
  • strudellady posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 11 years, 6 months ago

    • I’ve been thinking a lot about beauty lately and exactly what the value of it is. I believe a big part of the appeal is that it creates in the beholder a great sense of promise or possibility, that results in desire.

      I look at this picture and I long to have my hands exactly where his hands are and I think about dragging my tongue from the bottom of her ass, along her pussy, up over her pubic mound, across her belly, between her breasts and beyond… wtf, at some level its crazy when you think about the effect!

      • On a basic level, beauty and postural display of it, function to maximize sexual survival of the fittest. But I think beauty is really an individual perception and value.

        • Agree. It is how strong, how innate, how consistent our responses to it (speaking strictly of the individual’s perception of physical beauty) are that I find so fascinating.

          You see someone or even a picture of someone. You have no idea of actual compatibility or whether any level of interaction with them could bring you any real level of fulfillment. Yet you are so apt, compelled even to believe that it would. You want in, and in a big way.

          Every where else we are logical about these things, discerning (is it good for us? a good fit? worth the effort? likely to succeed? too risky?) But relative to beauty, always such optimism. And regardless of the fact that beauty doesn’t necessarily have value relative to these logical questions our position on it shifts only minimally, involuntary reactions almost zero.

          • Love this discussion and love Stendhal’s line: “Beauty is the promise of happiness.” Not happiness itself, but the promise of it. Sometimes broken, but intriguing enough to want to investigate.

            • That is one of the best quotes I have ever read…no really…EVER! Thank you for sharing that.

            • Yes, perfect quote for this – exactly what I was attempting to articulate.

              All of it is such a powerful demonstration of the power of being plugged straight into our genetics\instincts.

          • And as for you Ms. lake…thank you for inspiring us all with your words! I have seen research reports that suggest that 65% of all brain activity is dedicated to processing “visual” inputs. More interestingly, 80% of those visual “processing” functions are activated even when there is nothing to see (your eyes are closed or you are sitting in total darkness)! There aren’t any scientific conclusions as to what that means (at least not yet), but it suggests that what we “see” is an incredibly profound part of how we as humans perceive…well…apparently everything!

            Given how closely my own mind appears to relate very closely with Mr. lakes when I see pictures like the one above, I happen to think that the % of my brain dedicated to visual processing may be much, much higher than 65%. I might also have to dispute the 80% “active” with my eyes closed statistic as way too low for me as well!

            That is all a very long winded way of saying that I see a picture like this, I too want to “have my hands exactly where his hands are and I think about dragging my tongue from the bottom of her ass, along her pussy, up over her pubic mound, across her belly, between her breasts and beyond” Ms. lake! A thought that is followed shortly thereafter by what a treat it would be to do that at the exact same time as you!!!

            Care to team up and try and make something like that happen?


            • When I close my eyes right now I see my hands flat on Master’s chest, fingertips curled at his collar bone, the print of his shirt, the texture of his tie… and I feel it with 100% of my body, my heart, and my soul. Did they mention anything about that in the study?

              ‘Care to’ or ‘Dare to’? Either way I think we all know my answer. I wonder, with just your tongue on one side and mine on the other how far we could spread her lips like that…

    • I wonder if there aren’t parallels between this concept of the perceived potential of beauty and the perceived potential of strictly virtual relationships or even strictly restricted relationships. Real people and real life have ebbs and flows, it gets messy at times, it takes work, and of course there is much that we don’t control. Versus in our perceptions of beauty… imaginings… or thought worlds where it all works out so smoothly, so cleanly, so manageably?

      What do you think? Is there a place for both? Why? What are the pros and cons of each?