
  • thereselalune posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    This weekend my partner and I will be joining several of our friends for a weekend of camping and tubing–that is, our group’s yearly excuse to get out of the city and into the woods to drink and socialize.

    Since we have our own tent which we do not share with anyone else, we’ve never had any trouble finding opportunity to have sex on this trip, but it tends to be standard fare due to the surroundings (as well as the generally unstable air mattress).

    I’d love some ideas for how to “spice up” the weekend. The group we are going with consist of friends and occasionally their significant others. We are all platonic friends and while with the right amount of alcoholic lubrication the conversations can turn a little sexy, I don’t think there is any chance of involving them directly. However, I would like to make the weekend at least a little sexier than normal for my partner, as this is pretty much both of our vacations for the summer.

    • I think you should use this weekend to put to use your seduction skills. I suggest:
      1. Sweet, erotic, sensual, and assertive touches for everyone to witness: jawlines, sides of breasts and torso, a finger tracing lips, a pinch of ass cheek, a quick tweak of nipple, a hand slipping between thighs………
      2. Bring a few sexy stories and read them to each other in your sexiest voice in your tent.
      3. Tell your companions you two are going skinny dipping. Leave it up to them to join or avoid you.
      4. When you think everyone has turned in for the night, I suggest some serious necking and groping (maybe more?) outside, in the open air, under the black sky and bright stars.

      • #1 is definitely something I’d do, as well as #4. #3 may be tricky as I’m not sure the logistics of where we are going, but it does sound tempting!

    • Love Mallory’s ideas. My old standby is the Fantasy Experiment. Type out a fantasy in which you won’t be identified, print it out, and leave it somewhere (slightly off in the woods) so that someone in the group will discover it. Then get incredibly excited wondering who’s getting incredible excited by it.

    • I love all of Mallory’s ideas, especially her idea of announcing that you are going skinny dipping! Late at night after everyone has loosened up with a few drinks is always nice and on the few occasions I have had to do this with friends, I have always found it be a big turn on even though everyone pretends that it is no big deal and certainly not sexual…but the best times are when you aren’t prepared to go swimming (like late night after a wedding with a big group of friends and new acquaintances that happens to be near a pond/lake/ocean). The funny thing about being with friends is that if they know you as a couple, they must know that you have sex (and if they know you Ms. LaLune, they definitely know you have sex!), but people always try to be discrete (usually overly so) about not making others uncomfortable. One way to do that is to make time to do what everyone already knows you are doing at a time and place were frankly everyone else would like to be fucking but for whatever reason isn’t (middle of the afternoon is a great example).

      So, I do have a few other suggestions…I will start with #5 since I liked Mallory’s so much and they fall into two categories – A) fucking (or getting each other off) discretely while in the presence of others and B) being seen (or heard) by someone in your group (or all of them) fucking or sucking or otherwise pleasuring one another in a very exposed and graphic way-

      5) Since you will be tubing (and I assume in the water for several hours on a hot day you should definitely find a way to enjoy a discrete lazy fuck right there in the presence of any and all. Buy your guy a new pair of swim trunks that have a fly (or make sure he already has one and packs it). Board shorts are good because they have a longer crotch which means the opening to the fly is longer/lower (the lower it runs, the easier it is to get his cock out and maybe even his balls as well). The ones with a velcro opening are ok but the sides of velcro are stiff and don’t always feel good grinding into certain areas (and this type of fucking is mostly grinding), so one with a zipper is better. After you have all been enjoying the sun and water, and everyone has calmed down and settled in to get some sun or doze off (think the hottest part of the day (if they only knew)) make sure to position yourself in a way that he could slide inside of you with your waists underwater. You could be sitting on his lap in the inner tube, or you could embrace face on and relax into one another so that you have your legs are wrapped around his waist as you close your eyes and “doze” off. The point is to have his cock inside of you while by all outward appearances you are just relaxing into one another. Stay next to others in your group and occasionally chime into the conversation in a half awake voice but keep grinding into one another…Even though it takes some patience and reserve to not start going at it, after 15 or 20 minutes of excruciatingly slow fucking, I promise that you will both turned on enough to find a way to get off – even if it does require a minute or two of going at it harder (and not as discretely). Then continue to enjoy your lazy embrace as he softens and starts to slide out of you before finally putting your suits back in place and continuing on with your day…

      6) In terms of being seen (or heard), tell everyone that you left something in the car or tent or that you are going for a walk – basically somewhere where everyone else isn’t at that moment. Then get busy with one another…only don’t just expose your junk…take your clothes off so that you are exposed and make sure that wherever you go, that you aren’t completely hidden (put the tent flap down but don’t zip it shut, step off the trail but not too far, leave the car door ajar, etc.) Talk to your man about who in the group you would each like to have see you exposed and fucking and see if there isn’t a way to make just those people see you. The key here is that you have made a sincere (or at least half hearted) effort to be discrete, but you are not going to let the possibility of being seen/caught/others knowing what you are doing, cause you to hold back. Have at it and if someone else see, hears, comments about it, act like it is no big deal (“we couldn’t contain ourselves and we tried to be discrete – how did you guys not just fuck your significant other in that spectacular setting?

      • #5 is so incredibly sexy to me and I loved the way you described it, but I’m unsure that he’d go for it. Too bad too, since having sex in public with everyone else none the wiser has always been a fantasy of mine. #6, however, is something I am sure he’d go along with and something we’ve done to some degree on these camping trips. One of my most memorable sexual experiences with him was at a friend’s house during a party, where he and I could hardly stand to keep apart and ended up fucking in my friend’s bedroom with her cat standing guard. The idea that no one but my friend (who had okay’d the use of her room) knew and that a group of people was mere feet outside the closed door was incredibly sexy. The fact that my friend knew what we were doing too added to the experience because she is gorgeous and feisty as all hell. She and I are extremely close to the point that we are unashamed of getting undressed and getting ready in front of one another and I’ve always wanted to fuck her and include her with my partner.