
  • Lots of threats to post lately, but no actual posts… So I’m jumping in, in hopes to get this party train rolling!

    It’s a little early for scary posts to be in season, so I cropped aggressively to protect the innocent.

  • As ordered, However, I can’t be held fully responsible for the semi-erect nipples. It took me too damn long to figure out how to switch from video back to camera (just upgraded to the new iOS) so blame Apple!

  • Mallory posted an update 11 years ago

    Erotic desire needs the presence of a bridge to cross.

    • I like this quote…

      What do you think of the bridge I have been building?

      It is coming along nicely, don’t you think?

      Big, strong, stable…made to handle more than one person at a time if desired and capable of withstanding even the most intense sexual storms

      You just let me know if you would ever like to get a better look at the workmanship…[Read more]

      • I hope you will catch up and find time to look at the bridge I posted!

  • Mallory posted an update 11 years ago

    Erotic desire needs the presence of a bridge to cross.

  • lake posted an update 11 years ago

    Okay, ‘hypothetical’ values test. Your at a large conference, which of the following people are okay to sleep with?

    A. Resort staff
    B. Attendees for different industry and city
    B. Attendees in the same industry from a different city
    C. Attendees from the same city in a different industry
    D. Associates you know, but do no direct business…[Read more]

    • You forgot ‘I’. And you know what ‘I’ is.

    • A, B, F, H

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        He was same industry AND same city, I shouldn’t even have considered it, but the French accent made me swoon. Master nixed it and that saved me in the end, but I fear I was a terrible tease and may have said a few things that were horribly inappropriate.

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Oh boy I should have read this sooner, it might have saved me!

  • lake posted an update 11 years ago

    @him , oh goodie, I love the new member update section! Great addition.

  • lake likes their own activity 11 years ago

    I’m never gonna wait
    that extra twenty minutes
    to text you back,
    and I’m never gonna play
    hard to get
    when I know your life
    has been hard enough already.
    When we all know everyone’s life
    has been hard enough already
    it’s hard to watch
    the game we make of love,
    like everyone’s playing checkers
    with their scars,
    saying checkmate
    whenever they get…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years ago

    I’m never gonna wait
    that extra twenty minutes
    to text you back,
    and I’m never gonna play
    hard to get
    when I know your life
    has been hard enough already.
    When we all know everyone’s life
    has been hard enough already
    it’s hard to watch
    the game we make of love,
    like everyone’s playing checkers
    with their scars,
    saying checkmate
    whenever they get…[Read more]

  • Many apologies for the site irregularities over the past few weeks, and many thanks to @mal8899 and @lake for pointing out some flaws (I love a woman who’s clear about what she wants in bed). You’re all the biggest part of what keeps me going here, and I’m inspired for the fall: with new blog posts, new fiction, and hopefully new sexy ones…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years ago

    I am at the stuffiest convention ever.. OMG, this is going to be trouble!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    So our three weeks are up. I can add up the points, but I think it is safe to say the women totally dominated this contest. I’ll even give everyone to the end of the weekend, if the guys want to try to make a run.

    Now I just have to remember, did we say ALL the men have to pay up or just the ones that participated? Actually, given…[Read more]

    • And I think hands down, lake won most of the points for the women! YAY, lake!

    • Finally, I win something, i was trounced in that last photo orgy game, i dont think i won a single week! Now we need to seriously talk about payoffs!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Find a way to masturbate today, that you\’ve never done before. Use something new, touch yourself in a different place, in a different way. Go somewhere new, think about or watch something unusual.

    And of course extra points if you write up the story and share!

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Is one person enough?

    • Ha! I was just going to add a truth, ‘is monogamy your ideal? Is it your partners ideal?’

      For me, one person can be enough, but more and more at this point in my life, ‘enough’ is not the goal? The goal that is evolving for me is a connection in which we honor one another’s absolute truth. Live without built in boundaries. Live to the…[Read more]

      • So well said, lake. Love your self understanding.

      • It helps to be old, one figures themselves out eventually đŸ™‚

        I do think this is so individual. One of my life long friends is in an open relationship for the last 12 years. Her girlfriend has had a handful of other ‘partners’, but she never has once (and I know she gets offers), she just truly is not interested, she has a natural type of love…[Read more]

    • My truth is no, one person is not enough. And nor have I been truly just one person over the course of my life.

      • You know your just encouraging me… Aren’t I insufferable enough?

        • Yes but accompanied by so much charm and intelligence!

          • Lol, perfect response – you do that to me in person and I’d sweep you right up and ravish you!

            • I have no idea from whence these thoughts eminated…and I am definitely stepping right in the middle of something that I have no right to do…but I just log back in for the first time in a while and for some reason this chain was one of the first things that appeared. All I can say is, the thought of two incredibly delicious lovelies…[Read more]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      James let me state this for the record… Rights or no rights you should feel free to insert yourself (via the Dr Seuss rule) here or there, ANYWHERE as far as I’m concerned. Oh, and I would also add often… Hmm and repeatedly, yes definitely repeatedly.

    • Good to see you, James. Can lake be any clearer with regard how she likes it?

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        If I make it any clearer, I shall have to take dr Seuss out of the picture, he is too much of a hero, I’d feel I had used his name in vain.

      • Well, I must say that with the either of you, I am sure that I would insert myself here or there, well…just about anywhere. In a house (I’d skip the mouse), or in a box (forget the fox!), in a car, in a tree, on a train, in the dark, umm…not with a goat…but definitely on a boat!

        Where would you like me to insert myself?
        Please tell…[Read more]

        • lake replied 11 years ago

          Here in my mouth so soft and wet. Eager to suck, to lick, to open.

