strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 10 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 10 months ago
foghorn1973 joined the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 10 months ago
Kixxmn joined the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
mnjohn joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
UrbanSanyaasi joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 11 years, 11 months ago
So this is more a description of a scene, than a story, but so are most of mine, and I haven’t let that stop me yet 😉 Besides no one has posted here lately, so I figured I score some points for just getting anything up.
Received a text at work, “Do you want to?”
I replied, “Yes always”
I set the phone down, staring waiting, excitem…[Read more]
‘my adventures’… giggle 🙂
Funny you should mention that, there is a huge library in my neighborhood, every time I pass it I think, one of these days I have to stop in there and take a dirty picture for you 🙂 What I can’t figure out is how to take a picture holding the camera myself that would give me enough background for you to even tell I…[Read more]
I dare you to take a picture in the library!
Six feet? I hate you.
Now that I’ve said it, I am more determined to get…so I definitely see it happening once I figure out the logistics. Maybe everyone should come up with one! We’ll have library week! Books are good for us ..right!?!
I hope that comes with some pinching and biting and slapping, my petite madam 😉
I can’t decide whether to reply humbly, coyly or total air of confidence on that one… it’s got me locked up!
Can’t Wait! The thought of helping to motivate this story line to continue, may just get me to find a way to work out my camera challenge once and for all.
it’s on like donkey kong
I don’t even know where to begin in responding tho this thread so I just decided to say that I can not wait to see the results of your “stacks” of pleasure for our viewing pleasure!!!
Yes, I bet you’d like to enjoy how our pages unfold.
Might get too loud for a library… that would not be your everyday unfolding!
Love it, love the edges of your writing.
Love that your comment made me re-read this… And of course re-remember! I’ve been told my writing is ‘un-romantic’ so now I can reply that I am good with edgy 🙂
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
I’ve been wanting to peak inside THAT kitchen for a long time now!
The middle one reminds me of a dream I had last night, we were playing baseball and one of my girlfriends was pitching dressed like that, and I kept getting hit in the head with the ball.
Always a party going on in our kitchen! Happy Easter! Pie’s in the oven
Orange Chess pie with whipped cream on top
mmmm… put me on that list too!
lake posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
Such a long day…. I was sure I would fall asleep without masturbating tonight, but strudel lady… You have officially altered my plans! Whose else is still up? lets do it together, on the count of three… Begin!
ready for more???
I finished three and went to bed before this came up we are going to have to work on our timing… Apparently I’m going to have to draw things out a bit 🙂
But you are talking my language, shall we make a date then?
This is getting interesting… don’t stop there! I can always ask permission. What should I be asking for? Maybe to follow some instruction on this?? 😉
Permission granted!! So I guess that leaves me here, juat awaiting your… instruction.
ah.. so are we doing this now – like chat style? you type i do.. then get back to you etc.
I went into the bathroom because the mirrors are large and I can see front and back. Crossed my arms and lifted my t-shirt off, watching myself as a bared more and more flesh. Immediately felt the chill in the air and my nipples stiffened. Pulled my hands up my body, they went straight to my full breasts and hard nipples, rubbing and circling.…[Read more]
I am just not one to miss a chance to execute on one’s vision.
I am going to comment rather than reply, so i can get back to the wider text box (so see below)
Oh I was really excited about these intstructions. dining room chair (which is also in front of the 11 ft floor to ceiling windows) its the only one with two arms. I like sitting up to play with my entrance, I can reach so much better, did i mention i like these instructions. the second my lips were split from putting my legs up I could already…[Read more]
I am a numbers girl, the counting helps me stay on task and I like specificity in instructions. So I was focusing on that and in the end that worked in my favor.
On the 3rd one I grab my nipple, but I can’t touch my clit at all or I know I will cum. I check the clock. It’s only been 4 minutes, fuck this is going to be hard. I have to wait about…[Read more]
mmmm and well done to you lecherous Sir – start to finish a wonderful, tantalizing ride and this summation just makes me happy to no end!! I know I must be well and truly spent or that alone would have sent me off again. Sweet Dreams 🙂
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
I have to agree. Something about it feels intense and almost in motion.
I think it is a fun juxtaposition in the top picture how he is all casual in his comfy cotton jams and she is decked in pale pink corset lace trimmed panties and shiny spiked heels… The differences between the sexes so blatantly on display…
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
She seems quite the spunky little slut with her cunt being shaved and her breasts ready to peak out and her taking pictures, hands all flirty… So cheeky!
You know I just realized I haven’t done this since my 20’s… But omg that boyfriend was so into it. He was a nudist, we used to get up at 4 am to go to Playalinda and surf nude.
I always say, he was the one that first ‘turned me out’ we had so much fun. He was all over the place… everything I could have ever thought of… short of crossing into bdsm.
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
That is what makes it hotter!!
so suggestive… love all the little teases
Undoubtably sex can (and should) happen everywhere…but sex in the kitchen is indeed a wonderful thing… Have you ever noticed that many of these pictures are during the day – specifically they appear to be flooded with sunshine that streams so brightly through the windows only during that part of the day? It is a reminder that we should all…[Read more]
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 11 months ago
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I’ve been thinking a lot about beauty lately and exactly what the value of it is. I believe a big part of the appeal is that it creates in the beholder a great sense of promise or possibility, that results in desire.
I look at this picture and I long to have my hands exactly where his hands are and I think about dragging my tongue from the…[Read more]
On a basic level, beauty and postural display of it, function to maximize sexual survival of the fittest. But I think beauty is really an individual perception and value.
Agree. It is how strong, how innate, how consistent our responses to it (speaking strictly of the individual’s perception of physical beauty) are that I find so fascinating.
You see someone or even a picture of someone. You have no idea of actual compatibility or whether any level of interaction with them could bring you any real level of…[Read more]
Love this discussion and love Stendhal’s line: “Beauty is the promise of happiness.” Not happiness itself, but the promise of it. Sometimes broken, but intriguing enough to want to investigate.
That is one of the best quotes I have ever read…no really…EVER! Thank you for sharing that.
Yes, perfect quote for this – exactly what I was attempting to articulate.
All of it is such a powerful demonstration of the power of being plugged straight into our genetics\instincts.
And as for you Ms. lake…thank you for inspiring us all with your words! I have seen research reports that suggest that 65% of all brain activity is dedicated to processing “visual” inputs. More interestingly, 80% of those visual “processing” functions are activated even when there is nothing to see (your eyes are closed or you are sitting in…[Read more]
When I close my eyes right now I see my hands flat on Master’s chest, fingertips curled at his collar bone, the print of his shirt, the texture of his tie… and I feel it with 100% of my body, my heart, and my soul. Did they mention anything about that in the study?
‘Care to’ or ‘Dare to’? Either way I think we all know my answer. I wonder,…[Read more]
I wonder if there aren’t parallels between this concept of the perceived potential of beauty and the perceived potential of strictly virtual relationships or even strictly restricted relationships. Real people and real life have ebbs and flows, it gets messy at times, it takes work, and of course there is much that we don’t control. Versus in…[Read more]