Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago
The inspiration that Mrs. Mallory provided me continues…This is a second installment of the same “Fantasy” which resulted from Mrs. Mallory’s recent post in the Photo Orgy section of the website…
I previously told a story that set the stage and made the result clear enough, but I never really explained what happened between those two points…[Read more]
pienensammy joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 4 months ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago
This “Fantasy” was a result of Mrs. Mallory’s recent post in the Photo Orgy section of the website…
If you haven’t signed up to the group, you will certainly get the picture, although I much prefer to see her version rendered in the flesh (or at least pixels!)…well…for now!!!My first thought when I saw you posed like that was…”what if someone…[Read more]
Holy shit… I am speechless. I have to tell you that really messed with my head… But I suspect that will come as no surprise.
The real fun twist with this, is all the explicit dialogue (internal or otherwise) around not wanting to loose control, when it is so clear that the truth is the opposite. It is a fabulous metaphor for the conundrum of human sexuality in our culture.
Aren’t we all begging, yearning, craven for the opposite? To be that free primal sexual…[Read more]
I’m dizzy from your fantasy and flattered you got SO VERY inspired, James.
Just how did I end up here, bent over, and ready to show you all of me? I’m going to let you have me, use me however you like because you are going to somehow, in your gentlemanly and cavemanly way, let your best friend know what the possibilities are down my erotic and…[Read more]
I suspected you would be dizzy…that’s probably the best sign yet!
I cant think if a better way for us to become acquainted…can you?
PS: My friend would NEVER find out…a treasure such as yourself would be worth protecting and you would definitely be under my protection from that moment forward!
Not only that, I expect that with…[Read more]
Oh…and I meant to also mention that I absolutely LOVE the thought of your “erotic and sexual abyss!”
I loved that thought too.
And as for this, “your true path lies with those who see you for who you really are, and choose to accept all of you, and are able to support and nurture the whole you in the ways that you want and need the most in life.” I say AMEN!!
oined the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 4 months ago
Doris posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 5 months ago
Doris dawn, we do so like it when you share!
This one is so fun with your playful expression… Reminds me I’m overdue for doing some ‘stylized’ photos. Any ideas on ‘costume’ anyone – this is so not my strength.
How about your Birthday Costume?
It always works wonders for me. 🙂-
I have to agree, nothing beats birthday costume…
Feeling like I want to get creative and surprise M with some ‘themed’ photos, need to pick a theme though!
oined the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 6 months ago
oined the group Erotic Photos 11 years, 6 months ago
lake posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 6 months ago
For this dare, I knew immediately I wanted to be in a library (for obvious reasons) and since I’m in NY figured I might as well take advantage and go to the pick one. I had no plan beyond that. I ended up picking this room after walking around for about ten minutes, letting the tension of the dare build. I stood in the long corridor behind the…[Read more]
oined the group Erotic Photos 11 years, 6 months ago
osted an update in the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 6 months ago
I would love to be pegged and or caned.
oined the group Your Fantasies 11 years, 6 months ago
Mallory posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 7 months ago
I’m going to use that for a sleep tape! Just close my eyes and let it conjure colors and tastes and the feel of my whole mouth against the flesh…
And I’m sure Doris can make warm figs, filled with mascarpone cream, drizzled with honey.
My mouth is watering.
We should make it a lingerie party. If only we could think of some appropriate accompanying entertainments…
Of that you can be certain… But I love to be surprised by everyone else’s too!
Doris posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 7 months ago
We do enjoy indeed, many lovely aspects from your smile to the smooth paleness of your hips and much I could say about everything in between. We also want to taste!
Aw… Thank you! The plums had an awesome taste. I could melt them in my mouth 😉
Mmmm love plums, sometimes I plop them whole into my mouth!
oined the group Erotic Photos 11 years, 7 months ago
pioneer joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 7 months ago
Doris posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 8 months ago
Oh now that just makes me insanely jealous… And we all know how I am when I’m jealous!
How? 😀
Determined… to get mine!! 🙂
Yes. Getting an orgasm or two is always a treat. I just got one early in the morning, while asleep. Thought it was a dream, then I opened my eyes and saw him down there. Lovely!
What the world needs is more dream state orgasms… If I’m ever president,this is absolutely on the list!
Wolfeman joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 8 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 8 months ago
strudellady posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 8 months ago
oined the group Erotic Photos 11 years, 8 months ago
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This was an enlightening look at how a first date can be negotiated and played. It is pretty fascinating for me. Makes me wish I tick a different way. All the men in my life, past and present, have a level of patience rivaling that of saints.
I admit this is my own totally imagined version of what I often think that women are thinking…how they position and process and contextualize certain things. After I posted it, I got a little self conscious because I realized that I could be totally off, and if I was, I certainly would be showing just how clueless I really am…in fact in how…[Read more]
I found your account fascinating because it is rare to get this much thought detail from a man’s perspective. For example, even in roleplaying, my male partner(s) can get into numerous details about the physical events from mundane to sexual. However, it is rare to hear as much about the thoughts and emotions.
I do not let people in easily, t…[Read more]
Interesting…I definitely know that I am different from most men, so I will take that as a compliment!
Good color on you as well…
Last question, is there any “truth” to my characterization of the potential thought process of a woman along the lines depicted?
I guess my own experience is that absent being the best looking man or being the…[Read more]
I do think there are women who would respond and think as you described.
I think you are wrong that smart, sensitive, thoughtful guys are passed over. I think it is harder for both men and women with greater depth to break the ice with each other. I find it very hard to answer your question, perhaps because there is not a general one to give?
“unexpected, unsolicited, wildly enthusiastic blow-job equivalents” go a long way in both directions… also just sayin 😉
I don’t know that I would say it is the norm for all women, but I’ve seenexperienced a version of this with a certain type of woman. Personally, I’m about as guarded and hesitant as a hungry three year old in a candy…[Read more]
I will also add, I think wonderful women feel passed over or feel ‘invisible’ to men every bit as much as you’ve described. I think it has a lot more to do with being human than being a man or a woman. I also believe it has so much less to do with the fact that people haven’t noticed you, or don’t want you, or are trying to protect against you…[Read more]
And I am “passed over” all the time!
For whatever reason the comments by both lake and Mallory remind me of a comment I made a while back about the wonders (and consequences) of modern technological advancements in how we are socializing. First, the wonderful ability to take a few risks and put ourselves out there so much more fearlessly (at least on a preliminary basis) are so much…[Read more]
James, your fantasy together with the conversations here got me fantasizing about getting hit upon and possibly being picked up. I decided to hijack the Erotic Collaboration you and I started (Untitled), as the setting for this fantasy. I hope you do not mind.
But of course…what better way to build off of something than to use what has already been established!