
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    The Reception…where everyone lets loose!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Photographers must see the darndest things…

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Keeping with the “wedding” theme…a few of my favorites…sorted by sub-genere!
    Getting Ready…

  • lake – instead of recreating the sofa pic we were talking about, I share another one: it’s an opening from another perspective; hope you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

  • Happens to me all the time with dogs, but never happened with an elefant.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    Admittedly, not as stylish, but there can be no mistaking what it is about this “expression” that I like as well after my last comment below – think everything mentioned but with a cock instead of a finger…


    there are more than a few similarities to this view (even though it is not me…or at least not until later this afternoon, if at all p…[Read more]


    Nicole flips over her wet hair, giving it another towel dry, and puts it up in a quick ponytail. Putting a little moisturizer on her face, and she finishes with a little lip stain. Then sitting down on the locker bench, wondering if she should head home to make dinner or make other plans, she…[Read more]

    • What do you want to be next?

    • I’m still sitting here picturing Nicole, naked wrapped in a towel with freshly stained lips on one of the benches at the locker room at the gym… Just within reach…

    • OMG and now I’m picturing me in the office, it’s been one of those days, it’s ten I’m still there, I never got out for lunch, have had maybe a handful of almonds all day… and she’s on my lap feeding me peekytoe crab, and its savory and warm and it starts to restore my being I am starting to feel like a human being again and I’m pissed I’ve spent…[Read more]

      • Yes, yes, the rest will have to wait.

        • Come and taunt me, enchant me, distract me, feed me… Come focus me… Let me shed my skin, and stand in all ways naked before you, pour myself into you and be accepted… I will not miss such a moment, I will not hesitate, I will not take your offering for granted… Have mercy on me, let my gratitude wrap you in ecstasy.

          • It is difficult to decipher if there is any difference between acceptance and ecstasy.

            • Indeed dear Mallory indeed. If the gift is appreciated by both for what it is, they are indeed difficult to distinguish.

          • I’ve come to taunt you, lake, to tell you I’m working on the long await conversation between Alex and Nicole.

            • Your timing is impeccable, Sunday is my long run miles and miles to let my mind travel over any idea we can manage to set it to before I head out.

  • After the criticisms for my prior “dancer” pictures, I should know better, but I am not that easily persuaded by others thoughts. So here are a few additional dancers, hopefully which contain sufficient additional “curves” to interest others!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    And for something that is REALLY HOT! I offer these…

    • There was a second photo…I promise…an upload error I presume. I will attach it later! Have a good weekend!!!

    • Okay James, I have to tell you, you’ve taken me on quite a ride with all this activity lately. I did try your tumblr recommendations… Got to ‘pussy massage’ and have been positively squirmy and ravenous ever since. Now you post this, and it’s like being plugged into a steady memory stream of delight. I’m realizing a man’s hand sliding across…[Read more]

      • Thank you mrs lake. It seems that truly good minds DO think alike!!! There IS something to be said for a particularly intimate view of a beautiful pussy. I think that is true regardless of the activity, but yes, there is an aspect of certain highly “expressive” visuals of a woman’s cunt which can capture a whole higher level of interest and…[Read more]

        • First of all, “maddening insufferable ache” indeed!!

          Now, as for this wager… Do I have this straight. You get me over your lap for a time, but then I GET YOU over my lap to do as many things as I can conjure and impart in my time? Cause that just got interesting! Oh please tell me you’ve been naughty!

          • Well…that isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but on second thought, maybe the construction that I first suggested was a bit…one sided! It did require a woman as the “test” subject. By my narrow way of thinking that would have been YOU! But In hindsight, I do see the complication that would present when it came time for you to demonstrate…[Read more]

            • PPS: I like the idea so much that if you are inclined to proceed mrs lake, I may post this dare on a few other sites which might appreciate the deliciously naughty possibilities imbedded within it!!!

            • PPPS: I do suppose the “passive availability” aspect is up for debate as well…but…to crib from another famous quote, It goes without saying, “What happens in New York WOULD of course stay in New York!”

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    And for something that I just think looks HOT! I give you this…

    • hmmm… that looks like somebody i know.

