
  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 8 years, 11 months ago

    So as Mrs MC would say, the die is cast the pattern is set. She has left to meet her lover, well, to be determined should his abilities live up to expectations! It is strangely normal, almost as if she’s going out to see friends. She is nervous, understandably. She is eager though too, like a first date, the joy of exploring an open relationship…[Read more]

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 8 years, 11 months ago

    Mallory asked about Mrs MCs femininity, I’ve thought a while about this. I think the answer is yes, for she has been surely wetter over recent months, and any talk of her playing with a new partner brings a gush of excitement between her legs, this I have noticed. And indeed, she has had a different scent, though I hadn’t put this down to…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 8 years, 11 months ago

    WEIGH In on two thoughts from “The International Experiment Experiment”

    1. Is sexy forever?
    2. Are you the type to push or are you the type wanting or needing to be pushed?

    • 1. If sexy is in your soul, it is forever.
      2. I live a life pushing others and pushing myself. I may resist being pushed by someone else but I want it and I want it a lot with the right buttons.

    • I say forget the rules, just allow for it all.

    • 1. Yes
      2. Yes


      A desire to give and receive and experience intimacy, pleasure, connection, want, seems innately timeless to me. Lest we let our vitality be tamped out.

      Too stretch, to always set one’s sites farther, to continue to dream and strive and discover with others, seems similarly innate to me as well.

    • 1. I believe so. The mental image of a 70 year old BEING “sexy” may not resonate with most but I can assure you that I plan on being sexy regardless of my physical appearance or age for the rest of my life!

      2. I am definitely Italy the type to PUSH…and prod and provoke and challenge! Make no mistake, I AM doing it for myself, but I am all too…[Read more]

      • Sexy is an attitude, not a look, so yes, it can be forever.

        I need to be pushed. We never know our limits until we exceed them

      • Oh darling. How are you. So sorry I’ve been gone–a dread illness almost took me. I’m back, I had a woman tell the world in her feminist rant that when she wore her dress to the party, one barely covering her nips, men had the NERVE to stare, the “pigs,” she said. “I wear what I wear for *me* so I feel sexy and powerful. ” My reply was thus:…[Read more]

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 8 years, 11 months ago

    So I will leave Mrs MC to tell the detail. She has been developing her new found open relationship with the original Mr Electrician, and now is on the cusp of meeting for an evening of lust. I am also exploring at the same time, I have reached a point where I am comfortable with her doing this, more than comfortable, in that I actually am turned…[Read more]

    • While we wait on Mrs MC’s personal detailing of her adventure, I would like to hear about your taste of her femininity, newly laced with lust for another man. Was there a new flavor, a hint of a different tang. Did it smother you?

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 8 years, 11 months ago

    Recently our adventures in open exploration have really heated up. It hasn’t been all plain sailing, kids, sickness, the business of everyday life all seem to conspire! Mrs MC will be developing her own profile on here thanks to Luis’ suggestion, once passwords etc allow, so keep your eyes peeled for more from her. Suffice to say she has a…[Read more]

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 9 years ago

    Welcome my hot lover Mrs C to the site!
    Yes, how funny how things move on so quickly. Our dares are still a part of our fun, we have talked about this and whether Mrs C should ask Mr X for a dare, but in good time!
    It does feel like a world of possibilities has opened up, which after being together some 20 years is pretty amazing, I think. It is…[Read more]

    • Welcome, Mrs. C. It is a delight to have you along with the sexy Mr. C. We are already wiggling in our seats from a small taste of your adventures. We can’t wait to get to know you both.

    • Indeed Luis, I also think she should and will ask her to consider your request!

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 9 years ago

    Well I guess not all fantasies turn out in real life as they do in your head! We recently tried to act out a dare/fantasy, going shopping together, the dare was for Mrs MC to shoe shop whilst revealing glimpses up her skirt to the sales assistant. This is harder than you might imagine, not least as Mrs MC was really looking for someone hot to…[Read more]

    • Bravo on your first attempt. Even if the sales assistant was not so astute, I’m sure parading in whatever shoes she tried on was a thrill for both of you. Oh this brings back memories…!!

  • MCouple posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 9 years ago

    Some of you have asked where we are at in this fantasy. Well, truth be told, its moved along a little from fantasy to reality. Not quite as planned but in a way for the best, Mrs MC has now had a good look at the site, and so I will let her tell her end of the tale from the above. In the meantime I\’ll post up some other adventures!

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 1 month ago


    1. What is the raunchiest thing you ever said to someone?

    2. What is the smuttiest dare you can think of?

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 2 months ago


    Mr X:

    By coincidence, a lover got in touch with me just before my trip. He asked about what naughty adventures I had planned and I told him I will not have much time or opportunity to get into too much trouble except for planning to go without bra and panties. He knew about my very mission based trip…[Read more]

  • lexdepenny posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 9 years, 2 months ago

    The idea that Penny had a fantasy life that didn’t quite include me intrigued me, though. She could only have been reliving the scene at the restaurant, but with extras. I wondered whether it was that specific waiter or the fact of showing off that turned her on.
    I picked Penny up from her tennis club the following afternoon. I loved to see her d…[Read more]

    • Pete, you know how I view the entire shopping experience at a shoe store: seduction, exhibition, exposure, voyeurism, building heat.

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