Tag Archives: The International Public Sex Experiment

Better than a Movie: CC’s Public Sex Experiment

0008CC is a bold young woman living in Los Angeles. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.

Dearest Mr. X,

I do so love the little games we play. I’m enjoying them so much that I fear I’ve become a bit addicted to the thrill. Not knowing what you will challenge me with is so exciting. This particular dare took some time to arrange, because I had to seduce my partner. It was well worth the wait, though.

Having sex in public has always been a fantasy. I’ve had various trysts over the years in swimming pools at night, and in parked cars, but I’ve never truly had sex out in the open. I just wasn’t daring enough to do something that might get me in trouble. For all of my desires, I’m a fairly straight-laced kind of person, and I’ll admit this to you – I’m easily embarrassed. I decided for this challenge that I would do something that a lot of people have done – a rite of passage that I never made when I was a teenager.  Continue reading Better than a Movie: CC’s Public Sex Experiment

Sex on the Seine: SS’s Public Sex Experiment

0001Sweet Soumise is an adventurous young woman living in Paris. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.


Dear Mr. X,

“Somebody’s got to come.” I’ve had this sentence in my head since you sent me your dare. I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make this happen. You know when it comes to a sexy challenge I’m always game, but this time I was up against some serious logistics!

I wanted to do this with my husband. My other partners have not been in the picture for some time now, but even if they had been, I expressly wanted to share a moment with the man who has been so open about my experimentation. Also, he has been gone for work a lot, and I just wanted some time with him. At first I considered meeting him at work for lunch (something I never do) and then finding a secluded place to seduce him before sending him back to his office! But he was too busy, and I wasn’t sure I could make this work in broad daylight with Parisians milling about everywhere, not to mention all the tourists. Though I suppose that would have given them a hell of a story to share back home! Continue reading Sex on the Seine: SS’s Public Sex Experiment

The International Public Sex Experiment

0003This is part of of our series of erotic dares with extraordinary women all over the globe. Readers Sweet Soumise in Paris and CC in Los Angeles have each asked for a monthly dare, and we’re posting their responses on Fridays throughout the month. Want to join the experiment? Just write Mr. X with your results. We dare you.

This month’s dare is based on The Public Experiment.


Dear Little Exhibitionist,

With the brazen way you’ve been showing off your naked body, one of my most persistent fantasies has been seeing you naked for myself. But if that’s not going to happen for me, I’d hate to deny that pleasure to the rest of the world. So this month, ­I’d like you to lead ­a man (your choice) out into public somewhere, under sun or moon, with a mutual lust needing mutual quenching. Quick definition reminder: “public” means a place where other people might possibly chance upon you. How public is entirely up to you, but naturally it can’t be one of your habitual places for fucking. Choose wisely, because fucking this lucky man is what I want you to do once you’re out in public – although like a former American president, I won’t get hung up on how you define that. What I will insist upon, my bared queen, is that whether it’s reached via mouth, pussy, cock, hand, etc., the “sex” ends in orgasm. That will guarantee that whatever you’ve been doing, no matter how much clothing you’re wearing, or how hidden you are, it was most definitely sex. Yep. Somebody’s got to come. Continue reading The International Public Sex Experiment

What the Doctor Ordered: CC’s Public Sex Experiment

0002CC is a bold young woman living in Los Angeles. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.

Dearest Mr. X,

Your challenges are so delicious. This month you dared me to orgasm in a public place. So many scenarios ran through my head. I briefly considered doing it in a parking lot, my school library, and my favorite coffee shop. Yet none of these were special. For me, it wasn’t enough to just complete the dare – I wanted to do something crazy. Continue reading What the Doctor Ordered: CC’s Public Sex Experiment

Babylon: SS’s Public Sex Experiment

0007Sweet Soumise is an adventurous young woman living in Paris. She wrote in asking for a monthly dare, and here’s her response to her most recent experiment from Mr. X.

Dear Mr. X,

Your latest dare has proven to be quite the challenge! Throughout the holidays I’ve been constantly surrounded by people, none of whom I was about to get naughty in front of. And of course, I had to be careful about how public the place was: while I enjoy your dares very much, I don’t want to get arrested over them! But after a recent stroll in the Jardin du Luxembourg, I was walking through the 6th arrondissement when a slow, sultry feeling washed over me. I’ve noticed since taking up your dares that I am generally more open, both physically and otherwise. Others have picked up on this, too. There are more held glances, as well as more salacious thoughts, and more experiences I never thought I’d have. But I’m getting ahead of myself…  Continue reading Babylon: SS’s Public Sex Experiment

The International Public Sex Experiment

0020We’ve begun a new series of dares with extraordinary women all over the globe. Readers Sweet Soumise in Paris and CC in Los Angeles have each asked for a monthly dare, and we’re posting their responses on Fridays throughout the month. Want to join the experiment? Just write Mr. X with your results. We dare you.

Dear Daring One,

I knew you were lusty, but the lustiness of your fantasy [SS] [CC] took me by surprise. Needless to say, it was a pleasant surprise. Your brain, at least, has proven to be so extremely willing that I’m tempted to dare you to run out into the streets and fuck the world. But let’s take our time, shall we? Let’s enjoy ourselves…. In public. Continue reading The International Public Sex Experiment