
  • mintpint posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 13 years ago

    Tonight I’m setting an experiment for myself. It’s a friend’s Halloween party and I’m going to take the idea of a costume to a different level. I’ve been trying to force myself into more situations (partially inspired by this blog and community) and I think part of what’s held me back is this idea of “self” and the image attached to it. So I’m going to be someone else tonight. I’ll be in a costume but I’ll also be someone else too. Since I don’t have to worry about this person being embarrassed or regretful the next morning, why hold back? Who knows what’ll happen but I’ll definitely keep you all posted đŸ™‚

    • this sounds like a lot of fun. I can’t wait to hear how it goes.

      • Well, unfortunately it didn’t end up as I hoped – in bed with someone dressed as the slutty version of something that isn’t slutty. I was misinformed on the nature of the party and the pickings were few and far between. The lovely ladies that were there were either not my type or already spoken for. Alas, but the night was not wasted. I still had a blast not being myself and freeing myself from the, as Mr. X so perfectly put it, trap of “me.”

        Like most things in life, it didn’t go as planned but I still enjoyed it. There are still plenty of Halloween parties to go, haha.

    • Well put, MP. The more I think about these things (or: everything), the more I believe that the “self” – the story we tell about ourselves, or the definition we willingly assume – is a trap.