hazeleyes joined the group
Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
xian joined the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
PS, the supposed “source” of this (which I can no longer put my hands on) is a personal blog written by a “rock musician” and this is supposedly of a few of his groupies! Now there are all sorts of practical issues with fucking everything that moves, but who can seriously claim that they wouldn’t give a hell of a lot to have spent a couple of…[Read more]
This is a ‘like’ for this comment and picture combination!
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
I am waiting at the restaurant for about five minutes when my statuesque friend Meredith makes her entrance, causing the usual stirs and stares. We see each a few times a year. After we sat down and got some drinks, instead of the usual catching up, she starts in on her campaign to recruit me to do a boudoir photo shoot with…[Read more]-
This is a very sexy story. As a slave myself, it also prompts me to want to chime in on that topic. Let me pose a question.
If you gave someone everything you had and you received more than you ever had (therefore more than you gave) and more than you ever imagined having, such that you then gave them pieces of yourself (think physically,…[Read more]
Please do not mistaken this little story for any judgment, disrespect, or misconception on my part, lake. I personally find truths in many different things, many different ways of life. It is very possible that you and I both believe in the knight’s quest, that life is not about winning or losing, controlling or submitting, but being true, b…[Read more]
Knight’s quest indeed!! and aptly put… oh and, Dulcinea is definitely going to become part of my vocabulary going forward.
Based on what i’ve read i would not imagine otherwise about you (though i appreciate and understand your response… even had some concern that my response would come across as defensive when i wrote it. i don’t think that…[Read more]
HOLY SHIT! If this isn’t every man’s fantasy of what their partners are doing when they meet up with their girlfriends, then something is wrong with them!
It’s not?
Then let me rephrase…This is pretty close to what I would like to imagine MY partner is doing when she meets up with her girlfriends!!!
There is only one thing that I can…[Read more]
Ummm may I suggest for your consideration that a woman who would risk your jealousy and wrath for this particular gift, bestows it to you with a great spirit of generousity and selflessness in pursuit of your pleasure.
Stay tuned as M eredith’s photoshoot unfolds.
But of course…What was I thinking?!? My jealousy would be as much about missing out on such naughty escapades (or at least witnessing them) as much as or (likely) even more than any feelings of possession. Lets just say that the dressing room and the photo shoot would both rank high pretty high on my voyeuristic “fly on the wall” desires as…[Read more]
Love it, Mallory. Got me thinking I’d like to see you give a few more orders, and I would love to put this up front on the blog if you’re game. Let me know, and please don’t leave that dressing room.
Thanks, Kristye! Stay tuned, there is more.
thalai joined the group
Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
osted an update in the group Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
We meet up in a crowded coffee house. We spend some time getting to know one another. Eventually; you catch me staring at your shirt. You glance down, and realize that a hint of a lacy bra is visible through the gap at the top of your shirt. You catch my eye, and I blush and look away for a moment. You glance at my crotch and see a bulge…[Read more]
oined the group Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
oined the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
ellariasand posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago
The Holiday Wish List Experiment – preparation stage
To continue with my ongoing bicycle experiment, lately I’ve been dreaming of procuring a wartenberg pinwheel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wartenberg_wheel) and under-the-bed restraints with which I can engage a bit of good, old-fashioned tie and tease with the dread delight of my…[Read more]
You need to get a medical grade Wartenberg in stainless steel or chrome; they are not that expensive (under $20). Please properly disinfect by soaking in antibacterial soap with a little bleach, rinse, and running boiling water for final rinse. Store in clean ziplock bag.
For restraints, how about trying oblong scarfs? And since he is a bit of…[Read more]
Since that is one of my favorite toys, now my holiday wish list includes a paragraph or so from Mallory describing how she enjoys it.
Which is one of your favorite toys? Warterberg wheel or handcuffs/scarfs?
Waterberg Wheel… nothing against handcuffs/scarves 🙂 I hope your asking for clarification for the reason I think you are!
Thanks for the cleaning/sterilization tips! I ordered one from a medical supply store. I’ll definitely keep scarves in combination with handcuffs in mind. All of the under-the-bed restraint systems seem to just be nylon with velcro… and I guarantee he’d pretty much be out of that in a heartbeat and I’d be completely at his mercy.
… not that…[Read more]
You might also consider giving him a shave with a straight edge blade (see my post below).
I’ll throw my vote to rope as well, ultimately I believe it’s going to give you the broadest range of options (including burns or no burns 🙂 and inescapable) because of the different types of rope and because there are so many ways to keep expanding your repertoire.