    • I love this pic. 🙂

    • Well definitely accept substitutions for the furniture, but need that chest opening to the camera with nipples pert and painted… Hips taut… Oh We do need to keep you ‘thinking’

    • Oh and little update on the person who the pic reminded me off… I am happy to report, she was able to fulfill a certain little photo request that I couldn’t resist suggesting… It was really about the research though I had to match things up once I found her doppleganger. Oh the things I do for science.

      • Oh no, no, no! You can’t do that. You can’t throw out a comment like this out there and not explain what you are talking about. And in terms of the fulfilled request?!? We are waiting.,.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    After the criticisms for my prior “dancer” pictures, I should know better, but I am not that easily persuaded by others thoughts. So here are a few additional dancers, hopefully which contain sufficient additional “curves” to interest others!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    I do love relentlessly, shamelessly sexual women…
    Is it me, or do others get the distinct impression that a fair number of lesbians really do have it all figured out?
    Maybe it is just that in many regards they are much more comfortable EXPRESSING their sexuality and society at large (me first among them) is profoundly more accepting of such d…[Read more]

    • I’ve said it before, one of the best things about being a woman is how much more we can get away with than men can… and I do my best to make good use of that fact!

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 9 months ago

    • @lake…@mallory…this just gave me an INCREDIBLE idea!!!

    • … this just gave me an INCREDIBLE… uh, well let me just say, i got it in a place much lower than where the ideas are!

    • Think that I wouldn’t do this. Don’t ask me why…

      • Is it a general, ‘not bi’ thing or something about this specific act? … You just got me curious now.

        • Nothing general, I have bi fantasies but I keep them in the drawer because when I act, it must be an act of love, of involvement, of giving totally. And there’s only one person on my agenda. For the rest, I simply enjoy showing off, teasing, pleasing with words and poses.

          • Ah got it makes perfect sense… And glad the ‘rest of us’ managed to stay in the running for teasing 🙂


    Nicole quietly tiptoes over to the side of the bed, leaning over, giving a snoring Alex a peck on the cheek. He shifts immediately and blinks a little.

    “Ummmm you want more already?” he whispers.

    She chuckles, “Maybe tonight, Sweetheart. I am leaving. I’ve got a case.”

    Alex groans, “Oh. Thursday. You got a…[Read more]

  • Alix James replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic Collaborationstest in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 9 months ago

    New York…


    Nicole quietly tiptoes over to the side of the bed, leaning over, giving a snoring Alex a peck on the cheek. He shifts immediately and blinks a little.

    “Ummmm you want more already?” he whispers.

    She chuckles, “Maybe tonight, Sweetheart. I am leaving. I’ve got a case.”

    Alex groans, “Oh. Thursday. You got a…[Read more]

    • Whoa… Exciting… Challenging…

      I should have known you would have twists in store for us…

    • Freshly returned from my vacation and cleaning out my “in” box full of so many “Daily Digest” updates, I have spent the better part of the afternoon getting (caught) up with your juicy little tale Mrs. Mallory. And let me say that, despite being exquisitely distracted over the past two weeks, I really have been missing your tail!!! Not only…[Read more]

      • James, I have only some specific thoughts on the next conversation between Nicole and Alex. After that, I am hoping that you, lake and others will jump in to help me with the evolution of the story, in any manner that interests all of you.

      • OH and I missed your tail too, James.

  • This is a beautiful and sexy poem from the Greek Constantine Cavafy where the Odyssey story is a metaphor for the jouney of life.

    Recited by Sir Seanconnery, music by Vangelis and the essay below is from some student that explains well poem.

    The major theme of the poem is to take your time on your…[Read more]

  • Though Mrs. Barrister is not comfortable posting her pictures (yet), I found a picture that could be her twin!


    I spread my fingers and hands on the little table in front of Juju. Then I pull them back and look at my hands and fingers closely. I can feel my heart rate speed up a little, thinking about that dinner. Adam. I hate that he saw the little cracks on my fingertips. But it affected me more that he noticed.

    “Isn’t there…[Read more]

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