
  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Is one person enough?

    • Ha! I was just going to add a truth, ‘is monogamy your ideal? Is it your partners ideal?’

      For me, one person can be enough, but more and more at this point in my life, ‘enough’ is not the goal? The goal that is evolving for me is a connection in which we honor one another’s absolute truth. Live without built in boundaries. Live to the ultimate possibility. Continue to grow and expand. To some degree i find that i have to strive, reach take some risks at least somewhere. there must be balance, but i have to push my comfort zone.

      Including other people is difficult, it is dangerous, it brings up a lot of ‘stuff’, but it can be managed, it can be done well, it can inject a tremendous amount of energy, and it can increase trust and connection… it can just be fun and insanely hot.

      I’m not naive about the flip side of this. It is playing with fire. Whether its worth it, goes back to the goals of your relationship and how honest you are being about them. i would rather we both had freedom, even if we did not exercise it, even if some times it generated hurt. I am confident in our ability to work through that and come out the other side stronger. I would rather there was choice. I would rather know every day we were together it was because we choose each other again that day. I would rather we had the chance to be in all ways who we are and still be accepted and than to give that up because we were afraid doing it we might not be able to make it together… Than compromise or shut down parts of ourselves to have a commitment to be together in a future that is unknown. I’d rather live with uncertainty than kill off possibility.

      • So well said, lake. Love your self understanding.

      • It helps to be old, one figures themselves out eventually đŸ™‚

        I do think this is so individual. One of my life long friends is in an open relationship for the last 12 years. Her girlfriend has had a handful of other ‘partners’, but she never has once (and I know she gets offers), she just truly is not interested, she has a natural type of love and devotion and affection that is very singularly focused for her it just makes no sense, she’d almost have to force herself to be with another person. Her partner is everything see wants intimately. However her partner is wired a little differently and if it wasn’t an open relationship, we all know they wouldn’t be together today.

        It was an incredibly challenging adjustment for her to accept and understand… Precisely because of the differences. At first everything about the thought of her partner wanting to be intimate with some one else was excruciating. She had to wrap her head around something that was counter to everything she’d ever been taught, everything that felt ‘true’ for her, and learn to look at the facts of this alternate reality instead. She had to learn that in this instance, in this relationship that it did not mean she was valued less, did not mean that her position was threatened. And she loved her enough, cared enough about her happiness, her whole ness to learn… to understand it, to learn how to allow it and work through it and manage it.

        They have one of the most beautiful relationships, I’ve ever seen. They still glow in love 12 years in. You don’t get that by not being willing to work through some stuff. You don’t get that by stuffing who you are and what you want down. You don’t get that by having no room for your partner’s deep wired needs. They are not frivolous about it, they know what they have, the never take advantage, both appreciate the uniqueness and hold each other ever more dear.

        Mind you, I am not advocating for open relationships. They are incredibly difficult. For every one that works, many times that number get torn apart in an incredibly painful way. I’ve seen this too. Hell, I’ve lived this too. You have to really master yourself, know what your committed to, trust to your core, and communicate with utter transparency.

    • My truth is no, one person is not enough. And nor have I been truly just one person over the course of my life.

      • You know your just encouraging me… Aren’t I insufferable enough?

        • Yes but accompanied by so much charm and intelligence!

          • Lol, perfect response – you do that to me in person and I’d sweep you right up and ravish you!

            • I have no idea from whence these thoughts eminated…and I am definitely stepping right in the middle of something that I have no right to do…but I just log back in for the first time in a while and for some reason this chain was one of the first things that appeared. All I can say is, the thought of two incredibly delicious lovelies acknowledging that one is not enough is already making me glad I finally have re-engaged!!!

              (PS: While I would love to find one who could be my all, I am not sure that exists for me, and in my mind that takes NOTHING away from those that I do care (choose) to share so much of myself with!)

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      James let me state this for the record… Rights or no rights you should feel free to insert yourself (via the Dr Seuss rule) here or there, ANYWHERE as far as I’m concerned. Oh, and I would also add often… Hmm and repeatedly, yes definitely repeatedly.

    • Good to see you, James. Can lake be any clearer with regard how she likes it?

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        If I make it any clearer, I shall have to take dr Seuss out of the picture, he is too much of a hero, I’d feel I had used his name in vain.

      • Well, I must say that with the either of you, I am sure that I would insert myself here or there, well…just about anywhere. In a house (I’d skip the mouse), or in a box (forget the fox!), in a car, in a tree, on a train, in the dark, umm…not with a goat…but definitely on a boat!

        Where would you like me to insert myself?
        Please tell me…
        I would love to stick it in and see!!!

        • lake replied 11 years ago

          Here in my mouth so soft and wet. Eager to suck, to lick, to open.

          There in my cunt so warm and slick and sweet. Push through and control me.

          Anywhere… So hot and tight, impale me, break me, fill me.

        • Here in my erotic mind what lusts do you find.

          • lake replied 11 years ago

            Lol… We are a perfect pair… I take the low road and you take the high, it’s damn fabulous.

        • Well, James, lake has declared it. She and I are perfect. If you are smart, you’d insert yourself between the two of us.

          • Mmmm…

            I’ve long believed that you and lake together would come about as close to “perfection” as I could imagine.

            All I have to figure out now is whether this is a tease or an offer?

            Also, I would like to point out that inserting myself between you two lovelies in all the ways I am imagining has slightly more to do with my libido than my IQ (especially lakes suggestion of you taking [care of] my high road while she takes [care of] my low road!), but I digress…

            Since I have always believed there to be much greater value in DOING what is smart versus concerning myself with actually trying to BE smart, I will place my trust in you and accept what is clearly represents both of your superior intellects on this matter.

            Going forward, I promise to insert myself more often, more fully (and forcefully when appropriate!)…and definitely more at will…into any and all of the tight, warm, juicy voids that the two of you have been creating in my absence.

            I promise to watch more closely for when the two of you create a new crease or fold that deserves broader attention or would benefit from my firm, pointed view!

            Yes…I will enjoy inserting myself between each of your perfection…as early and often as time might allow me to do so

            PS: I am, however, a little concerned with issues of excess pressure that inserting myself into two relentlessly sexual women at the same time may create in me! If I agree to insert myself, I would like some assurances from the two of you that you will help me blow off more than just a little extra steam when if my insertions ever get us all too heated!

            PPS: At some point we may even have to take a break and arrange for a meeting of more than just our minds to find all the release points! Or at least I hope that I am not the only one who shares such concerns!!!

            • Oh James, how you have been missed!

              • I assure you THAT feeling is mutual! Is there a plural version of mutual…I wouldn’t want to somehow exclude lake from that sentiment! It feels nice to be back

                • lake replied 11 years ago

                  Yes, yes do NOT exclude lake… you are not the only one with those concerns, I just spent two days imagining one hand firmly and vigorously working between Mallory’s legs while the other pulls your cock into my mouth… I know a bit about pressure.

                  • Really?!? That’s funny…I spent the last two days imagining your hand firmly and vigorously working between Mallory’s legs while your other hand was pulling my cock into your mouth also!
                    In fact, the only real difference was that her mouth was buried deeply between your legs and her hands were playing with my balls and toying with my ass!!!

                    And I am pretty certain that each of us is more than capable of handling THAT kind of pressure…don’t you both agree?

                    • lake replied 11 years ago

                      I can’t say I don’t agree… Though I would say I don’t so much like to handle pressure as I like to relieve pressure… Mallory how fast can you get here?