• lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    I don’t want to think about summer coming to an end, so I’d like to propose a game to distract us all.

    Everyone is invited to play. I propose men against women.

    If you are playing post as many of the following types of challenges/experiments as you can invent in separate status posts on your profile. Then reply to this experiment, to let…[Read more]

    • I’ve posted! Whose up for a challenge?

    • To be a little more clear about the scoring. For every man that replies to any challenge that gets posted, the men get the points. For every woman that replies to any challenge, the women get the points. It has nothing to do with whether the person posting is a man or a woman. It’s about the volume of replies overall.

    • Love this, and can’t wait to see what you all come up with. (May even steal a few dares for my own use!)

      May the best sex win.

    • CHANGE OF RULES – I like what Mallory did better, post the truths and dares HERE like she did NOT on your profile like I did. I will move mine (sorry Mallory you will need to repost your replies after I do)

  • pGroup logo of Your Experimentsosted an update in the group Your Experiments 11 years, 2 months ago

    [Explanation/lead up to the experiment]: I recently stumbled onto the ‘pizza dare’ on porn sites. For those who are not familiar with it, it involves ordering something for delivery (pizza, chinese, etc.) and when the delivery person shows up, the woman is either entirely nude or just wearing a towel. In the latter case, at some point during the…[Read more]

    • And, somewhat selfishly on my part, I’d love if you do this experiment if you could post a before and after picture – with bra before you walk out of the house, and no bra after you return.

    • Motivational photos to be certain.

    • I dare say that lake’s latest photo qualifies as a very motivational “Before.

      • Ah good point! Score one for me! I suppose then ‘afters’ should be worth at least two.

      • It absolutely does – care to give this challenge a try, lake? Makes me wish I lived in NY to see the results first-hand

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 2 months ago

    I would love to be pegged and or caned.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago

    Adding Lexi

    It figures that when I finally get to live out my top-of-the-list fantasy, my flight was delayed. It was after two in the morning when I arrived at the hotel. I quietly entered the one bedroom suite. Exhausted slumber filled the stillness. The inner bathroom light gave a slight illumination as my eyes adjusted and focused on the…[Read more]

    • Fantastic Mallory, and I hope there’s some grain of truth. And beautifully written. Particularly loved this: “We spent the rest of the morning rediscovering sex in this slightly more crowded context, developing our own new triangular language.”

      Would love to publish this up on the blog for others if you’re not opposed. As you wish (always as you wish!)…

      • Thanks, Mr. X. Yes, a good number of grains of truth.

        Would be delighted if you wish to put it up on the blog.

    • So much tension all the way through, it was captivating. This is poetic at times and insanely hot throughout… I am squeezing my thighs together right now so I can focus long enough to type this reply.

      • Okay I am still thinking about this… and yes, still to the same effect! You created such a vivid picture and dynamic, my mind has so many fun, sexy, romantic places to go with this… I want more!

        • I hope in the mean time, you had stopped squeezing those delicious thighs and opened up for some other focus.

          • Oh I did indeed.. In fact I had to go to bed early last night because I wore myself out after reading this one… So many lovely places to insert or transpose myself!

            • Wonderful! I hope you will conjure up different places later on and wear yourself out again.

              • I have an assignment from M tonight… I’ve been plotting all day how to work this and you have definitely helped! Trust me I will be worn out in all kinds of wonderful ways, no one appreciates a ‘more crowded context’ quite like him!… Ummmm just had the thought, maybe me, but then no, no it’s definitely him.

                • Methink’s you are being a little coy mrs. lake! Based On what. You have shared so far, I find it hard to imagine your appreciation of a ‘crowded context’ isn’t sufficiently robust to challenge such a premise. Are you sure you wouldn’t care to award a ‘tie’ instead? Also, I was curious as to whether you might care to share what assignment Mrs…[Read more]

                  • Lol… It is a tough one to call 😉

                    Master has put in my possession one very small ( 2 inch to be precise) waterproof, hd camera with a full battery and an empty memory card. His new toy must be returned to him tomorrow and I am to have fully demonstrated that I am indeed taking very very good care of his pussy in his absence. Needless to say,…[Read more]

    • Wow…I have clearly been absent for too long! I have perused the site to discover a little about what has been transpiring, but this is the first post I chose to read in full and to say that I am glad this is where I started would be a profound understatement (well…the reaction it inspired in mrs. lake definitely had something to do with it as…[Read more]

    • Your responses are just delightful. Thank you. Perhaps you might even care to elaborate?