And thanks for adding fuel to the fire, I have to think getting you to…[Read more]
I personally have zero interest in pain. To me the Wartenberg Wheel (along with an infinite list) represents sensuality in a couple of important dimensions: sense and fear of the unknown. Erotic fear of uncharted territories is a huge aphrodisiac. Imagine the pins of the wheel on the lower, outer quadrant of a breast, it gets close but never…[Read more]
Creative uses for the “wheel” to be sure. Thank you for suggesting them. Although I do admit to seeing the reaction to both the slow light prickling (for those with “zero interest in pain” as well as the deliberately firm sharp “tracks” it can make across all sorts of especially sensitive areas – all while still not really being more than a very…[Read more]
I had a feeling this would turn out well 🙂
osted an update in the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
osted an update in the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
We’ll Call it a Good Night
____________________________I make sure I’m in early for this week’s sketch class since it’s the end of the month and we’ll have a live model tonight. On these nights, I like to pick a seat near the front, but where I can still watch the door well enough to see the model when they arrive. Something about waiting…[Read more]
Love this! Love the setting, love the twist, and again, you write beautifully. Would love to post this up on the blog as a Friday Fantasy if that’s alright with you.
…and I love your feedback 🙂 Thank You. Absolutely yes on the post.
Well written…unexpected (on a number of levels!)…deliciously irreverent…and very, very arousing! It seems to be too detailed to be entirely fictitious. Care to share any of the “reality” behind this “fantasy”? A particular art class?, A particular stairwell?, A particular man?, A particular mutual masterbation session? Anything that might…[Read more]
Thank you, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed the story, and happy to try and answer your question. As for what it ends up telling you… well, lets see 🙂
The first story I posted “And I Didn’t Wash My Hands on the Way Out” was entirely ‘real’ and current – just a total brain dump of the end of my day. With one exception; the message I received…[Read more]
He is a very smart man. Courage needs to be cherished and adored.
I would have to agree completely on both accounts!!
Like the men I love the absolute surprise of the whole thing. I can picture it all in my mind, and the funny thing is in the beginning I would have thought the artist was a male, the switch is a nice way to get our attention and focus off of the norm..you are a wonderful writer hun.
Thank you 🙂 I journal, but its unexpected to be finding myself ‘sharing’ like this, and even more surprising to find how heady reading people’s reactions to the writing feels. I hadn’t even realized my gender was not explicit from the beginning, but now that you’ve noticed it, I too love that little ‘quirk’.
fritz joined the group
Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
Unfocused joined the group
Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago
The Pumpkin Pie Experiment
According to scientists, “The number one odor that enhanced penile blood flow was a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie spice.” I invite all SE members to fill their homes with lavender and bake a pumpkin pie or cake. Spend the day baking pumpkin pie/cake, clean up with lavender scented soap. Write and let us…[Read more]
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 12 years, 3 months ago
Thanksgiving Football Experiment
Thanksgiving is around the corner, and that means turkey and serious football. Serious football is usually followed by sex of some kind. The following are some game results. With each result, I would like to know from SE members, the type of sex that is likely to follow.
Game Result #1
Team played poorly and…[Read more]-
Sex Results
Game Result #1
Some wrestling to start, followed by my getting handcuffed, whipped, gagged,and hair yanked. The fucking is long, hard and furious.Game Result #2
Picture caveman tossing me onto bed or chair. My arms tied with scarfs, legs spread eagle and tied to bed or chair. The fucking is hard and fast.Game Result #3
He wants…[Read more]-
I’m sure they are correlated. So this is fun to think about. Your results had me smiling, until the end of course when I was laughing.
I look forward to hearing about your results and/or theories!!
I really like these. Problem is, my team (a Thanksgiving team) tends to fall under one of those first 2 results, which if you ask me are real libido killers. Big wins and big losses are less anguishing somehow.
osted an update in the group Erotic Photos 12 years, 3 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 12 years, 3 months ago
And I Didn’t Wash My Hands on the Way Out
Sitting on the exam table while Dr. Wagner mixes the injection, the back is high and the padding is too firm. I’m only feet from the window and the view is beautiful. The blue of the sky is hypnotizing me… or is it his voice? It’s steady, confide…[Read more]-
Thank you kristye. I didn’t anticipate being as anxious as I was about posting that… I hope that gives you an idea of how much I appreciate the comment. Also i have read some of your statuses and will confess your post gave me an unexpected twinge… has me wondering more about being the one in control of another persons orgasm from afar……[Read more]
Totally fascinating. Didn’t get the needles at first – thought it was some sort of sci fi, and I liked it for its strangeness – then got it and liked it for its vivid reality. Very hot.
Thank you for the comment, the site, and the experiment on the whole. I am enjoying all of them. I agree the beginning was cryptic, I realized it a bit late… The memories from the second half of the story were coming back in a bit of a rush 🙂
P.s. definitely tickles me to think of it in a sci-fiway
lake joined the group
Your Fantasies 12 years, 4 months ago
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