
  • pGroup logo of Erotic Photososted an update in the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 6 months ago

    Words escape me…

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    Public, sub-dom, and some gentle BDSM, what could be nicer?

    The Club

    Gradually, Sarah’s involvement with her new man in Auckland, Tony, was becoming more intense and more “perverted” as she started to think of it. When she visited him on her business trips, he would tie her to the bed or a table and use all of her openings with his hands,…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 6 months ago

    The Shoe Experiment

    I was rushing to work yesterday morning when I noticed the state of my shoes. I commented that I need to get new ones. You frowned at my worn, black patent leather Ferragamo Vara pumps and asked if I am getting “those” again. I said of course I am, these are classic. Okay, maybe I will get them in black calf instead. You sho…[Read more]

    • I decide to check in before the end of another long week which has prevented me from fully participating in this lovely forum and I am greeted by this!!! Ummph! Is it safe to assume this actually happened? You are absolutely killing me when you relay stories like this – a long time fantasy of mine – and driving this way under expressed libido…[Read more]

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 6 months ago

    I extremely love to read, theloveexperiment webpage.I promise to write some of my own experience one of these days.Till then I like to be acquainted with my dude friends of here.xoxo:-)

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Experimental BooksExperimental Books 12 years, 6 months ago

    The Neighbor Experiment – Chapter One

    The Window

    Marco was late again. She looked around their fifth-floor walkup apartment and sighed. The cramped space was littered with boxes still unpacked from the move, and the thought of emptying them into closets and shelves filled her with hopelessness. As small as the new place was, she knew they…[Read more]

    • Having only read Chapter One, I want to say that for anyone who understands the waning of sexual desire that plagues long-term relationships, who experienced sexual burnout, you have written a hot story that provokes us to think about renewing the sexual experience by fucking and seeing with new eyes.

    • My oh my! I guess it is about time to buy your books once and for all. This is powerful writing, a very hot “scene” and I must have more like this!!! Congratulations on your “launch” and you should expect to see more than one check clearing based on the “teaser”. All the best.

    • Just finished your book. It was a real screen tapper! At the end of chapter 5, I let out an audible gasp and said, “Oh, fuck!” Feeling for Marco and Julie’s predicament. Holy Hell… It just kept getting better and hotter. You weave together some magical words and opened a new insight to a world I’ve never known before. WOW! You need to shop this…[Read more]

      • Thanks very much. I couldn’t be happier that you liked it, and I’m grateful you took the time to post here.

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    He was already in bed before she completed her nightly grooming ritual. While not yet asleep, he was focused on the music searches he was doing on his iPod. No doubt playing obscure selections louder than necessary for the confines of a bedroom. He didn’t notice that she had gotten into bed without a stitch of clothing. An invitation, of sorts,…[Read more]

    • Like that website sentence. Very meta.

      • Satisfaction is yours for the taking. It may require some changes and adjustments and patience, if you want it bad enough, check your anxieties and insecurities and become brave enough to seek it out in all areas of your life, it will find you. Please keep peeling away those layers, we would all like to get a better look at who you are deep deep…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    I worked late tonight, knowing that I would be coming home to an empty bed. I check my cell phone again to see if you left me a message. Nothing. It has been the whole two days. Nothing. Until a couple of hours later, after I had a little dinner, showered, and got into bed. My cell phone, at long last, utters a sound. Finally, a sign of…[Read more]

    • Against the backdrop of crumbling onto a bed, rippling and rustling of crisp bed linens, groaning of mattress springs, I hear the shuffling of bodies, gasping breaths, and the wet sound of lips separating. A woman is moaning your name, over and over again. I am also chanting your name in whispers as I slide back down on our bed and my hands…[Read more]

    • Super WOW! There is something about the image of a woman freshly showered, dressed in a nighty, missing her man, thinking about sex, and in a languorous haze! No joke, there are not many settings/images that are able to produce such a strong, almost instantaneous state of arousal for me. Then to be unexpectedly relegated to the role of a voyeur,…[Read more]

    • TORTURE!

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    An unexpected liaison in a public place, perhaps?

    A night at the Theatre

    My view from the balcony of the Civic Theatre was simply spectacular. From up here in the back row I could see the dome with its ‘stars’ twinkling in the low lighting, the plush velvet of the empty seats below waiting to be filled. Most importantly, from this vantage…[Read more]

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 12 years, 6 months ago

    Lately, I’ve fallen in with a group of bicycle adventurists in town, hence my significant late-night absence. Go figure, I end up sneaking in quietly and immediately needing a shower for non-sexual reasons.

    I entered my first race this weekend and saw one of my social group in a different light. Granted, I always found him attractive and when he…[Read more]

    • Great. Love the specificity of this.

    • As a daily cyclist, I would like to comment that the study discusses the decrease of genital sensation due to increased, constant pressure. I can attest that it is not a good idea to expose genital tissues to that kind of constant pressure on a regular basis. Riding does NOT reduce sexual DESIRE. Exercise increases testosterone levels along…[Read more]

      • Point taken. After awhile of skimming abstracts, they tend to blur together to the point where I’m not sure I’m even reading and properly procesing information anymore.

        I suppose that would be one excuse for me to let a handsome, virile cyclist get in my personal space: ask him to assist in measuring my inseam and sit bone distance for my saddle…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 12 years, 6 months ago

    Ironmen and Ironwomen of SE:

    You are challenged to employ all 5 items in the Secret Box to achieve (self, preferably partnered) orgasm:

    Secret box items:
    1. nylon stocking
    2. 6 ft oblong silk scarf
    3. tic tacs
    4. bobby pins
    5. frozen grapes

    Simply describe your creative use of these items for your erotic and sexual adventure for everyone’s e…[Read more]

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 7 months ago

    I realize I’m not doing nearly enough with my bedside table.

    • It is certainly an interesting picture, but what really caught my attention was how they were able to create such an incredible shadow to obscure her face so completely under that light…on second thought, it isn’t such a mystery with such natural…talents!

    • I’m still laughing from Mr. X’s subtitle on this.

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 12 years, 7 months ago

    This is not an experiment, per se. My friends and I don’t share openly share our intimate experiences. I had to tell this to someone though because this is a true story that ends in my personal disappointment. Who would be more understanding than you great people?

    After work on Friday, I went to the bank and a gas station to fill up my…[Read more]

    • Ha! Love that last sentence, and love the adventure. Because the adventure is everything, after all. Will be very eager to hear what new, naughty things you get up to.

      • I hate it when I do something silly like that! I hope that your delivery comes soon, and then so do you!

        • Thanks fellas. I’m looking forward to my delivery too. Luckily, I was assisted at the store by a very knowledgeable saleswoman, who also happened to be a lesbian… I think she would know what a lady would like. 😉

          /p/ When I fessed up to Mr. L, I wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. I told him by showing him the locking toybox I purchased…[Read more]

          • I suggest a romantic dinner out with both of you dressed up. I dare him to dare to go without panties, with the remote control toy, and he has the remote in his pocket. Do you think you’d make to coffee and dessert?

            • Not knowing what my reaction would be, I’d have to test it out extensively first! I’m not a coffee drinker but I can certainly become the dessert!

    • Well…are the 5 – 7 business days up? We need an update. LoL

      • The 5-7 business days are up. Just my luck, I got sick and was physically incapable of any kind of fun. Since I’ve gotten better, I started playing solo or with Mr. L. I still haven’t reached the big bang but I am getting close. I know it! He does enjoy this remote better than the one for the television!

  • Mr. X posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 12 years, 7 months ago

    I would love to hear the story of how a beauty like this falls out of a mini-gondola.

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