
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    I love to play with my partners pussy whenever and wherever we are. I can (and do) play with their pussies for hours on end. Sometimes it is overtly sexual and I am teasing them relentlessly or laser focused on getting them off as quickly and unexpectedly as possible. Other times its is just a light playful and (I would never say non-sexual…[Read more]

    • I read this several times and have had all day to think on it. You know I love hearing about your experiences and this was no different–in fact I became and am quite aroused, perhaps more so than usual from reading it.

      I personally love it when my pussy is played with, and love when my partner is aroused enough to stimulate me in public, even if…[Read more]

      • You can not imagine how much I appreciate not only your thoughts on my “adventure” but also sharing your own feelings and experiences. It was quite an experience and I am invigorated with the thoughts of where to take it from here.

    • I know exactly where you were and next time, if you can share with us ahead of time, I might be able to fulfill my voyeur fantasy (okay, okay at least in my imagination)! I am learning so much from you. I am going to start employing that bold face “so what” look immediately in response to some stares I’ve received since I have been following…[Read more]

      • You do?!? I would love to have you watch some time…

        Thanks for the encouragement (if I get much more I will wind up in jail!)

        But what really caught my eye, was the phrase “orders to walk to and from work without panties”!!! WTF? Uh…I think someone owes us all a bit of an explanation…

        Care to elaborate? (and come on people…how am I…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    There is almost nothing about this picture that I don’t love. I don’t even know exactly where to begin (and trust me I have a lot I could say) other than to say that I want to party with these guys – hell I want to be that guy and have that girl in front of me every night for the rest of my life!!!

    Mr. X if you and the Mrs’ ever get to this…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    Serious upskirt.

    • Don’t we all just imagine what is underneath that gossimer skirt of the attractive woman we see on the street? Very little not to like in this one…sexy body, sexy pose and great picture…

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    We have just had an amazing evening. I connected with someone via the internet and that is always both adventurous and scary. One never knows who someone is even with the passing of time so a stranger adds to the apprehension. I had spoken to my new friend a few times and just got a solid vibe. He was in town for advanced university education for…[Read more]

    • Alan, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite contributors. You have been sharing some seriously sexy stories. The one above is amazing. But also, the depth of your feeling and the evolved sophistication of your appreciation for the subtle markers of every aspect of sexuality is remarkable. I so deeply share your own view and outlook…[Read more]

      • James, I love your command of language, the way you turn a phrase. I think that we are blessed to share common respect. I think that in my life, if one song were to be played at my funeral (wish that could happen) it would be Edith Piaf belting out, Je Ne Regrette Nien (I Regret Nothing). I never thought of my life as adventurous, but people seem…[Read more]

    • Wow. This is absolutely incredible, she sounds like a dream, and your friend said it best: you’re a lucky man. Thanks so much for posting and getting me all worked up on a lazy afternoon.

    • Absolutely incredible experience that you shared. I am envious of her.

  • thereselalune posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    Just got back from camping today, a wonderful chance to get away from the city for a few days and just enjoy some time with friends. Of course, before I left, I had asked for a few ideas for “experiments” to try while away, and now is the time to divulge just how it went…

    The trip was a success, a group of approximately 15 of us enjoying…[Read more]

    • Thank you for sharing your experiences! It is quite a thrill to hear about them, especially considering that I/we would like to believe that we had some role in making them happen. You are a sexy, sexy, woman and I am very pleased with the way that you have begun to open up and reveal more and more of yourself here. I love the details of what…[Read more]

      • When he first started fingering me, I was a bit in shock because I never thought he’d be capable of doing something in such a public place! I’m certain that if anyone had paid a bit of close attention, they’d be able to see his arm up my skirt and the movement from him thrusting his fingers into me, playing with my clit and teasing my asshole and…[Read more]

        • I am not sure that there is anyplace I would rather find my hands on a regular basis when in public than constantly touching, pinching, pulling, stroking and probing a woman’s pussy when we are together…apparently your man’s handiwork hit the mark – I know I enjoyed you sharing it.

          I happen to have a story – which happened just moments ago -…[Read more]

    • Sounds like an absolutely perfect weekend, and I’m so pleased that the site spurred you on. I’ll dream that the campfire became an orgy.

    • So glad the weekend results were pleasurable. Here is to you, even hornier than before you went and to plotting the next camping trip with your friends. Who knows? Perhaps the next trip will be taken another few steps further.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    I stumbled upon The SE several weeks ago and decided this past Sunday to take a nude photo of myself and post it on their website. Me, nude, on the internet. It was the step that led me on a wonderful adventure this week.

    All week long, I have been dripping wet. I get up and I dress for him. I await his elegant, seductive words; we banter. I…[Read more]

    • Fantastic, and couldn’t be happier to know that this place had gotten you buzzing.

