• laxhoorah posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago

    I would love to have Skype sex with a dominating woman. Both of us covering who we really are but with her calling the shots and telling me what she wants.

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 4 months ago

    Not exactly an experiment, but this seems like it would be the best place for it, so a question for all of you. I’m a virgin (as you might know if you’ve seen some of my other posts). I’ve read a lot online, and from what I’ve read it seems that guys tend to orgasm before their partners more often than not (hence the tips to ‘distract’ yourself…[Read more]

    • Stressing about that kind of thing for your first time, will kill any enjoyment you will get from the experience. You always remember your first time, and if it was a horror story, you set yourself up for failure for a long time to come. I’ve had guys that were done before they even got in, I’ve had guys go for three hours and still not be done.…[Read more]

      • Great sex is not an isolated event; it is a continuous work-in-progress. Start the “work” when you meet her and you know you are interested. Each communication, each interaction, each date should be part of the the seductive work-in-progress. Mr. X has detailed how to do this very well; read up. Keep making her hot. When you finally get to…[Read more]

      • Good advice from the ladies, here. We all do incredibly embarrassing things – the charm comes from laughing about it.

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 4 months ago

    I’m a single mother, who gets Experimental with herself from time to time. I choose not to have a partner at the moment, but there are some days where I would love to feel teeth on the side of my neck… a tongue on the line where my toes meet the soles of my feet…. but I digress. 🙂

    My experiment lately has been to see how far I can push…[Read more]

    • Love this description. I’m vividly picturing you buzzing down the aisles of the supermarket like a horny bumblebee and will be very eager to see where that Magic Bus(driver) might take you. Well done.

      • With the bus driver, I’m not sure how far I will go. He’s on my route quite a bit, and if he totally rejects me, then it will be awkward for both of us when he pulls up and I have to get on the bus. I want to give him the poem I wrote, but anonymously so that if I don’t hear from him via the email I set up with no names, then all he knows is the…[Read more]

    • Thank you for sharing this… The part that I always find amazing is the notion that ones sexuality is such a real thing and there are endless ways that it can be expressed (both in real life and through fantasy). It is courageous to put yourself out there and admit how you are sexual and hopefully you will find it empowering to know that there…[Read more]

      • Agree with everything here, and especially the idea that everywhere you look, everywhere you turn, there are strangers as sexually obsessed in the moment as I am.

      • Thank you so much James! Yes, I love experimenting by myself, mainly because no man has ever finished what he started. If you tell them that, they get all huffy, and have even had one say to me “are you done yet?”. So if I was going to be with someone, I’d either get done myself before they arrive, or wait till they were asleep and go off by…[Read more]

        • I know very little about sext messages, but I find the notion of you “prank” sexting both as an exhibitionist and as a way to actually engage with someone as incredibly creative and incredibly sexy. Talk about brightening up someones day like you wouldn’t believe!

          • Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But before I send the text out, I like to be at least ninety-five percent sure it will go to a man, which is why I use the phone book and choose tradesmen. There was one guy who played for a while, was lovely getting sext messages while I was down at the mall, or in the movies! And no, before you ask.…[Read more]

  • Mr.Oath posted an update in the group Group logo of Pickup LinesPickup Lines 12 years, 4 months ago

    Hmmm… As soon I find out that the attractive young lady Im shamelessly flirting with happens to be a slight bit… Kinky, I never fail to light up and ask with a wink: Well, care to play with me?

    Its my favorite question in the history of half-blurted flirty questions I’ve asked.

    And some ladies say yes.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 4 months ago

    Right now, I am fantasizing about meeting my fiancee’s parents and discovering I had an introductory sexual relationship with his father when I was younger.

    • Wow. Very kinky. Would love to read about that one taken further.

      • My fiancee’s father was one of professors during my freshman year in college. I was a virgin and had a passionate love affair with him. Now ten years later, reuniting with him, as his son’s soon-to-be wife, the attraction is still there. I fantasize starting another affair with him, and continuing after the wedding.

        • Well, they say you never forget your first time (I sure won’t) but being so close to your first lover with every visit, vacationing together and during the holiday’s would be quite interesting indeed!

          Care to share any particularly naughty thoughts about how the holidays would play out while everyone else is napping from overeating or opening…[Read more]

          • After meeting my future father- and mother-in-law, and realizing our past relationship, tension escalated as the wedding plans become more real and the details for which seem tedious and endless, and nothing seem to be going right. We all found ourselves at odds with each other. My tension continues to mount with rage, emotional rollercoaster, and…[Read more]

            • We all need a release sometimes and weddings are unbelievably stressful events…

              He must be under a tremendous amount of stress…

              I am sure that your history together is an unexpectedly large distraction for him not to mention the costs, and planning and expectations of his having intense, lengthy personal interactions with his extended…[Read more]

              • I really could not believe it, my first lover, here, will be my father-in-law. All these years, wondering what happened, why he resigned and disappeared. We had been looking at each other for days now. Communicating silently, our mutual mortification. Despite all the hurt and anger I had for him, the lust came back like it had been simmering for…[Read more]

                • God I can imagine what he must have been feeling as you both fell to the floor and your mutual curiosity and concern melted away with your voracious kissing and groping finally validating that your wants and desires matched his own. I imagine him pulling your top down and seeing and feeling and kissing and licking your breasts again for the first…[Read more]

                  • We came so hard and then collapsed into a heap. He held me tenderly and protectively while softening inside of me, as if trying to communicate emotions from long ago. I, too, was transported back in time. Until a glance lands on a wedding gift that arrived earlier in the day and something snapped in my brain. And I clawed him and started…[Read more]

                    • Fantastic. All of it, and really the last sentence.

