erosstories posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
erosstories posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
G took me to dinner yesterday. He ordered me to spread myself and expose myself in public several times during the dinner. This made me feel like i was his public sextoy…
What he did in the end was amazing… He called the waiter and asked him to take a picture of both of us…
He ordered me to spread while waiter was shooting the photo……[Read more]
hmmm that dosent look like ur legs. Since when do u sit side by side?
lol! and how well do you know my legs…? makes me wonder if you have ever spread them wide and you can remember them… đŸ™‚
Well dang , nope ive never spread’em. I would like to know how much of a tip did your date leave?
I love it (and I do believe it to be true). You are very hot, and very sexy and such a little whore for your man…and I mean that in the most respectful possible way…
oined the group Your Experiments 13 years ago
flapperjack5 posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
Having been challenged to propose a game, I offer this in response. I call it, Build a Dare. A word of warning, this is bit long winded. First of all, the design of a game is really the design of an experience. When it comes to personal expression and exploration (especially sexually) the type of desired experience and the ingredients to…[Read more]
Wow, flapperjack. You weren’t messing around. Yes, it’s long, but it’s also clearly the product of a methodological, horny mind. I like this – more or less Choose Your Own Adventure for sex – and wonder if others might want to tweak it so that it’s easier to follow. And if you’re looking for group game tweaks, I’ve done a couple you may not have…[Read more]
flapperjack5 joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
ellariasand joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
kitty posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years ago
So @Mr.X, at a nice little restaurant we like to go to I have dropped off a note with a particularly saucy fantasy of mine. We always have the same gorgeously dapper young waiter and I am positive he found it and my hubby is taking me back in a couple of weeks for my birthday. I am used to being in a bit more control and direct than this, but I…[Read more]
Well, well, well….It seems that the deep, dark fantasy written on a lost/strategically placed note has been an unqualified hit! I can’t wait to hear all about the results of this latest iteration Mrs. Kitty. How I wish that I could speed up the clock so that your birthday were tomorrow!
I love this, Kitty. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be very curious to hear how the birthday dinner goes. As far as I know, none of these “written fantasy” experiments have gotten a definitive response from the “finders”, but at some point it’s going to happen….
Can anyone say “next level”!
Certainly. I’ve been pondering just this phrase for the past couple of weeks. I can’t wait to hear the result of Kitty’s journey. I believe it’s time for me to go visit a certain cafe.
Next level!?! Wow, can wait to hear how your visit to the cafe goes.
It would’ve been great if you could’ve divulged the contents of your note to us! I will have to try this experiment sometime and see how it goes!
americanorgy posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
Mrs. O and I are meeting a self-proclaimed “Poly” couple tonight. We are having dinner and going to discuss the finer points of trying to define “polyamory”. My experiment will probably be trying not to blurt out — “Don’t try and justify your pure lust by saying you are capable of ‘lovin’ people.”
I’ll have to let you know how it…[Read more]
Hmm, Poly. Definitions were not easily forthcoming. Most interesting was the non-touching nature of the couple, as if a decade of loving everyone and everything had dried up the affection well, rather than re-stocking it as purported.
So the experiment result: I and Mrs. O probably fall on the spectrum of let us violate you sexually and then…[Read more]
submissy joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
oined the group Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
So Mr. X. We have a real experiment in front of the misses which I, for one, am anxiously awaiting to hear the results of, but in the interest of keeping me (and I suppose the rest of your readers) distracted until the big reveal, I started to remember details of so many of the other instances where wild exuberance (or calculated intention)…[Read more]
oined the group Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
bellavita06 joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
highsmith joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
maeknight joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
pierre19 joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
pittguy joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
sinderella joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
I made a reference in a prior post about having a “makeover” fantasy. This is a simple introduction to that much bigger, much more involved fantasy of mine which I have started to work on writing up, but I realized there could be some nice simple challenges/experiment for everyone to consider in the meantime…
I love the concept of…[Read more]
briansmichelle joined the group
Your Experiments 13 years, 1 month ago
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