      • Yes do elaborate, what thoughts does it spur, which sentences in particular make your energy surge… Why? Do you put yourself in the story, what about being in that position is most desired…

        I can hardly wait for more! Oh and Mallory, please tell me you are going to continue this story!! I do so want more, I do so want Lexi begging at your…[Read more]

    • Such sacrifices on this dirty girls account… I am indeed touched!

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago

    So this fantasy is pretty long and intricate, but I’ve been playing out this scenario in my brain for some time now. It’s also completely unrealistic, but isn’t that what a fantasy is supposed to be?


    We had just finished our final game of volleyball. Despite being 6’4, I was…[Read more]

    • I apologize ahead of time for any typos but I think you’ll understand that I had a hard time focusing when writing this. =P

    • Such naughty girls taking advantage of you like that… and even after you had been so generous about offering them the shower. 😉

      Next time you may just have to turn the tables on them a bit!

    • Love this, Andrew. Very sexy, and particularly love the sense of humor: “I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or her actual asshole.” Would love to post it up on the blog for others to see if you don’t mind. Let me know, and in any case, please give us more volleyball!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago

    Thought this one went well with MrTinkertoys’ story below

    Sitting at a bar stool in a café. Watching the drone of New Yorkers walk by through the window one foot in front of her face, she is feeling bored; she is feeling irreverent and disconnected. She needs a distraction. She straightens her back and lets her knees fall open. Her skirt is…[Read more]

    • And what café do you go to?.. Very HOT! 😉

      • Is that a proposition? no shortage of cafes 😉 So which part do you want to play, ‘on the stool’ or Charles?

        • I had in mind Charles, but will never turn down a lady taking absolute control in any situation… just know that next time it’s my turn! 😉

          • SO YUM, I like this answer. Lets go with you as Charles first, but I have to warn you, I am a girl who likes to throw in a twist, so don’t think I’ll be 100% stuck to the script, I plan to keep you… on point shall we say 😉

    • So hot. Love the daily boredom as the background, then love your daring, and how far you go. Would love to publish it up on the blog as a Friday Fantasy, if that’s alright with you. The title would have to be that fabulous line: “The scream that had been there from the start.”

      • Two things that are very dangerous for me; boredom and jealousy… I am almost always going to push some limit when I hit either one of those.

        Love that title… It’s yours do with as you please.

        • “It’s yours to do with as you please?” Hmm…

        • By “by pushing some limits” when you ate jealous, are we to presume that to mean “competitive”? My first thought was that that I couldn’t imagine there being a much more sexual creature on this planet so its hard to believe that there would be all that much for you to be jealous about… My second thought was “My oh my how much I would love to…[Read more]

          • James! How nice to hear from you 🙂

            Still not missing a thing I see. I think I shall answer your question with a short story/example/reveal. I once received one of those phone calls… You know the ones where it is another woman calling to tell you she is sleeping with your man (this back when I still did real monogamy) I asked her to meet me.…[Read more]

    • Nope the bushes are near home, the cafe is near work… Guess the only consistency is the fact that I was horny I both.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is on your Fantasy List?
    The Great Outdoors

    You wake up and crawl out of the tent. A modest breakfast is laid out on the makeshift table and there is a paper rolled into a scroll tucked under the plate. You open it and find a rudimentary treasure map with a hand drawn pornographic picture where the X would be. You chuckle and begin to eat…[Read more]

    • I was expecting you would appreciate this one SIr 🙂 thank you. I do hope this is not the last we hear of those ideas!

      In the woods, I feel the city slip out of me, I feel those ‘primal’ things rise up to take back that space. I hear bird songs run from beginning to end. I feel dawn and dusk and twilight rise and fall with all my senses. I…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is On Your Fantasy List?
    Dessert Anyone?

    Have you ever seen those mimes on the street that put out a box, strike a pose and then just freeze? No matter what you do they don’t flinch or even shift their eyes. I’ve always had the fantasy of being like that naked a center piece on the dessert table at a large gala. Tiny little pastries and…[Read more]

    • I cannot help but be a glutton, returning multiple times to sample every dessert offering, taking time and care to admire every part of the presentation.

    • Ha! Catching up on everyone’s fantasies, and love the charm of this one.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is On Your Fantasy List?
    Extra Naughty Middle of the Night

    Sometimes he comes home very late after work and dinner with clients. I awaken as he slips into bed and I ask about dinner. He proceeds to tell me it was mundane but that he flirted with an attractive woman across from him at the next table. I start undressing him. He…[Read more]

    • I love to know a man’s mind… To follow the ebbs and flows and wandering thoughts. Was there a specific focus? a visual or cue? And every effect body and mind… I want to understand it so clearly that my stomach grumbles from their appetite.

