
  • Mallory replied to the topic Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsUntitled For Now in the forum Erotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago


    Nicole lets out an evil grin, “no, no dessert menu. I sometimes say sure let me at least read the dessert menu but then I ALWAYS end up getting something.” She shakes her head adamantly.

    Adam laughs loudly, “NO dessert. That was the rule. We were neutral on the coffee, or tea. Do you want some?”

    She thinks about it for a few seconds, looks to the waitress, “No, let’s have the check, please.”

    “I have a better idea,” she turns to Adam, “how about we take a walk around the block? I always like to walk just a little after dinner. And I think there is a Starbucks down the street. We can get something there if you want.”

    “I’m game,” he says.

    Adam makes a quick grab for the check, “This is mine, my idea.”

    She digs into her bag to get her wallet, “Okay, but I will take care of the tip.”

    Giving him a very generous wad of cash, she then checks both cellphones.

    “You must have really liked the wait staff service.”

    Without lifting her head, she looks up at him, “They were very good; she was excellent. They work for it.”

    He nods, and glance at the cellphones she tosses back into her bag, “Shall we go?”

    Adam stands up and offers his arm, to which she hooks hers. They stroll out into the crisp, clear night.

    “Adam, thank you. I really enjoyed that.”

    He covers her hand on his arm with his hand, rubbing ever so slightly, “I did too, very much. I never had so much fun having an entree and learning next to nothing about someone.”

    Nicole laughs, “I’m just socially awkward.”

    “No, you’re not. It’s okay. I really enjoyed having dinner with you tonight.”

    “Oh here is the Starbucks, do you want anything?”

    “No, I’m okay. I don’t need any more than what I got tonight. What about you?”

    “Yeah, I’m going to skip it too.”

    Adam releases her hand and fish out a card from his pocket, “look, Nicole, I am going to give you my card. No obligations of course but if you want to give me a call sometime. Maybe we can have an entree AND appetizer even.”

    They both stare at the card in his hand. Nicole lets out a shiver; her body shaking a little.

    “Oh you’re freezing. Come on, I’ll get you a cab. Go home.”

    Adam walks them to the curb. He puts the card in her hand. Holding her against him, he flags down a cab.

    Nicole, feeling the card with her palm, clutches onto Adam’s arm a little tighter.

    He lets her go but holds her hand which grips his card. He leans down and kisses the corner of her mouth. His lingers there until she finally turns and gets into the cab.

    • I really enjoy those moments, those times, when you meet someone new and find a connection, an attraction… Go home with a big smile on your face and your mind reeling with possibility. This really captures that so well, makes it a very enjoyable read, has me get more invested in the characters.