Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 12 years ago
His Scent, Ephemeral yet Etched Deep in Memory
Funny how the mind protects us from trauma and stress by shutting off memories and emotions….
Mr. X commented on the post, The Unmarked Door: Our Orgy Experiment 12 years ago
Well put, Mallory.
Mr. X commented on the post, The Unmarked Door: Our Orgy Experiment 12 years ago
Thanks, Lake. Don’t know if we’ll ever visit it again, but if we do I hope it’s on a night when you magically find yourself there, too.
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years ago
Nothing dulls like routine, and nowhere is that truth more felt than in the bedroom. Our existence turns in cycles. Sex indicates the life we need to lead, and then life, for a while, indicates the sex we need to […]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years ago
Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 12 years ago
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years ago
I had the hardest time deciding which picture this week, went back and forth all week and ended up here… CYA – Skin, Legs, Shadows
[bpfb_i… -
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years ago
Then think of me touching you the second you read this….because I swear to god I can reach through the atmosphere and feel every last ridg…
Mr. X likes James Wilson‘s activity 12 years ago
Mr. X has gotten coy lately about promoting his own considerable talents, and although this may seem like a plug for his wares, I assure you…
Mr. X likes ellariasand‘s activity 12 years ago
The Conversation Fantasy
It appears that the mourning period for my former partner-in-crime from The Bicycle Experiment has passed… altho…
Mr. X commented on the post, Sex Cafe: Alice's Five Word Experiment 12 years, 1 month ago
Fantastic. Absolutely love this.
Mr. X commented on the post, Sex Cafe: Alice's Five Word Experiment 12 years, 1 month ago
Please report back!
Mr. X commented on the post, Sex Cafe: Alice's Five Word Experiment 12 years, 1 month ago
Thanks, Babs. You put a smile on my face.
Mr. X wrote a new post 12 years, 1 month ago
Here’s an erotic library fantasy with twist from sexy reader MrTinkertoys, posted this week in the site’s Your Fantasies Group. Let him know your thoughts in the comments section, and enjoy!
The fog had not quite […]
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years, 1 month ago
Over me on your knees, running your fingers along the supple skin between each rib… up, down, over; pausing here and there for a tender we…
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years, 1 month ago
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years, 2 months ago
Okay, I thought about it and decided the best course was to go close cropped as well, and since Mallory did top… I went bottom, besides, h…
Mr. X likes Mallory‘s activity 12 years, 2 months ago
This is to warm lake up in response to our conversation below. I am afraid this is all I can manage, lake, since I am not familiar with mor…
Mr. X likes lake‘s activity 12 years, 2 months ago
Okay, this is not the dress coming off, but since Mr. X is Mr. X after all, I couldn\’t just leave him hanging… so here is a little someth…
Mr. X likes kristye‘s activity 12 years, 2 months ago
3 days \’til Christmas*** the Mother-In Laws
I decided to go with what is under my very favorite skinny jeans for this days post, hope you… - Load More