    • Hmm. Catching up in reverse…and I know how the story ends….

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is on your fantasy list?
    okay going with work plus bathroom sex

    I’m at work, you email me to go down to the bathroom with instructions. I get there and as instructed, leave the door unlocked. I pull up my skirt, pull down my panties, bend over the sink bare assed and pussy exposed, waiting, eyes closed tight. I can hear my heart pounding, m…[Read more]

    • You know how I enjoyed bathroom sex already, need I say more?

      • Oh but do…. More and more and don’t stop, because I have a hell of a plan for how I want to get off tonight.

    • Oooohhhh…this is lovely! Does your M work in the same office as you or would he have had to visit you and be announced from the front desk? I also think we all could use a little more about your office and just how formal and large it is…and maybe a little about your position (not what you do, but in terms of prominence or seniority?).…[Read more]

    • @MrTt .. Plan worked flawless, though I feel like a may owe Mallory a cigar or something – liberties were taken! (Well at least in my mind anyway)

      @SirJames – He does not work at my office, but funny you should ask, because an occasion is on the horizon where he will be in our offices for business completely separate from anything to do with…[Read more]

      • What cigar? What liberties??? I think I need a message to your M. Absolutely nothing to consummate in your building but to end with you two alone in an elevator with security cameras. What would happen then?

        • I uh .. Well I did some dirty things to myself in your name Mallory… Can you really blame me? Or better yet hold it against me?

          if you wanted to get him a message, I would have to oblige – however, I have to think… This could only mean big trouble for me! In fact the trouble may have already started, since he will see that post!

          • Oh, I see now. I really do NOT blame you.

            I hope your M will find the message “hot” enough to try. I expect a full report of the subsequent adventures!

      • Hmmm…interesting mix…I was imagining that there might be some Addison in you too…I would love to see your inner red-head come out to play…and I do like red-heads!

        • I’m not nearly so chic or sexy or confused about what i want as Addison.

          However, I think I could hold my own in a red-headed wig… Most particularly so if you were the prize.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 5 months ago

    Sitting in Eataly, drinking a glass of wine and smelling the fruitiness intermingled with the musty scents on my hands and face. We’ve just parted ways, but he has not left me. I am stalling before rejoining the world. I want to continue to lick him off my hand, the bread, my lips a little longer. I feel him so deep inside me it’s hard to…[Read more]

    • Like standing in the middle the world’s busiest airport, heart full, soul thoroughly loved and fucked, and you start feeling voracious all over again.

      • Yes, Exactly

        Longing so bittersweet. I want never to be without it or the inspiration it brings. It pulls me forward, fills my heart, and lights me up. Still it is a slippery rascal with a wicked side, that undisciplined can turn energy to anxiety, neediness, jealousy, and distraction.

        Thank goodness for getting smarter everyday, for friends and…[Read more]

        • I think you nailed it with that last statement… I would have to think long and hard to come up with ANYTHING that I would need to add to your list of things to be thankful for that could materially improve my chances of happiness in life!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What is on your fantasy list
    Going with a standard…. Every man’s fantasy

    There is a man at work I’ve had a crush on for years. At almost all times I shield my ass off to make sure it is not perceptible. However there are a few small, subtle tells I do allow myself. One of the things that really makes it difficult for me, is anytime I find…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What Is On Your Fantasy List?
    To Explore Fear and Eroticism in Rough Waters

    Fear makes for highly erotic, hot sex. I picture having no option left but boarding a dinghy and going through very rough waters with either a lover or a stranger. After surviving a couple of hours battling the waters, we get to shore. We are soaked and freezing to the…[Read more]

    • This not a tight correlation to your story, but for some reason is making me think about how much I like to run as fast and as far as I can in the rain. I wouldn’t want to be in real danger (my daredevil days are long behind me), but I would like to run in as close to hurricane weather as I could without it being an actual threat. Maybe even be…[Read more]

    • Ooohhhhh yessie yes!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What Is On Your Fantasy List?
    Okay I’ll stick with your ‘theme’ … kind of…

    I live and work on a 37 ft sailboat that Master (M) owns. I am the crew, I maintain and sail the boat. Plus do the cooking and shopping. M spends time on the boat often, but he does not live there. Sometimes he brings guests to visit and\or stay. When we take…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years, 5 months ago

    What Is On Your Fantasy List?

    I thought it might be fun to just swap some fantasies and give us some new ideas. I will go first.

    My lover and I have a pet. We decide that she is perfect to offer up as a drinking companion for an executive from overseas. She is to dress a part, display her charms, entertain him however we see fit. Will it…[Read more]

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