
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Name or describe a sexual activity you have never done, but are most curious about.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Find a way to take a picture that has both a total stranger and your bare ass, genitals, or breasts in the picture. The closer they are the better. They can be in on the challenge, oblivious or anything in between.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    If you could have one thing done to you every morning for five minutes, what would it be?

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Go to a library or book store. Browse the readers or books till you are feeling spry. Find the spot of your choosing and masturbate to the brink (under clothes, through clothes, fully exposed – your choosing, dress appropriately). To to the brink and stop, you score DARE points. Share a picture your score DOUBLE DARE poi…[Read more]

    • Score five for the gals. Went to the New York public library and masturbated in public to orgasm. i did say thank you lake, but i only whispered it. i’m not counting that, but i still get the extra points for the pictures i’m about to post.

    • I went into a bookstore to get a notebook and thought to myself what would get me to even consider this dare? There was one copy, Alice Hoffman’s White Horses. I must have read this 20 years ago. Took me 15 minutes to find the part to read again. Yeah, still makes me hot. I couldn’t go through with anything else. Sorry, ladies. No score for me.

      • No score, but full credit and much fanfare for being in the game. It’s an ‘experiment’ after all and all outcomes teach us something and set up new possibilities. It takes a while to be able to wrap your head around doing something totally outside of your comfort zone. Afterall we are playing with fundamental instincts here: shame, humiliation,…[Read more]

    • Chapter 2, Chapter 3, hell, read the whole book! I went to the library and took it out; I am going to read it again. End of Chapter 3: “…..she watched as Silver’s car made a turn in the road and disappeared. When she closed her eyes she could still see him, she could see him more clearly than any relative who gathered in the driveway to throw…[Read more]

      • Ah this book will be quite the emotional jerker i see. This excerpt has just reminded me of another regret.

        Thanks for looking it up Mallory, I shall seek to find it and create an adventure of my own with it.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    What is higher on the priority list, sex or wealth?

    • Sex

      • Isn’t one of the main points of wealth to use it to get sex anyway?

        • Yes, perhaps. But not sure if that is the most powerful point.

          • Security and to provide for, even take care of others yes, this is a priority, but I am interpreting wealth as means beyond that. Beyond that it affords comfort and entertainment, pride, vanity. None of these are more fulfilling or rewarding to me than deep connection and full expression.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    For a guy, wrap a beaded stretch bracelet around cock, put on underwear and dress as usual (perhaps not skin tight pants). For a lady, place a pearl necklace between your cunt, tie the ends with a ribbon on the front and back around your waist. Again, dress as usual. Go about your full day. Let the beads/pearls pleasure you. The longer…[Read more]

    • Just one point – I have a four foot long string of pearls so that helped. I wasn’t sure about getting it tight enough, but with panties over the top it worked fine. I went straight up the center front and back and put the ribbon around my waist. I had on short shorts and a t-shirt, so the top of the pearls and the ribbon peeked a bit. I…[Read more]

      • Gets me hot just thinking about the subtle, then escalating, sensations you experienced. I hope you tasted the pearls after or offered them to your husband.

        • This is a very hot addition, but you have to understand my husband is not exactly ‘surprised’ to find me somewhere masturbating… Lol.

          He rolls his eyes at me far more often than he gets turned on. He is a normal, dependable, loyal, nurturing intellectual man. We’ve been married ten years so he understands that I am ‘out there’ relative to…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    Guys if you win the truth, dare, double dare challenge, what do you want from the ladies?

    Ladies if (really when) we win the truth, dare, double dare challenge, what do we want from the men?

    • Umm depends on who the men players are, might want different things from different men. Is that allowed?

      • I’ll be honest with you, I am craving a full out game-on, so i want the ”prize’ to be as motivating as possible. i say to everyone, negotiate for what you want, and what will get you in the game… then see if you can take it!

        i’ll tell you right now, i am convinced the girls are going to kick the guys asses and I’m ready to put my assets…[Read more]

    • Gentlemen you are seriously falling behind… Come on get in the game… You know you want to. I promise it will hurt so good!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    I don’t want to think about summer coming to an end, so I’d like to propose a game to distract us all.

    Everyone is invited to play. I propose men against women.

    If you are playing post as many of the following types of challenges/experiments as you can invent in separate status posts on your profile. Then reply to this experiment, to let…[Read more]

    • I’ve posted! Whose up for a challenge?

