
  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 8 months ago

    I just want it to be spring again…

    The Bicycle Experiment (coda): Cabin Fever

    I generally hate this time of year. As a daughter of Spring (April birthday), I’m at my weakest. My city has been covered in snow for the better part of the past couple of months, so I’m not getting as many miles in. Cyclocross season has been over for a month or so…[Read more]

    • Very sexy, rider. And here’s the magic in which I’ve always believed: if you can imagine the fantasy precisely enough, mind and body, then you’ll make it real.

    • El, I don’t think there’s anything you can set your energy and imagination on and not turn it into one helluva an adventure… Keep on riding! And bring on the spring!

    • Loved that, as a fellow cyclists I loved the details, damn those bib straps;)

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Sex & MusicSex & Music 10 years, 9 months ago

    Achilles’ Desire
    Relationship’s push and pull, rage and jealousy tangled up with tenderness and desire.

    • Amen – everything about that!

      Going to download it right now, raises my adrenaline and makes my cunt tight just watching that, I want to rock together and feel my hips move, I get it!

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 10 months ago

    I’ve always been told not to approach a woman like a thing; I’ve been taught and expected to treat a woman as a fully-fledged human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. And there is a beauty in the complexity of a female soul, a complexity which is a perpetual mystery in the male mind.

    But there are times where I relish the…[Read more]

    • Don’t approach me like a thing. I am a woman grown, I expected to be treated as a fully-fledged capable human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. I know the beauty and complexity of my soul, and though it may be a mystery to the male mind at times, do not fear or shy away from it… else you’ll never learn to truly master…[Read more]

    • I love this story a lot. In many ways it parallels my own “upbringing” and the conflict that I have at times experienced when trying to “manage” my more primal wants and needs and urges (and of course the considerable guilt that goes with them). I also appreciate lakes response for the same reason, although I would add one other thought to…[Read more]

      • A. James- this moment I experienced had submissive thoughts running through my head that normally aren’t there. I had even questioned myself where this was all coming from. Would I have uprooted my life for this practical stranger? Probably not but don’t doubt for one second the thought didn’t cross my mind. My reaction was that overwhelming.

        • Ahh…those intense, bewildering, breathtaking, confusing, scary (or downright terrifying), outrageously illogical but exhilaratingly visceral, crazy moments where EVERYTHING that we thought we knew and understood and had worked so hard to figure out about ourselves and believed that we wanted above all else and with absolute clarity is completely…[Read more]

        • @lurkinglady – In my life there have been two times I had this immediate and overwhelming feeling (much as James has described… utterly compelling, irresistible, profound) and where it evolved into relationships. Both relationships did have a heavy BDSM dynamic, but here is the interesting part; these are the only times I have had that type of…[Read more]

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 10 months ago

    This is the first of a series of fantasies. I came up with the concept while thinking of the 5 senses. It prompted me to challenge myself to write fantasies/stories for all of the senses. I hope you all enjoy, I’d particularly like feedback from any of the female readers – does it excite you, arouse you, make you a little wet?

    Here, for your…[Read more]

    • I really enjoyed that and can’t wait to read your take on the other senses. Don’t forget that touch should also include focus on the body’s energy centers like the nape of the neck, the small of the back. And I think the use and feel of different textures (fur, feathers, spikes) arouse the sense of touch.

    • I love the idea of using the five senses as the backdrop for this exploration. The things you described are all certainly romantic and sensual and would be lovely to have happen.

      Since you asked for feedback, the thing I would say is, I think you could have gotten a more emotional reaction from me, if there was more context.

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    My Thanksgiving Break Fantasy Featuring Mallory

    Mallory in the park. On the edge of a metal seat. Sitting across from, and talking lightly with Master. There is an open seat for me, but I don’t take it. I step over the back of hers instead and sink down behind her straddling her back. My face in her hair, our bodies tight together……[Read more]

    • Now that I’ve recovered from this, I am going to try to articulate myself.

      Well damn it, lake, you had me blushing.
      You had me really horny.
      You had me lusting to the finish for you and also for your Master (I will assume I would like him since he makes you happy).

      I want to know in formulating the fantasy as you did, whether it effected you…[Read more]

    • This is actually, a funny story. I was headed to bed after a day of kids, cards, basketball, trash talking, overeating, and being lectured by my mom… and it crossed my mind that it would be virtually impossible for me to have a sexual thought tonight. I didn’t set it up or expect anything to come at all. All I remember thinking was ‘park’,…[Read more]

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    The Bicycle Experiment 2.0: Escalation

    As the result of the most recent race where I encountered my favorite dirty lad on two wheels followed by a series of saucy messages sent back and forth, I’ve had this scenario running through my mind.

    Context: I was pre-riding the course so I’d have some idea of what I was getting into (as this was one of…[Read more]

    • Mmmm makes me want to get chased in the woods!!

      Question, so I assume his reputation as a heartbreaker is because he has sex without converting these encounters into long term relationships, but do you know whether he actually misrepresented his intentions to the women who are mad at him for this? Being manipulative is very different than being a flirt.

      • I obtained some intel from one of our mutual male friends this weekend that apparently there are ladies in the bike scene who hate him who have actually NEVER slept with him.

        First two words: “Stay away.”

