Category Archives: The Sex Experiment

Mona’s Sex Fantasy Experiment

A naked woman on a bed having a sex fantasyI have admittedly been spending a good portion of time fondly recalling images of Mona’s body. Can you blame me? As I wrote when she first approached me: yes, I’ve had several women write in asking for sexual dares, and the results have often been fantastic, but actually knowing the woman has changed the game dramatically (of course I know my wife, but this blog was specifically founded on the idea of inserting more adventure into our lives). There are advantages to this, to put it mildly: I get to see Mona standing naked on a balcony, for instance. Yes, the possibilities are overwhelming, but I’ve also come to realize that if this is going to be anything but a disaster, I’m probably going to have to stay as completely anonymous (and distant) with Mona as I have with my wife. What does that mean? Likely no more balcony scenes anytime soon. I’ll be a good dirty Mr. X and propose adventures from behind a computer screen. I’ll discover my own adventures away from that connection.

So what to do with Mona? She seems eager to do absolutely anything, so I figured I’d start her off with a sex fantasy, as I did one of the first readers who wrote in: Lisa. To my mind that experiment was a big success, not only because of Lisa’s daring, but because it allowed me to see into her fantasy mind and understand what made her tick. And if Mona and I are going to become anonymous friends, that’s a secret understanding I could use. So I wrote her a letter not unlike the one I once wrote Lisa: Continue reading Mona’s Sex Fantasy Experiment

The Known Experiment: Erotica Available Now

The erotic novel The Known Experiment, the hottest erotica of the year.First of all, I can’t even begin to describe what’s going on in there. Illicit messages…photo dares…virtual three-ways…pirate fantasies. By ”in there” I of course mean in The Sex Experiment social network, which was inaugurated just over a month ago as a new way to meet friends, dare strangers, admit fantasies, share photos, and talk dirty. The results of this experiment have exceeded my wildest dreams (and my dreams do tend to run wild). In the Your Fantasies Group, you’re thrusting yourselves into each other’s dreams with abandon. You’re taking it all off in the Photo Orgy Group. And a whole lot of you are reading new erotic novel, The Known Experiment. If you haven’t joined us yet, now’s the time to do it. Continue reading The Known Experiment: Erotica Available Now

Talking Dirty: the result of The Phone Sex Experiment

A couple fucking in a 69 while talking dirtyWe’re in bed, we’re naked. My cock is hard and slipping up through her slick, split lips. I’m teasing her, refusing to enter, like a boat shallowly parting waters. I want her to beg. I want to hear her talking dirty in the way I know she’s been preparing to talk dirty.

“Christ please just fuck me please!

My tongue is at her nipples, teasing, and then it’s at her ear, flicking, whispering. “I’m not giving you enough? Huh? Maybe you should find a lover to give you all you need.”

The rhythm is broken almost imperceptibly: “You’d like that?”

“I’d love that. That would turn me on.”

“And you’d watch, wouldn’t you?” Her crotch arches up hard into mine.

“If there was something to see,” I say coolly. Continue reading Talking Dirty: the result of The Phone Sex Experiment

Talk dirty to me: her response to The Phone Sex Experiment

A woman shows her beautiful legs on a park benchDearest X,

Sorry I took so long to respond. Sometimes you’ll refer to our dares as experiments, and that’s exactly what this dare felt like. I’m not exactly a tech whiz, pal, so if your next challenge is to build a vibrator from scratch using common household items, then count me out. Send that one straight over to my husband if you like. He could probably build you a sex robot, but then you wouldn’t have much need for your little robot me, so don’t count on me passing along his e-mail address anytime soon. Continue reading Talk dirty to me: her response to The Phone Sex Experiment

The Phone Sex Experiment

A woman in lingerie has phone sex on the bed.Pinup Girl,

I’m such an easy grader. You take nude photos of yourself for an assignment, you don’t send me a single one as proof of your work, and I give you an A+ anyway. Am I losing my touch? Have you become too cool for school? Do you need to be severely reprimanded? Disciplined? Spanked?