                    • The fact that you were with two men in one day is, in and of itself, hotter than hell. I challenge a man to say having two women back to back on the same day isn’t on their bucket list.

                      Add professor/student and former lover/father-in-law to-be to the mix and the story gets smoking hot.

                      But to finish with fucking your fiancé, and remembering…[Read more]

                      • Gentlemen: Yes, the story will continue but not for a couple of weeks.

                        • I fucked David, not as my fiancé from just a few days ago, but David whose father I just fucked twice earlier in the day. And David, he got another side of me, a new and unfamiliar side; he got a scorching hot pussy still aching and slick with another man’s cum. He held me tight afterwards, the heat of his body radiating onto my back. His ar…[Read more]

                          • I can imagine what David must have been thinking as his cock started to soften and slide out from your steaming hot and incredibly slick pussy… I am sure he noticed the animal ferocity with which you were fucking him. I am sure he noticed how incredibly aroused and swollen and sopping wet your cunt was. As he spotted the bite mark, I am sure…[Read more]

                            • How do you feel about moving this to Erotic Collaboration? Where you might contribute as David? Or as his father? Perhaps we can invite another member to play along?

                              • I think that is a lovely idea. I am torn between the notion of being David or his Father…I like the possibilities represented by each of them. Let’s coordinate on how to make the shift…

    • Brilliant idea to shift this, Mallory. I don’t have the tech chops to fix these margins here, but I’ve create a pretty new forum for you here: http://www.thesexexperiment.com/groups/erotic-collaborations/forum/topic/the-professor-in-law/

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 5 months ago

    I usually go more for the reedy intellectual types, so I don’t know if it’s my biological clock ticking, but lately I find myself attracted to more physically-imposing men: the sort that look like they could lift me single-handed over their shoulder and walk off to have their way with me. I also tend to be attracted to villains in films. Per…[Read more]

    • This is interesting (and very sexy). Of course you shouldn’t be ashamed of a fantasy like this, but it is interesting that we can be ashamed with a fantasy when it doesn’t coincide with “our image of ourselves”. I’m guessing that the fantasy tends to be closer to the truth in these situations. Or at least the truth of the moment – it’s always…[Read more]

    • I’ve always been off-put by rape fantasies, perhaps because I know so many people who have been victims of sexual assault. I like yours much better– the idea of a man who throws me down and overpowers me, but only because I want him to and I am enjoying it as well as he is.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 5 months ago

    I have what could, on the surface be a fairly simple experiment for virtually everyone to undertake and actually do – like right this minute…

    Texting, chat, e-mail, twitter and other forms of abbreviated communications are great, and can be hot and sexy, and have a remarkable ability to express a very “of the moment” feeling by a sender with…[Read more]

    • Ha! Yes, I’ll be quite pleased if the sext dare is to “do X” to someone. I’ll go ahead and start making preparations. I really like the idea of speaking/writing/sexting past your “comfort zone”, and I’ll be eager to hear what you and hopefully others devise.

    • So I will go first…oh, wait, no one else but Mr. X seems to have even seen this…so let me kick this off by sharing my Sext…AND…to prove my point, I already have the privilege of being able to share with you the result!!! (which I will admit even I am astounded to be able to say).

      First, I do have to set this up a little bit…no there…[Read more]

      • Wow. Love everything about this. Love the self-dare, love her reactions, and love hearing the “voice” of another couple. And now I’m going to stop “loving” to read that result.

    • And the results…

      First things first…Yes, she really did take a picture of her pussy while she was sitting at her desk and send it to me. Yes is did look exactly as I described in my text. No, she has never ever done anything anywhere near that daring or salacious much less sent it to me during the work day, so I knew whatever I had said,…[Read more]

      • Oh man. Fantastic. I love how she “turned” on you, and as you can probably imagine, that fearlessness in public is a particular turn-on of mine. It’s really gotten me dreaming of NYC parks and the possibilities of picnics. It makes me nostalgic for the big city – not necessarily my city, but YOUR city, where the women wear short skirts without…[Read more]

      • I’ve always wanted to visit New York City, and this is simply another reason why! Loved reading your and your lady’s adventure in the park. I’m always so inspired by this site each time I visit 😉

  • Sloane posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 5 months ago

    Maybe not an experiment per say, but something that could be experimented with, so I’ll put it in this group. I was wondering if others could enlighten me with what their thoughts and/or experiences are of asking to cum, like for getting permission to orgasm from someone, or for giving that permission. Just curious as to whether this is a…[Read more]

    • First and foremost, it is contextual. Its about control and one person has to want to have it and the other has to want to give it…how much and how far to take that “power dynamic” is totally open to negotiation/circumstance/nature and how enjoyable it therefore can be, totally depends. If the Dominance/submission gene exists sexually, between…[Read more]

      • I have done this on a couple of occasions with a partner. They were both easy to make cum, and one was also a squirter….

        The first time I played this game I kept the lady on edge for nearly 3 hours, before I made her cum, so hard that she fainted. the smile on her face afterwards was great, and then she said that she had enjoyed it so much she…[Read more]

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