
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 8 months ago


    Is she thinking about my cock the way I am out-of-my-mind thinking about her cunt? I’m on fire horny. But this is best. I want her sticky wet sure. I want her to commit to savoring every delicacy of lust, sin, and taboo I am going to show her. I want her mind to be enthralled with salaciousness. I want her full heart.

    I don’t know how I didn’t nail her in the back seat of her car. I don’t know how I didn’t just do her against the trunk of the car. I guess it pays to be in control although I am more excited than when I had my first fuck. Fuck, I’m so hard my teeth are chattering. Gritting my teeth, I turn the water temperature all the way to cold and hug the wall until my entire body is shivering. I need Nic.

    I search for my cellphone and get into bed. It takes me three tries before she picks up.

    “Hi Sweetheart, how are you?”

    “I’m good. What’s wrong, Alex?”

    “Nothing, I just needed to hear your voice. Actually, I want to see you. Can we Facetime?”

    “Yeah, sure, I have to find my iPad. I couldn’t find it earlier. Give me a few.”

    I hear her moving around and rummaging. I turn on mine in the meantime.

    “Don’t you have it on the dresser?” I ask her.

    “Umm yeah… it’s not there.”

    “Wait a minute, I took yours, Nic. This isn’t mine.”

    “Oh. Where is yours?”

    “Crap..look in my closet. I messed up. I musta grabbed mine and didn’t pack it.”

    “Ok…………. oh here it is. I got it. Give me a sec,” she says and hangs up.

    A few minutes later I see her beautiful face, her hair spread against the white pillow. I smile at her. Her eyes look awfully tired.

    “You look good, Nic.”

    “Why aren’t you ………..?” She asks. I can see that brief pull on her lower lip with her teeth.

    “It went fine, I had coffee with Rachel. Then talked and walked around the mall. We are having dinner tomorrow night.”

    I watch Nicole sit up on the bed with a frown, “Are you having second thoughts? Or she is?”

    “No, I guess I want her to be sure. And I didn’t want to rush. Although I was really horny fifteen minutes ago before the ice cold shower.” I laugh.

    “Oh ok. So dinner tomorrow, maybe tomorrow,” her voice a little shaky.

    “Yeah.” I look at her and feel like a schmuck. Of course she had been thinking about it tonight. Now she is going to keep thinking about it.

    I stare at her and realize she is on my side of the bed. It is a mess. I frown and ask, “Why is the bed a mess? Where was Emmie?”

    She rubs her face on my pillow and in her sulky voice, “I told her not to make the bed.”

    “I miss you too, Sweetheart, I will see you in three days.”

    She starts to say something but end up just nodding.

    “Get some sleep, Nic. I just wanted to see you for a few minutes before I turn in too. I love you so much.”

    “I love you too. Good night, Sweetheart.” She breathes in, then gives me a serene smile, blows me a kiss.

    • Omg… Why didn’t he tell her?!?! I would have been bursting to tell M. He would be so turned on, that was an incredible accomplishment! How can he stand not to tell her?

    • Ah yes torment and lust, wanting and pleasure, freedom and belonging… NOW we are into it! But they have chosen this path, set themselves on it in no small manner… The deeper questions, motivations, desires will begin playing out now… in one way or another (I would argue by him managing what he shares in this way, it has already begun). So how experienced at this are they really? What are those deeper motivations and desires? How well do they really understand and accept (not choose to tolerate) the other’s (enough to celebrate them when they happen?)? How ambitious in that regard do you want to be with this story? Do you envision it unraveling them or bringing them… exactly where? It certainly doesn’t have to go into these other aspects (wildly erotic and imaginative and sensual is fabulous, and you’ve got all that in spades already), but if it is to go there, then there is no dancing this dance, without knowing where you are going to go with the torment (and maybe I get ahead of myself, but there is a unique appeal to all the potential I see for that side of the story. I admit, it certainly would make it a very different kind of challenge to write, I’m honestly a little exhausted myself even thinking about it, but then again I am not even a fraction of the writer that you are).

      The first letters between them did frame it for me a certain way… had me see them as the type that would (even had already) charge straight into the tough stuff, the real stuff, hungry for the opportunities available there as well. Humans are complex and these two in my vision of them (which may be incorrect – and I love the story either way!) are far too unconquerable to see them thinking they can cheat one side of this coin. They would know the real adventure is in conquering BOTH sides… And they’ve already proven their commitment, their endurance, and their desire to dare the great things… to play the game full out, to seek the deepest most fulfilling rewards… Those to be reaped by unleashing our most primal, most raw, most sacred lusts, but also (and often more fulfilling) those to be reaped by finding our way through the torment, shame, insecurity; freeing us of our fears removing anything that stands in between us and exorcising any reservation that has us hold any part of ourselves back from the other… So that their connection comes to exist at an even more pure level, where acceptance of, and faith in one another might be absolutely without bounds (imagine giving that… now imagine receiving that).

      “…To dare mighty things… is to both suffer and enjoy much… ” I mean imagine the story if they truly embraced both sides and succeeded! The yield would be incredible, inspiring, revolutionary. The journey you took us on would be the one everybody is talking about these days, but then surprisingly well beyond even the most amazing result they are imagining!! I think this would be so provocative for not just the ones looking to spur fantasies, but also uniquely relevant for those seriously thinking about doing these things, those doing them but not realizing all that they could be, or those trying to understand why anyone would consider it.

      • Yes, yes, yes, lake. What I want is something incredibly provocative, that unravels, rebuilds, unravels, rebuilds. Like strength training, stress on the muscle activates chemical pathways to increase the rate of synthesis, building stronger muscle tissue. I want to challenge the notion that relationships is about maintaining equilibrium. I think it is significantly more powerful, more intense, when the equilibrium teeter totters frequently.

        • Now that I can absolutely get behind!

          I do believe the incredible strength that comes from traveling through those states conquering such intense emotions, which requires such depth of understanding that gives them such confidence, such fearlessness, such inspiration.

        • Side note…holding aside the literary freedom which is granted an authors of stories…the truth is that in order for people to become real and authentic (either as characters or individuals) there is no avoiding confronting reality…it has a nasty little habit of exerting itself no matter what lengths we go to suppress or avoid it.
          As a literary device it is often the denial of some truth that takes a hero and makes him tragic, just as it is often the event from which a character confronts and accepts some truth and then actually embraces it with all his might is the one which breeds a villain!
