Zira joined the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 8 months ago
helios joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 8 months ago
helios joined the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 8 months ago
livefreeortry joined the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 9 months ago
livefreeortry joined the group
Your Experiments 8 years, 9 months ago
livefreeortry joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 9 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 9 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 9 months ago
Mr x69 joined the group
Your Experiments 8 years, 9 months ago
Mr x69 joined the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 9 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 8 years, 9 months ago
What Matters?
At Mr R. Goodcock’s prodding (@r-goodcock), I would like to invite all of you to share something that matters to you. This is the Sex Experiment after all, so let’s first keep the direction of “what matters” connected to your sexual self. You may be shy, you may be hesitant, but think about this: if you say things of…[Read more]
We kissed and fucked, but we never dated and we never raised the questions of what we were doing with each other.
He was this person whose consequence I never captured with a label, whose possibility I never got over. I think about all the reasons for why it hurts so much, this hole he left behind inside me. We practiced so much caution that…[Read more]
Mallory, such a powerful reflection. Everything in our lives shows us who we are being, and what the being yields. Everything in life is an opportunity to examine, our being, and shape it to yield more of what is meaningful. In this way, the journey takes us ever closer to our bliss, our purpose, relevance. Love it darling.
What matters to me, is to know, and be known, not in the conventional ways, not in the well managed ways, and impressive ways, but in the gritty, and real ways. For what’s in my heart, and soul, for how my body needs to express. What’s meaningful to me, is people with the space, and capability to meet me there, where there is no right or wrong,…[Read more]
A very warm welcome, Mr Hyde. And I agree. The ride is all about trying, striving for whatever it is that makes it all worthwhile.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 9 months ago
Please share some more about these other venues for making out.
I sincerely hope you will share with us all the wild ways you got and reach them. As I read this recount of an early experience, I am scorched to my core. I have no doubt that your recall is so vivid because even from this far distance in place and time, I feel the texture and color of that experience.
The answer would have been yes.
Imaxown posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
1. How do you cut free from “fools” to whom you’ve given pieces of yourself. There are holes where there was once friendship and more.
2. Baby, I am the Entire Package: eye candy, arm trophy, bedroom slut, soul food, mental meat. I am a full menu.
3. The body may speak silently but the heart speaks at high frequencies you hear but ignore…[Read more]-
Yes Mallory. I definitely like your style. Deep thoughtful and seductive.
1. Holes make room for new friends possibly better but different!!
2. A full 5 course banquet I would suggest.
3. While the sparkle is there never too old.
4. Captive and captivating!!So like your style !!
Imaxown posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 8 years, 10 months ago
I love sexting and received this from a talented erotic writer!! Long but hope you enjoy !!
The Twelve Days of Christmas
I do enjoy a challenge, and I love to be creative. But when a client asks for the twelve days of Christmas as his Christmas present to himself, that is a tall order! The client in question was Victor, a French opera singer I…[Read more] -
Imaxown posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Imaxown posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Mr Goodcock…I have to applaud your efforts. I have been somewhat inactive on this site for the past little bit, but I know how thankless it might sometimes seem to keep the conversation going around these parts, so I wanted to express my appreciation for much of what you have shared!
I don’t have a picture of my lips at hand (although they…[Read more]
@alix-james these are quite lovely but now I am wanting your lips….
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 8 years, 10 months ago
Lips as Demanded
by @r-goodcock
Oh and @lake, did you say Contest? - Load More