
  • strudellady changed their profile picture 11 years, 10 months ago

    • Your strudel must be very popular, I’m beginning to crave some now myself!

      • The strudels seem to go pretty quick around here!
        I bake all kinds of things & some yummy little
        liquored up cakes too!

        • I could go for some strudel AND yummy little liquored up cakes! I don’t suppose these warm and tantalizing delectables are available in NYC… now I’m definitely craving a taste! But of course I should ask; business or hobby?

          • I’m not far from NYC, I’m in Ct. We had a business but it didn’t work out so I do baking from home. I don’t have a website right now, but do have lots of pictures of the stuff I bake. The liquored up cakes I make are mini bundts, Limoncello (our homemade limoncello), Rum, and a Chocolate Vanilla Bourbon. Cheesecakes, cookies, pies & of course strudel!

            • It all sounds completely delicious. You’ll have to let us know when the website is up, I want one of each!

              So does the baking require consistent focus or is there time to fantasize here and there while all this work is happening… sorry, I just can’t keep my thoughts pure with your avatar in front of me! 😉

              • Yes the baking requires consistent focus,but there’s always room for fantasy! My husband is a Chef,lots of food &fuckery going on here!No pure thoughts here either, all he wants to do is spank me, tie me & have his way with me….all good! 🙂

    • ha ha ha, can u bake?

    • and LOTS right with it! So do you think you’ll post any stories about all the ‘food fuckery’ going on… I think some sweet and savory stories would be tantalizing indeed 🙂

      • Holy Shit! Somehow I missed this exchange when it happened…food & fuckery, spanking, tying people up (or is it trussing), having your way with others, sweet and sour, hot and spicy…may I suggest that every good kitchen needs good cockery as well! I think we could all use a heaping spoonful of this brand of sugar!!!