jessehsr joined the group
Your Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago
TW joined the group
Erotic Photos 10 years, 11 months ago
A. James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 10 years, 11 months ago
Just a few more which mix two of my favorite themes…dance and restraint!
-James -
oined the group Erotic Photos 11 years ago
Doris posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years ago
Oooh la la, cherie!
And how about the other one? 🙂
Like, like, like! Love this Doris so fun, and stylized, and HOT… I do so love the way your mind works! Don’t you dare stop… Ever!
@Luis, can’t I come!?!
I just dared some more. xoxo
Oh should not tease me… I will up and do it, I am not one to deny myself, we’ll walk heady and buzzing through the chans de lise after, I love to laugh outside and touch while we stroll… No where in particular to go…
perr joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years ago
ellariasand posted an update in the group
Your Fantasies 11 years ago
I just want it to be spring again…
The Bicycle Experiment (coda): Cabin Fever
I generally hate this time of year. As a daughter of Spring (April birthday), I’m at my weakest. My city has been covered in snow for the better part of the past couple of months, so I’m not getting as many miles in. Cyclocross season has been over for a month or so…[Read more]
Very sexy, rider. And here’s the magic in which I’ve always believed: if you can imagine the fantasy precisely enough, mind and body, then you’ll make it real.
El, I don’t think there’s anything you can set your energy and imagination on and not turn it into one helluva an adventure… Keep on riding! And bring on the spring!
Loved that, as a fellow cyclists I loved the details, damn those bib straps;)
lost posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years ago
Yes, it pictorialized Mr. X’s Truth or Dare.
I was like… I know I’ve seen this before… You don’t forget dimensions like that!
You certainly don’t!!
Reminds me of #4… No I haven’t written that one up yet. Standing next to her, I looked like a boy.
Truth is between her and you, I’d rather look like you though.
Are you serious?!? You have to explain that.
Totally serious and completely honestly envious. I admire fit and strong and uh your musculature is to die for.
I always feel like I am built for purpose (which trust me I appreciate and use), but that I have to accept sacrifice on form.
Your timing could not be better. I just got a twist on tonight, and I am slightly freaking out… I am going to need some un real confidence!
Did I say slightly? I am TOTALLY freaking out!
If I look like you, I’d own the world.
lost joined the group
Erotic Photos 11 years ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years ago
MrsM joined the group
Your Fantasies 11 years ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Doris posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
He’s out for an errand. Will tell him when returning. Thanks for loving the perspective. 🙂
I love more than the perspective and am very open to your sharing! You always have such clever ideas for making the photos new and fun.
I just bought some maroon tights of my own, but I haven’t worn them yet…. This makes me think maybe I need to make that happen tomorrow. All this perspective is definitely giving me some ideas 🙂
Thank you!
Most ideas come from hubby and I “approve” only the ones on my liking. 🙂 Glad that you love this perspective. Cannot wait to see your ideas about it 😀
Thanks and hugs,
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
Admittedly, not as stylish, but there can be no mistaking what it is about this “expression” that I like as well after my last comment below – think everything mentioned but with a cock instead of a finger…
there are more than a few similarities to this view (even though it is not me…or at least not until later this afternoon, if at all p…[Read more]
Alix James posted an update in the group
Erotic Photos 11 years, 1 month ago
There was a second photo…I promise…an upload error I presume. I will attach it later! Have a good weekend!!!
Okay James, I have to tell you, you’ve taken me on quite a ride with all this activity lately. I did try your tumblr recommendations… Got to ‘pussy massage’ and have been positively squirmy and ravenous ever since. Now you post this, and it’s like being plugged into a steady memory stream of delight. I’m realizing a man’s hand sliding across…[Read more]
Thank you mrs lake. It seems that truly good minds DO think alike!!! There IS something to be said for a particularly intimate view of a beautiful pussy. I think that is true regardless of the activity, but yes, there is an aspect of certain highly “expressive” visuals of a woman’s cunt which can capture a whole higher level of interest and…[Read more]
First of all, “maddening insufferable ache” indeed!!
Now, as for this wager… Do I have this straight. You get me over your lap for a time, but then I GET YOU over my lap to do as many things as I can conjure and impart in my time? Cause that just got interesting! Oh please tell me you’ve been naughty!
Well…that isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but on second thought, maybe the construction that I first suggested was a bit…one sided! It did require a woman as the “test” subject. By my narrow way of thinking that would have been YOU! But In hindsight, I do see the complication that would present when it came time for you to demonstrate…[Read more]
PPS: I like the idea so much that if you are inclined to proceed mrs lake, I may post this dare on a few other sites which might appreciate the deliciously naughty possibilities imbedded within it!!!
PPPS: I do suppose the “passive availability” aspect is up for debate as well…but…to crib from another famous quote, It goes without saying, “What happens in New York WOULD of course stay in New York!”
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