    • I am certain that you have a lover, and I wouldn’t pretend to know a thing about your relationship, so I apologize in advance for any suggestion that this wasn’t written exclusively for his/her benefit. I even feel badly for having the audacity to comment on a post that is so clearly written for a specific person and therefore it may be…[Read more]

      • The energy you have sent my way must have been indeed massive times light speed. Week 2, day 4 I am dizzy and simply spinning with lust.

        • As long as you are willing to remain open to receiving it, I am always happy to continue sending more and more of that energy!

    • I really loved this post, but I am frustrated that I can only “Like” it once!!! [and “Like” seems so inadequate to describe how it makes me feel…Mr. X maybe you could add a “Lust” button as well (or just change the “Like” button to read “Lust”]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    And the video version…..

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

  • pGroup logo of Erotic Photososted an update in the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    Okay, I can go online and download and put photos into this section but what I like is raw, real photos of real people, members of this group and with the poor flash, lighting, no retouching, just real people doing real things

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    It was a summer weekend, I was between serious ladies in my life and I was bored. I decided to try a new venue and went onto one of those phone services where people can hook up. I left a simple message, would someone like to dress up, go for dinner and dancing and without any obligations, nil, nada? A few replied within the next hour and one…[Read more]

    • You were able to do something that is rare, perhaps even unheard of, for today’s uncertain, hostile, and potentially dangerous world. I know you added a great deal meaning to that lucky woman.

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    I am now in my mid 60s (which is great, if I need cheap bus tickets!). Thankfully, my health is good, I feel and look good. I was blessed with being just over 6 feet and have kept most of my hair. I was never the guy girls went up to my buddy and wanted an introduction. I was kind of shy, very much a gentleman and always had good manners. What I…[Read more]

    • Would love to continue reading about your adventures. You write beautifully and clearly have stories to tell.

    • It would be an honor to hear about your stories. I am particularly interested in learning more about the emotional side of your erotic encounters, what moved you toward them, how did you both feel at the time, and the consequential impact afterwards.

      • I am not proud of the fact that I strayed as a husband, a married man but something inside of me said that I could not go on with a sameness in my life. We were very young when we married, barely 21 in my case, she younger. I continued to grow and yet she was content to play the part of wife, mother and not grow in interests, in life. I read a…[Read more]

        • Thank you very much for sharing such an important part of yourself. I did not ask my questions to make any kind of judgement but rather to learn more about your experiences.

        • Thanks for sharing this, and I think you touch on some of the reasons that attract us to a place like this. I’ll be curious to hear more of your adventures as time goes on.

  • thereselalune posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago

    This weekend my partner and I will be joining several of our friends for a weekend of camping and tubing–that is, our group’s yearly excuse to get out of the city and into the woods to drink and socialize.

    Since we have our own tent which we do not share with anyone else, we’ve never had any trouble finding opportunity to have sex on this…[Read more]

    • I think you should use this weekend to put to use your seduction skills. I suggest:
      1. Sweet, erotic, sensual, and assertive touches for everyone to witness: jawlines, sides of breasts and torso, a finger tracing lips, a pinch of ass cheek, a quick tweak of nipple, a hand slipping between thighs………
      2. Bring a few sexy stories and read them…[Read more]

      • #1 is definitely something I’d do, as well as #4. #3 may be tricky as I’m not sure the logistics of where we are going, but it does sound tempting!

    • Love Mallory’s ideas. My old standby is the Fantasy Experiment. Type out a fantasy in which you won’t be identified, print it out, and leave it somewhere (slightly off in the woods) so that someone in the group will discover it. Then get incredibly excited wondering who’s getting incredible excited by it.

    • I love all of Mallory’s ideas, especially her idea of announcing that you are going skinny dipping! Late at night after everyone has loosened up with a few drinks is always nice and on the few occasions I have had to do this with friends, I have always found it be a big turn on even though everyone pretends that it is no big deal and certainly…[Read more]

      • #5 is so incredibly sexy to me and I loved the way you described it, but I’m unsure that he’d go for it. Too bad too, since having sex in public with everyone else none the wiser has always been a fantasy of mine. #6, however, is something I am sure he’d go along with and something we’ve done to some degree on these camping trips. One of my most…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    There is nothing I find more beautiful than watching a woman pleasure herself…seeing how expert her fingers are at teasing and manipulating her state of arousal and helping give her the confidence that she may need to allow me to see her letting herself drift away into her own head and body as if I wasn’t there…

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    Another that I find achingly real…something about the red mark on her thigh along the top of the stoking and hand in the lap does it for me!!!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago

    Just something that goes well with my recent Photo Orgy tale…so hot

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