    • To be a little more clear about the scoring. For every man that replies to any challenge that gets posted, the men get the points. For every woman that replies to any challenge, the women get the points. It has nothing to do with whether the person posting is a man or a woman. It’s about the volume of replies overall.

    • Love this, and can’t wait to see what you all come up with. (May even steal a few dares for my own use!)

      May the best sex win.

    • CHANGE OF RULES – I like what Mallory did better, post the truths and dares HERE like she did NOT on your profile like I did. I will move mine (sorry Mallory you will need to repost your replies after I do)

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    [Explanation/lead up to the experiment]: I recently stumbled onto the ‘pizza dare’ on porn sites. For those who are not familiar with it, it involves ordering something for delivery (pizza, chinese, etc.) and when the delivery person shows up, the woman is either entirely nude or just wearing a towel. In the latter case, at some point during the…[Read more]

    • And, somewhat selfishly on my part, I’d love if you do this experiment if you could post a before and after picture – with bra before you walk out of the house, and no bra after you return.

    • Motivational photos to be certain.

    • I dare say that lake’s latest photo qualifies as a very motivational “Before.

      • Ah good point! Score one for me! I suppose then ‘afters’ should be worth at least two.

      • It absolutely does – care to give this challenge a try, lake? Makes me wish I lived in NY to see the results first-hand

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 5 months ago

    Sitting in Eataly, drinking a glass of wine and smelling the fruitiness intermingled with the musty scents on my hands and face. We’ve just parted ways, but he has not left me. I am stalling before rejoining the world. I want to continue to lick him off my hand, the bread, my lips a little longer. I feel him so deep inside me it’s hard to…[Read more]

    • Like standing in the middle the world’s busiest airport, heart full, soul thoroughly loved and fucked, and you start feeling voracious all over again.

      • Yes, Exactly

        Longing so bittersweet. I want never to be without it or the inspiration it brings. It pulls me forward, fills my heart, and lights me up. Still it is a slippery rascal with a wicked side, that undisciplined can turn energy to anxiety, neediness, jealousy, and distraction.

        Thank goodness for getting smarter everyday, for friends and…[Read more]

        • I think you nailed it with that last statement… I would have to think long and hard to come up with ANYTHING that I would need to add to your list of things to be thankful for that could materially improve my chances of happiness in life!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 7 months ago

    So this is more a description of a scene, than a story, but so are most of mine, and I haven’t let that stop me yet 😉 Besides no one has posted here lately, so I figured I score some points for just getting anything up.


    Received a text at work, “Do you want to?”

    I replied, “Yes always”

    I set the phone down, staring waiting, excitem…[Read more]

    • ‘my adventures’… giggle 🙂

      Funny you should mention that, there is a huge library in my neighborhood, every time I pass it I think, one of these days I have to stop in there and take a dirty picture for you 🙂 What I can’t figure out is how to take a picture holding the camera myself that would give me enough background for you to even tell I…[Read more]

      • I dare you to take a picture in the library!

        Six feet? I hate you.

        • Now that I’ve said it, I am more determined to get…so I definitely see it happening once I figure out the logistics. Maybe everyone should come up with one! We’ll have library week! Books are good for us ..right!?!

          I hope that comes with some pinching and biting and slapping, my petite madam 😉

    • I can’t decide whether to reply humbly, coyly or total air of confidence on that one… it’s got me locked up!

      Can’t Wait! The thought of helping to motivate this story line to continue, may just get me to find a way to work out my camera challenge once and for all.

    • it’s on like donkey kong

      • I don’t even know where to begin in responding tho this thread so I just decided to say that I can not wait to see the results of your “stacks” of pleasure for our viewing pleasure!!!

    • Yes, I bet you’d like to enjoy how our pages unfold.

    • Love it, love the edges of your writing.

      • Love that your comment made me re-read this… And of course re-remember! I’ve been told my writing is ‘un-romantic’ so now I can reply that I am good with edgy 🙂

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 7 months ago

    The task was simple, the circumstances less than ideal, and the result…well judge for yourself!

