you understand? You want me to repeat it? How about a little spank? Enough of the questions. I just hope you’re smiling.

So it’s transportation that turns you on…. I can do transportation, but if you’re going to do transportation (apart from an eventual rendezvous in a taxi, whose story I await with relish), I want you to make it public transportation. You’ve proven to be quite the little exhibitionist, after all, and so I thought I’d oblige. Continue reading The Bus Experiment