Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

Orgy Tits Video: her response to The Pornography Experiment

A naked wife on a couch dreams of an orgy, tits, and erotic sex.Dear X,

Actually I’m not a huge watcher of pornography. Sometimes in the late afternoon (that’s my horny time, in case you hadn’t figured it out) I’ll surf around a bit till I get sopping wet. After a while, though, I’ll bang on my hubby’s office door and declare an emergency. We have watched porn together before, though. I’ve forced him to keep his eyes on the screen as I’ve sucked his cock, and then vice versa. Usually it’s the human contact I like, but sometimes there’s nothing hotter than simply using each other for a bit. Continue reading Orgy Tits Video: her response to The Pornography Experiment

The Pornography Experiment

A woman reveals a beautiful breast in a pornography experimentDear Greedy One,

I like a little experimenter who goes above and beyond the call of duty. You definitely get a gold star for extending your experiment to include your husband’s cock (couldn’t you have extended it a little further in my direction?). So why don’t you stay after class today in order to discuss your extraordinary progress? That’s right. Go ahead and shut the door.

What’s that? You can’t stay? Then I’m laying some serious homework on you, naughty girl, and I’ll expect it on my desk first thing in the morning. At which point I hope you’ll shut that door. Continue reading The Pornography Experiment

I married a flasher: the result of The Sex Confessional Experiment

A beautiful flasher shows a great assBeing Mr. X has its advantages, but then so does being my wife’s husband. As Mr. X I knew all about my wife’s (near) flashing in our local café, and I knew she was out confessing some of this to a friend (likely Mona, I knew). But when she returned home and told me herself, in person, that she had once gone without panties or bra in her café, I was unexpectedly overcome with excitement. This was my wife, standing right there in front of me, revealing a sexy secret, without the distance of an e-mail. I was instantly hard at the thought of her tempting fate without underwear, even though I had thought of that exact scene many times before. Hearing the flasher story straight from her, and having her reveal the “secret”, was a powerful aphrodisiac. Continue reading I married a flasher: the result of The Sex Confessional Experiment

True Sex Stories: her response to The Sex Confessional Experiment

Two women show their pretty legs and share true sex stories with each otherDear Holy Father X,

I confess everything. So what’s my punishment? Will you spank me? We force me to do even dirtier things to make up for all the dirty things I’ve done? Sort of like community service, if you know what I mean (I think that should be clear)? I hope so.

When I got your challenge, my first thought was that there were a surprising number of people who I would be willing to tell about my recent sex stories. I’m not exactly the shrinking violet type, if you know what I mean. So there was my husband, and I considered this possibility for about a day. I honestly think he would get a kick out of what we’ve been up to, but in the end I decided not to mess with how the game’s been played so far. He’s been enjoying its benefits as much as me, after all. So don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, or something like that. Continue reading True Sex Stories: her response to The Sex Confessional Experiment

The Sex Confessional Experiment

Two sexy women in bikinis make a sex confession to each other.Dear Dreamer,

Oh, you’ve been a bad girl. I really can’t emphasize that enough. Not that I expected anything else. Will you believe me if I say that I was even unsurprised to discover that one of your most insistent fantasy objects is a woman. You’ve mentioned your appreciation of the feminine form before, and then you’re becoming more open-minded by the month. So join the club: our membership is approximately half the world’s population, and we fantasize incessantly about naked women. It’s a blessing and a curse, my dear, but once you’re in the club you can never get out. You’re made. Great tits will distract you forever. Alas. Continue reading The Sex Confessional Experiment

Fantasy Girl: her response to The E-mail Experiment

Two fantasy girls with perfect legs walk hand in handDear X,

This was a tough one. With most of your experiments I feel like a spy. The people in my ordinary life – okay, it’s not that ordinary – would never suspect that I’m also a secret agent who does sexy dares in her free time. Even when you had me strip naked in that changing room, the odds were incredibly slim that anyone in my ordinary life would catch me at it (not that it would have mattered if they had). But writing a fantasy e-mail to someone I actually knew was different. I’m not a particular tech whiz, and I was nervous that in sending the e-mail I might accidently reveal my identity. I felt incredibly awkward and (believe it or not) shy. Do you think I might be becoming innocent again? That was a joke. Continue reading Fantasy Girl: her response to The E-mail Experiment

The E-mail Experiment

A naked wife dreaming of email sex.Señora,

Well you are a dirty little thing. Your success with our last experiment turned me on to such an extreme that I have to admit I reached for my own zipper and came as hard as your husband did in the dance club. You are, admittedly, a formidable woman: you stroke one cock and two men come. Savor that thought for a moment. I know I will.

I also have the feeling that you are becoming more sexually daring with every experiment. Will I be able to keep up with you and keep you interested? I have no idea. But from the brazen way you’re using words that drive me wild, it seems clear you’re getting closer to the heart of Fuck. Do you know the place? It’s not on any maps, but it’s a place just made for you, and I have no doubts you’ll recognize it when you arrive. Continue reading The E-mail Experiment

Voyeur Stories: a reader’s menage a trois

Naked bodies in a sexy menage a troisThe good news is that I heard back from the elusive Grimm Perrault yesterday. The other good news is that I may never be the same again. She’s got me feeling downright virginal and in need of some serious kink to sully my perfect innocence, my bleached-out purity. Wow. You thought you knew a menage a trois? You didn’t know a menage a trois. Again, wow. And now instead of filling a page with Wow‘s, I’ll leave you to her: Continue reading Voyeur Stories: a reader’s menage a trois

Voyeur Stories: a reader flirts with Girl Girl Boy

Sexy girl girl boyDear Mr. X,

Things are taking interesting turns, in your life and mine. Last Friday I met an ex with whom I am on friendly and slightly cheeky terms. He told me about his current affair and commented in his self-deprecating humor that women had become his hobby but he wouldn’t be able to approach them without the Internet. That piqued my interest, and the next morning I set up a profile on this website. My profile picture was almost demure: just a part of my face, my fingers covering a beauty spot and a bit of my clothed shoulder. My text was also very specific and maybe a bit aloof, but purposefully so in order to put off certain types. Continue reading Voyeur Stories: a reader flirts with Girl Girl Boy

Voyeur Stories: a reader writes in

A woman with sexy legs confronts a voyeurA couple of months ago I received an exciting e-mail from an unknown reader:

Dear X,

I recently found your blog, and I must say that it is the hottest thing I have read in a long time. I have been feeling extremely horny these last days. Three weeks ago I split up with my fiancé after falling in love with someone who lives thousands of miles away. I will call him Mr. L. This leads to some sexual frustration, as you can imagine. But I am a very sexual person and that doesn’t go unnoticed. Former lovers keep knocking at my door, some blatantly, some less so. Yesterday, as I had just begun reading your blog, an equally distant former lover, whom I had promised a “show”, approached me via video chat. It was in the middle of the afternoon here, late morning there, and he was still in bed…stroking his cock. Continue reading Voyeur Stories: a reader writes in