        Paraphrased: “It would be one thing if he was a straight-up womanizer. It’s just that for guys like [name redacted], they know only how to do…[Read more]

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    The Bicycle Experiment 2.0

    So, almost exactly a year since the original bicycle experiment, I’ve found a new object of lust (the subject of the conversation experiment did not return my feelings, as it were). My odds of ensnaring him are rather low, but he is rather flirtatious online.

    I’m getting ahead of myself.

    As a result of a few dri…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years ago

    The inspiration that Mrs. Mallory provided me continues…This is a second installment of the same “Fantasy” which resulted from Mrs. Mallory’s recent post in the Photo Orgy section of the website…

    I previously told a story that set the stage and made the result clear enough, but I never really explained what happened between those two points…[Read more]

    • This was an enlightening look at how a first date can be negotiated and played. It is pretty fascinating for me. Makes me wish I tick a different way. All the men in my life, past and present, have a level of patience rivaling that of saints.

      • I admit this is my own totally imagined version of what I often think that women are thinking…how they position and process and contextualize certain things. After I posted it, I got a little self conscious because I realized that I could be totally off, and if I was, I certainly would be showing just how clueless I really am…in fact in how…[Read more]

        • I found your account fascinating because it is rare to get this much thought detail from a man’s perspective. For example, even in roleplaying, my male partner(s) can get into numerous details about the physical events from mundane to sexual. However, it is rare to hear as much about the thoughts and emotions.

          I do not let people in easily, t…[Read more]

          • Interesting…I definitely know that I am different from most men, so I will take that as a compliment!

            Good color on you as well…

            Last question, is there any “truth” to my characterization of the potential thought process of a woman along the lines depicted?

            I guess my own experience is that absent being the best looking man or being the…[Read more]

            • I do think there are women who would respond and think as you described.

              I think you are wrong that smart, sensitive, thoughtful guys are passed over. I think it is harder for both men and women with greater depth to break the ice with each other. I find it very hard to answer your question, perhaps because there is not a general one to give?

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      “unexpected, unsolicited, wildly enthusiastic blow-job equivalents” go a long way in both directions… also just sayin 😉

      I don’t know that I would say it is the norm for all women, but I’ve seenexperienced a version of this with a certain type of woman. Personally, I’m about as guarded and hesitant as a hungry three year old in a candy…[Read more]

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        I will also add, I think wonderful women feel passed over or feel ‘invisible’ to men every bit as much as you’ve described. I think it has a lot more to do with being human than being a man or a woman. I also believe it has so much less to do with the fact that people haven’t noticed you, or don’t want you, or are trying to protect against you…[Read more]

        • Agreed!

          And I am “passed over” all the time!

          • For whatever reason the comments by both lake and Mallory remind me of a comment I made a while back about the wonders (and consequences) of modern technological advancements in how we are socializing. First, the wonderful ability to take a few risks and put ourselves out there so much more fearlessly (at least on a preliminary basis) are so much…[Read more]

    • James, your fantasy together with the conversations here got me fantasizing about getting hit upon and possibly being picked up. I decided to hijack the Erotic Collaboration you and I started (Untitled), as the setting for this fantasy. I hope you do not mind.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years ago

    This “Fantasy” was a result of Mrs. Mallory’s recent post in the Photo Orgy section of the website…
    If you haven’t signed up to the group, you will certainly get the picture, although I much prefer to see her version rendered in the flesh (or at least pixels!)…well…for now!!!

    My first thought when I saw you posed like that was…”what if some…[Read more]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Holy shit… I am speechless. I have to tell you that really messed with my head… But I suspect that will come as no surprise.

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      The real fun twist with this, is all the explicit dialogue (internal or otherwise) around not wanting to loose control, when it is so clear that the truth is the opposite. It is a fabulous metaphor for the conundrum of human sexuality in our culture.

      Aren’t we all begging, yearning, craven for the opposite? To be that free primal sexual…[Read more]

    • I’m dizzy from your fantasy and flattered you got SO VERY inspired, James.

      Just how did I end up here, bent over, and ready to show you all of me? I’m going to let you have me, use me however you like because you are going to somehow, in your gentlemanly and cavemanly way, let your best friend know what the possibilities are down my erotic and…[Read more]

      • Mmmm…

        I suspected you would be dizzy…that’s probably the best sign yet!

        I cant think if a better way for us to become acquainted…can you?

        PS: My friend would NEVER find out…a treasure such as yourself would be worth protecting and you would definitely be under my protection from that moment forward!

        Not only that, I expect that with…[Read more]

        • Oh…and I meant to also mention that I absolutely LOVE the thought of your “erotic and sexual abyss!”


          • lake replied 11 years ago

            I loved that thought too.

            And as for this, “your true path lies with those who see you for who you really are, and choose to accept all of you, and are able to support and nurture the whole you in the ways that you want and need the most in life.” I say AMEN!!

  • pGroup logo of Sex & Musicosted an update in the group Sex & Music 11 years, 1 month ago

    I\’m not sure if this has been mentioned . . . especially given how ubiquitous it is around the subject of music and sex – anything by the German group Enigma. I\’ve had some truly incredible sex with this as background music! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4sDLxxlpkk

  • AdamNoah posted an update in the group Group logo of Sex & MusicSex & Music 11 years, 2 months ago

    Group: Afrobombas
    Song: De Sal e Sol Eu Sou

    Can’t get enough of this song.

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 2 months ago

    I would love to be pegged and or caned.

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