
  • foxmask75 posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 13 years ago

    I am trying to break out of my hum drum life. I have lots of fanasties: one of my favorite is sleeping with a married woman. I would love to know that the husband would know full well about it… and would not approve. Kinda of complex I know but any part of that would be good.

    • In this fantasy, does the husband know and disagree but is “whipped” and cannot stop her? Does he derive some sexual pleasure from the transgressions of his wife but hate it all the same?

      • as far as the husband is concern this relationship would be concerned, the husband would be fully aware of the goings on… either too weak or so “whipped” that the he sees his wife happy and would derive some pleasure in this game.
        She on the other hand, she would totally be a newbie at this but wanting this so much cause her husband has just given up on her, that she will do ANYTHING I want, for even the little bit of attendtion.

      • I have been thinking about this since I wrote it. I would in this for the playing and the sending back and forth of messages, text emails pictures and not so secret meetings.

        • I think the premise is interesting, a non-married man (yourself I presume) wants to be with a married woman but not in some discrete affair, but in some not so secret relationship. Lots of power dynamic at work here. I assume you are familiar with “cuckolding” and the role of “bulls” (the role you would like to play) . If not look into it, very interesting genre indeed. Love to understand what it is that you find to be such a turn on about it – the desperate adoration of the wife in need, the humiliation of the husband, the “I can do whatever the fuck I want” freedom afforded your role.

          • I immediately thought cuckold when I first read this fantasy. It’s interesting as you have a husband who might find out about his wife’s extramarital affairs and be upset by it, but, as foxmask said, sees his wife happy. Of course, we want to see those we love happy, and it’s interesting to think of the internal struggle of a husband who is angry about his wife’s actions but in some respect happy for her and getting some pleasure from it because of her happiness.

            • I have never understood the whole cuckold fetish but for reasons I dont want to go into I come into contact with a lot of men who have this fantasy and in fact, my own partner has a variation of it himself. I havent really ever divulged him, at least not in a sexually mature womanlike way (we have been together a long time!). I do often entertain his fantasy verbally but am worried about the real life consequences should I ever decide to entertain him in the physical. Interesting that the fetish should exist from the other side as I had never really considered single men with, what is in effect, a fetish for power over another man. Interesting indeed…..

              • I have been looking into that as well. It seems too voilent to me. The thrill for me would be that I would chosen over the person she had wanted to be with. He would not be present during these episodes.. but he would have some sort of awareness of it. I have talked to other woman (married) and the opinion was that they wouldn’t spend time hiding it… but they wouldn’t rub it his face either… my problem is that my ideas are rather specific so I would have to tailor these complex situations to go exactly how I saw them… never happens like that. It is more about the female doing something she is umcomfortable with it… but

                • She does it because she wants the experince.. and enjoys. I do have a lot of hate for husbands.. but this fantasy started before that… it has more to do with corruption than anything else I think.

                  • Can I ask why you have hate for husbands? Are there particular ones you have hatred for or is it only a specific type? Perhaps it is the constitution of Marriage you are agaisnt? So you enjoy the challenge of corrupting a taken woman…..the plot thickens…. đŸ˜‰

                    • Well. this is going to be a long post. so what interest me about this whole thing was when I was just out of college I meant this girl, we will call her L. L and me hit it off pretty quickly. We somehow got on the subject that her husband was a panty waste in her eyes and she had always wanted for them to be wild. She look at me, and told me pretty much I was her to do with as I pleased from that point on. We had a lot of fun and she showed the proper amount of reluctance to new things. We both where photographers and I told her that one day she was going to have let me pictures of her doing something for me. We went to the park and found a nice spot.. and she asked me what. I amazed even myself when I asked her to wet herself as I took pictures. She blushed but did it. That is when things changed for us. Okay… the rest story is that she apparently went a little overboard and saw me as her master. Calling me up and asking me if she pee, telling me that she would keep the doors unlocked so I could “sneak” in and make love to her. That was the end for me … I never wanted to be anyone’s master .. still don’t. I don’t want to be anyone’s commander. I have spent time enough time in the Bdsm communtity to know that I don’t want to be a dom or a sub… I don’t want to be a bull or command anyone. I do want control and I do want an active follower. As for the “hating the husbands” … I really hate the alpha males who are messing around and while they are out messing calling there wives to make sure they aren’t messing around as well.. it doesn’t make much sense as I try to explain it.

                    • As for the constitution of Marriage. I don’t know. I have seen it work. I have seen it bad. I am sure some people have a good time. I am not about ruining a good one. I am not about making a good man suffer nor am I about replacing him. I am not about making a good woman do bad things. I am however be there to have some fun whether I have one or two adults in for it.

                      • Your fantasy oddly reminds me of a Pulp song (or most of them, really). I had this weird simultaneous feeling of dread as well as fantasy about one of my exes coming out of the woodwork after I’ve settled down with a stable, if sexually dull man. The old flame and I make small talk over coffee, but somehow end up back at his hotel and begin a mutually self-destructive sexual relationship. He’ll text me and tell me to go the rest of the day without panties. I’ll call him and tell him to jerk off in his bathroom at work. We meet and fuck wherever we can, but I expressly forbid him against ever trying to meet me where I dwell… a prohibition which he of course violates, culminating with us getting caught going at it in the front room (much like that Pulp song).

                        • I like where you head is at. maybe you understand more than i do. but you have Nailed it.