Maybe you just need to talk to someone about that attitude of yours. I believe they have hotlines for this sort of thing. In your case, however, I want you to be the hotline. Here’s what I mean: I want you to go to the Craig’s List site and choose any American city. Under ‘Casual Encounters’, I want you to post an advertisement for “Free Phone Sex”. Make the ad as enticing as possible, and try to frame it so that you’ll get “clients” with fetishes you wouldn’t mind discussing in a breathy voice. Include hours at which you can be contacted and include your new phone number (more on this below). I have authenticated a Craig’s List account for you with this e-mail – [e-mail] – and this password – [password]. You’ll need to log in before posting, and in your post I’d advise putting a dash between each digit in your number – posts with phone numbers tend to get taken down. Continue reading The Phone Sex Experiment

Vazoom: Mona’s response to The Mona Experiment

A woman in a bikini shows one breast and a bit of her vazoomDear Mr. X,

You really really turned me on! I like a man who knows what he wants and tells me exactly how he is going to get it. Usually I am the most confident person in a bar, but if someone even slightly attractive has the balls to come at me with even more confidence, then I am probably taking him home. Your e-mail made me wet! I took off my clothes and read it again and fingered my vazoom till I came. I keep it shaven to just a strip of hair, but then you’re a stalker so you know that. Please also know that I like coming quickly and often. Something to remember if you ever dream up other dares for me. Continue reading Vazoom: Mona’s response to The Mona Experiment

Friends with benefits: the result of The Mona Experiment

A woman nude in a doorway waiting for friends with benefitsWithin hours, Mona had responded to my erotic dare to strip in front of a window. Even though it was Mona, I was still surprised to see her name in my inbox (as ‘Simone”, which she’s calling herself, although I’ll call her by the pseudonym my wife originally gave her). My e-mail had been calculated to scare her off. Or to reap particularly spectacular rewards. Here’s what she wrote: Continue reading Friends with benefits: the result of The Mona Experiment

The Mona Experiment

Friends of my wife are naked from behindSo I’ve got a new pen pal, and you know how much I like pen pals. Many women have written into this blog asking for their own dares, and I’ve been quite happy to oblige, particularly when I’ve seen their impressive results (Lisa, Queen Green, Alice, Grimm Perrault, etc.). There have also been quite a few others who contacted me, then lost their nerve or the free time to devote themselves to a sexual adventure (insert outraged commentary about the modern condition here), but then anyone who writes me a sexy e-mail talking of erotic possibilities invariably earns my undying respect.

This one is different, however. I know her. She’s one of my wife’s friends, and I have spent serious mental effort calculating the geometry of her tits. What could possibly go right, you say? Fair enough, but I choose to look at the problem from another angle, specifically 180 degrees from your angle: what could possibly go wrong? Yes, dear reader, I’m putting my faith in the power of anonymous e-mails. I’m choosing to believe in X to the Xth power, which (although my math is rusty) might well be infinity. Infinite lusty adventure, reader. What’s not to like? Continue reading The Mona Experiment

The Known Experiment

The erotic novel The Known Experiment, the hottest erotica of the year.I love sex, and I love to write, but until I decided to put up this blog, I had never specifically written about sex. Turns out I enjoy it. Yes, it turns out that I’ve immensely enjoyed the new sexual adventures my wife and I have had because of this blog (surprise, surprise), but writing about those adventures and publishing them for you to read has been almost as exciting. We’ve been daring – she much more than I – but our adventures must be fit into the patterns of our lives. And while it’s true that I often find myself feeling like a fictional character when I “play” Mr. X, I’ve found myself wanting to create more characters and to arrange them in even more unbridled erotic configurations. So I started playing around with fiction…and now I’ve got a book. Here’s a summary: Continue reading The Known Experiment

Click Click Sex: the result of The Pornography Experiment

Beautiful legs in stockingsI caught my wife looking at porn. I knew I would catch her looking at porn because I have an alter-ego named Mr. X who had told me so. He’s like Superman to my everyday Clark Kent, but despite all the nifty tricks a superhero has at his disposal, Clark Kent has at least one advantage over his super version: he’s still awed by a naked woman, and if he’s lucky he can take her to bed. So let me readjust my spectacles and tweak my f-stops and apertures. A naked woman is laid out in front of me posing for my camera. She happens to be my wife, and she happens to be as horny as hell. Continue reading Click Click Sex: the result of The Pornography Experiment