
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years ago


    I would have not been able to make it through the day had it not been for my insane schedule. I am grateful for complete inability to think of anything but work today. It is almost 10pm when I crawl into bed, exhausted. They should have had dinner already. Danced some more with flirtation and foreplay.…[Read more]

    • I am soooo loving everything about this…not the least of which is the masochistic tendency of Nicole to not only face the situation head on, but to literally pick up on the most sensitive possible aspects and rub her own face in them…

      I literally I imagine Nicole being tied to the bed face up while Alex is fucking Rachel in a way where his coc…[Read more]

    • Switching back to just this perspective at just this time was brilliant. You have us really on the edge of the seat hungry for what’s going on… Asking many of the same questions as Nicole at the same moment, perfect device.

  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years ago


    After I shut down the iPad, I sit up and pull off my tank top, patting down my sweaty neck and back. I reach down and pull off my panties too before laying back down under the covers, moving my body around to feel the rumpled sheets, pressing my face into the pillow to breath Alex in. I think about how much he…[Read more]

    • I like you giving us enough to really start picturing Nicole like this, I like thinking about her naked, clinching, aching there. I think about what everyone of those actions and thoughts feels like when I’ve done them myself and then superimposing thoughts of Nicole’s body over the top. I could have stayed with this even longer. I wonder…[Read more]

  • Michael:
    Mr X’s most recent post about the Breadcrumb Experiment reminded me of an idea I had. It doesn’t look like it will happen for me so I am going to give you the idea to see if anything comes of it. […]

  • Oh Mr. X, I know you know wild this breadcrumb experiment made me, what, like a year ago? Might be time again….

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years ago

    ThumbnailDear Mr. X,

    Apologies for taking so long to fulfill your dare. It’s been really exciting. I didn’t leave an erotic trail all in one day as you commanded, but whenever I’m horny or make eye contact with a sexy […]

  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 11 years ago


    Is she thinking about my cock the way I am out-of-my-mind thinking about her cunt? I’m on fire horny. But this is best. I want her sticky wet sure. I want her to commit to savoring every delicacy of lust, sin, and taboo I am going to show her. I want her mind to be enthralled with salaciousness. I want her full heart.

    I…[Read more]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Omg… Why didn’t he tell her?!?! I would have been bursting to tell M. He would be so turned on, that was an incredible accomplishment! How can he stand not to tell her?

      • Because when he saw her, he could not figure out if he can stand witnessing her torment along with her lust.

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Ah yes torment and lust, wanting and pleasure, freedom and belonging… NOW we are into it! But they have chosen this path, set themselves on it in no small manner… The deeper questions, motivations, desires will begin playing out now… in one way or another (I would argue by him managing what he shares in this way, it has already begun). So…[Read more]

      • Yes, yes, yes, lake. What I want is something incredibly provocative, that unravels, rebuilds, unravels, rebuilds. Like strength training, stress on the muscle activates chemical pathways to increase the rate of synthesis, building stronger muscle tissue. I want to challenge the notion that relationships is about maintaining equilibrium. I…[Read more]

        • lake replied 11 years ago

          Now that I can absolutely get behind!

          I do believe the incredible strength that comes from traveling through those states conquering such intense emotions, which requires such depth of understanding that gives them such confidence, such fearlessness, such inspiration.

          • lake replied 11 years ago

            Good god, how many times can I say ‘such’ in one comment! It must be time for bed.

        • Side note…holding aside the literary freedom which is granted an authors of stories…the truth is that in order for people to become real and authentic (either as characters or individuals) there is no avoiding confronting reality…it has a nasty little habit of exerting itself no matter what lengths we go to suppress or avoid it.
          As a liter…[Read more]

          • “A taste for truth at any cost is a passion that spares nothing.”
            Albert Camus

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