    I had been missing my slave. Work and personal obligations having conspired to keep us apart for slightly longer than I would normally like. We both work, we both have obligations and this time of year, there is always one more thing that needs to g…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 7 months ago

    I will go first! I would like to ”pin” Chapter 4 of ”The Known Experiment” on Mrs. kristye. More specifically the part where Katharine is introduced to Mr. Hosnani and his exceedingly rare and unique collection! I like what I ”see” of kristye ”stretching” her comfort zone and going to such great ”lengths” up on tha…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 7 months ago

    Since I teased you all about a month ago now with how my logistical challenges factor into my experiences, I thought it was only fair to actually share the result of my having found an ”opening” in my slave as a result of the photo mrs lake posted that got me so worked up! As a reminder about the circumstances…

    I had asked my slave to make herse…[Read more]

    • In preparation to audition for the honor of worshipping your cock, I dispensed of all attire and stand before you nude, except for a pair of elbow length, black fingerless velvet gloves. Both of my wrists bounded by yards of a 3 inch wide, gauzy silk red ribbon with enough in the middle to wrap around the base of your cock. I kneel and tighten…[Read more]

      • Mmmm…this is an excellent start!
        Thankfully you have graced us all with enough actual ”imagery” in the past for me (and others) to have a very clear impression of what your naked body looks like as I stand here and study each and every ridge and curve and point of your flesh…I love the ”sight” of your tight, lithe body as you move fluidly, in…[Read more]

    • Responding to your cock jerking, twitching, and jumping to my adoration, I am feeling my own arousal heighten. I tighten the ribbon around your cock, holding you there while I slip one hand under your balls to caress them and curl the fingers of my other hand around your pubic hair, twisting and pulling them gently. My tongue dipping into your…[Read more]

      • I have just taken in a big, deep, full breath before looking up from the “scene” of you starting to touch and tease and explore my cock… I hold my breath and allow my eyes to flutter shut as I feel the shivers coursing through my spine and radiating out from my cock until I am feeling the trembles in every corner of my body. Finally, when the…[Read more]

    • I feel every bit of your rigid control to focus on the sensations I am building up in you as I fuck your cock slit with my nipple. I unwind some of the ribbon from my wrists and wrap the rest of your shaft in a thin layer of the ribbon, from base to tip. I tighten and loosen it slowly, looking up at you, watching you breathe. Then, I engulf…[Read more]

      • You hear a series of sharp, shallow, incomplete breaths as my body begins to unconsciously react to each progressively more intense and direct stimulation of my cock:

        …the constriction and relaxation of the smooth cool ribbon…

        …the smooth slippery softness of your nipple sliding along my slit…

        …the warmth of your breath washing across…[Read more]

    • Savoring your breathing and how very rigid you’ve become, I slowly uncover the tip of your erection from the ribbon while I clamp down on it with my mouth. My tongue making circles around your ridge. I uncover more. My tongue sweeps around, and around. I uncover more and I sink my mouth down further. Lapping with my tongue, alternating the…[Read more]

      • You can hear a soft groan escaping my lips as you start to circle and swirl and sink lower and lower onto my shaft…another of those deliciously intense moments that push the world farther and farther back into my sub-conscious mind… This is what I have been waiting for and I am savoring the sensations of your tongue and lips and the warmth…[Read more]

    • I sink my mouth further and further down your shaft, your head at my throat, my lips at your ribbon trimmed base. I hear your groans. I feel your contraction around my finger as I enter you; you squeeze but I push on. I suddenly release all pressure from my mouth. You squeeze my finger more; I push it all the way into you while my mouth drag…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 8 months ago

    Master in his suit and coat whispers, “Take care of me slave” and closes his eyes. I am nude and we are both standing. I am drowning in a thousand emotions. ‘BREATHE’, I have to remind myself as my hands gingerly slip under his coat. It’s heavy and I cringe when the hangers clatter as I reach in to pull one out.

    Looking at him, studying…[Read more]

    • Thank You MrT, I really do appreciate it. I was nervous about trying to pen this at all, so the feedback feels good… and I would say; he is a very inspired and inspiring man 🙂

      • He is fortunate indeed! To have a slave capable of being so unflinchingly present, so skillfully driven, with such a relentless single minded focus on HIS pleasure. This reminds me of my (admittedly limited but highly rewarding) experiences with tantra, where two people are able to become so thoroughly connected – their souls literally…[Read more]

    • This is an excellent example of what I meant by “tending to,” a remarkable demonstration of generosity, in addition to affection and desire.

    • Tantra is always on my list of things to learn more ‘officially’ about. I have organically picked up a few techniques over time, and I very much buy-in to the underlying premises. I believe elements of tantra (or at least something similar) are to some degree already parts of some of my experiences, but at the same time know that there is alw…[Read more]

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