          There in my cunt so warm and slick and sweet. Push through and control me.

          Anywhere… So hot and tight, impale me, break me, fill me.

        • Here in my erotic mind what lusts do you find.

          • lake replied 11 years ago

            Lol… We are a perfect pair… I take the low road and you take the high, it’s damn fabulous.

        • Well, James, lake has declared it. She and I are perfect. If you are smart, you’d insert yourself between the two of us.

          • Mmmm…

            I’ve long believed that you and lake together would come about as close to “perfection” as I could imagine.

            All I have to figure out now is whether this is a tease or an offer?

            Also, I would like to point out that inserting myself between you two lovelies in all the ways I am imagining has slightly more to do with my libido than my IQ…[Read more]

            • Oh James, how you have been missed!

              • I assure you THAT feeling is mutual! Is there a plural version of mutual…I wouldn’t want to somehow exclude lake from that sentiment! It feels nice to be back

                • lake replied 11 years ago

                  Yes, yes do NOT exclude lake… you are not the only one with those concerns, I just spent two days imagining one hand firmly and vigorously working between Mallory’s legs while the other pulls your cock into my mouth… I know a bit about pressure.

                  • Really?!? That’s funny…I spent the last two days imagining your hand firmly and vigorously working between Mallory’s legs while your other hand was pulling my cock into your mouth also!
                    In fact, the only real difference was that her mouth was buried deeply between your legs and her hands were playing with my balls and toying with my…[Read more]

                    • lake replied 11 years ago

                      I can’t say I don’t agree… Though I would say I don’t so much like to handle pressure as I like to relieve pressure… Mallory how fast can you get here?

                      • Oh my goodness! I just got here. Wow I really suck.

                        • What are you talking about?!? Based on all that you have said in the past, I accepted the depth and skill with which you “suck” to be among your most rewarding qualities!!!

                          • Only that I a little late to the party. Not that lateness will stop me!

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago

    Pick your top two: communication, sexual fulfillment, being taken care off, trust, commitment, humor

    • Trust and communication.

    • Ditto

    • Well, I have to agree but disagree…

      I agree with the importance of Trust and Communication above the others from your list.

      But I think your list is lacking what I believe is THE most important part which allows people to not only have great communication but also to build trust….ACCEPTANCE!

      If you can not accept yourself for who you are…[Read more]

      • I certainly agree with you that acceptance is critical. lake’s list, I believe, is in no way meant to be finite. We should include acceptance, along with probably a bunch of others.

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      My intent with the list was more about weighing the five in that list against each other than listing the top five ( and James you never actually answered that question!). But I do love where this has gone, however now it’s gotten me philosophical which
      I really try not to do to overdue here, but I can’t resist on this one now. Hey, good…[Read more]

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        Oh wait… Sorry you did answer! Seems we are all on the same page on that one too… Hmmmm, it must be more than I coincidence, I think it may mean we should at least be considering a threesome, I mean we wouldn’t want to piss off the fates by ignoring such a clear sign!?!

      • Well said. I think that you actually have captured the true meaning of acceptance as I was suggesting.

        Accepting others in general is not so difficult in school or at work or with a friend or family member you see on rare occasions, but with a partner, in a day to day relationship, over years if not decades?!?

        Holy hell…actually…[Read more]

        • lake replied 11 years ago

          As someone who knows myself… that is a lot of acceptance! I do hope you don’t embarrass easily… Oh, wait, scratch that, we all already know that you don’t!

          • Well, I can say that despite considerably efforts in this regards, I have not yet been able to rise above the point of becoming embarrassed entirely (or feeling shame or being humiliated for that matter), but I have become better able to place all of that in context! That stems from really working to accept oneself and, when pushed closer to the…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    But if in your fear you would seek only love\’s peace and love\’s pleasure,
    Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness
    and pass out of love\’s threshing-floor,
    Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh,
    but not all of your laughter,
    and weep, but not all of your tears.

    – Kahlil Gibran

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    For what and/or for whom do you yearn?

    • Master always.

      Freedom, acceptance, courage, love, intimacy, play, being caught up in wild raucous moments, epiphany, connection, being taken, being impressed, being surprised, being cared for, being valued, being seen and understood, acknowledgement, perfect service, meaning, growth, expansion, integrity, vulnerability, inspiration, sensation,…[Read more]

      • I yearn most for TRUTH. For the wild and unexpected and beautiful and seemingly endless inspiration which comes from TRUTH! And although there are a few universal truths, to be clear those are largely not the ones I seek. The TRUTH I speak of is largely NOT some universal thing…it is often situational…it varies…it changes over time…it…[Read more]

        • There was a time, when I thought certain things about myself were fact – just always going to be so about me. After the fourth or fifth time of having one of these ‘facts’ completely unravel in new situations or because of a shift in my thinking, I too stopped believing that who I know myself to be is fixed. I think we are so much more infinite…[Read more]

  • Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman

    In case lake cannot find the other book, here is another suggestion.

    “She was only fourteen, but she knew what she wanted. She wanted him to look at her that way…….That was when she began to wonder if the scent of sulfur wasn’t fury but desire, and if perhaps, it might not be rising from her own skin.…[Read more]

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Sex and LiteratureSex and Literature 11 years, 1 month ago

    Here on Earth by Alice Hoffman

    In case lake cannot find the other book, here is another suggestion.

    “She was only fourteen, but she knew what she wanted. She wanted him to look at her that way…….That was when she began to wonder if the scent of sulfur wasn’t fury but desire, and if perhaps, it might not be rising from her own skin.…[Read more]

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