

    I spread my fingers and hands on the little table in front of Juju. Then I pull them back and look at my hands and fingers closely. I can feel my heart rate speed up a little, thinking about that dinner. Adam. I hate that he saw the little cracks on my fingertips. But it affected me more that he noticed.

    “Isn’t there…[Read more]

  • Though Mrs. Barrister is not comfortable posting her pictures (yet), I found a picture that could be her twin!


    I spread my fingers and hands on the little table in front of Juju. Then I pull them back and look at my hands and fingers closely. I can feel my heart rate speed up a little, thinking about that dinner. Adam. I hate that he saw the little cracks on my fingertips. But it affected me more that he noticed.

    “Isn’t there…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update 10 years, 10 months ago

    \”Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.\” ~Joseph Campbell

  • Second set from last post.

  • @lake and @Doris requested at @barrister post the full sequence, here it is.
    First set

  • @lake and @Doris requested at @barrister post the full sequence, here it is.
    First set

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 10 months ago

    Kristye used to do a Christmas countdown that I loved and I have missed this year. I had the idea to do an after Christmas count up. Where people post little moments of sparkling chemistry, or pull, or flirtatiousness that caught you and the feeling that resulted has never left you.

    • These can be as short or as long as you like. Here are two that have come to mind for me.

      This was more than ten years ago. The whole thing happened in less then a couple of minutes, but I still remember every moment of it in the most visceral way. I was out with a group of friends. We had all been drinking. We were walking from one bar to…[Read more]

    • I once asked for and received the tshirt from someone I’ve gotten to know a little bit, but have not met. When I sunk my face into it, I plunged into that chemistry. When I put on the tshirt, I soared.

    • Very sexy… I think you must be her office crush.

    • Thank god for that one, you made it super thrilling for all of us!

    • I was at a holiday party. It was the end of a great night, everyone is clearing out. The owner of the company hosting the party walks up to me and takes my hand. He says, ‘I’m not one to throw a lot of parties, but if I was, I’d invite you to all of them’.

      • I left a holiday party fairly early. I was standing by the coat check room, waiting for my coat. A member of the other party at the restaurant came a little closer and said to me, “you must be with the other party. It sounds like it is so much more fun.” He startled me and we looked at each other for longer than appropriate stranger seconds.…[Read more]

    • I think you are definitely a member.

    • About 17 weeks ago or so, I had an encounter as mentioned in Lake’s post. I felt compelled to document my thoughts and feelings about the encounter but I’ve yet to express them to anyone. It was as if this was my own little secret that I happily kept to myself. I’ll spare all of the details as my thoughts just kept rambling on and on.

      I spotted…[Read more]

      • Why do you think you responded so strongly to him?

        • I’ve wondered that myself all of these weeks. The search for something new and exciting since my current situation has become mundane and lacking? I’ve googled meanings behind this and haven’t found any answers to satisfy my curiosity.

          • I pretty sure I have at least a minor addiction to this type of experience.

            • A good addiction to have. If just the look prompted me to write an 8 page essay… How many novels would be produced from a conversation, touch, taste, etc.

              I want more.

              • Lol, Oh yes, but not without its challenges… But, in my opinion do not let that stop you!

                I believe it is one of those things that you don’t have to go looking for, it something that is already always inside you. We just layer so much doubt, insecurity, mistrust, fear, dogma, etc over it that it becomes difficult to access or get to what I…[Read more]

              • Great to have you join the “conversation,” Lurkinglady! I think a lot of us here on SE, are drawn to eroticism of novelty and change, and to the adventure and excitement it stirs in us.

    • Extra points for having just meet the person on the plane… I’ve needed the double blanket traveling with someone I’m in a relationship with, but never with someone I’ve just met… Fantasized about it many times though. You have definitely been holding out on us Luis!

    • Here is one that is not really sexy (sorry), but definitely was an overwhelming feeling and rush of unexpected emotion that I will not forget.

      I was with my team about an hour before a large presentation, we were testing, setting up, etc. I misplaced one of my folders and had become very frustrated with my inability to find it and had given up…[Read more]

      • I’m keeping myself open to all possibilities that present themselves to me. I’ve been weighing my options lately and the relationship I’m in. We haven’t been happy for years and I don’t want to waste my youth in misery. I would be perfectly happy alone as it would be so freeing to the soul.

        That was very sweet of your office husband to have been…[Read more]

        • He is happily committed in a closed marriage, so we manage the chemistry appropriately… Though we do on occasion let it crackle a little 🙂

          I like sexual tension and I don’t always need it to go to sex or love to appreciate or be happy that it is there. I think it is a very motivating force. Even at work, I feel teams with sexual tension…[Read more]

    • What is the saying, ‘ In the end what we regret most is all the things we didn’t do’?

    • Having seen your picture… this doesn’t surprise me 🙂

      • I’ve been thinking more about this, and wanted to come back and make a distinction, that I am curious about what other’s thoughts about it will be. To Luis’ point, reckless choices that have consequences we are not willing to acceptdeal with… can absolutely lead to regrets. But there is also so much in between reckless and doing nothing, and…[Read more]

    • A while back, I had hired someone to provide expert opinion in a litigation. He was extremely well spoken, articulated his points with an incredible level of expertise and he conveyed his message with a great deal of passion. He remained calm, passionate, and factual under cross examination. We did not share any special “moments,” but I could…[Read more]

  • 2 – Very horny feeling: Cock being inserted with wife’s help.

  • A few that caught my atention

  • English isn’t my first language, so for me would be quiet grueling to write and express my fantasies with the same quality that most participants do.

    I couldn’t use the appropriate vocabulary to pass accurately emotions, feelings and ilustrate the lust of some event.
    Definitely I’m not a writer and even less in English.

    However merging…[Read more]

  • Sorry, I posted prematurely without captions… These were just a few pics that I like which show the beauty of the female form as only dancers seem to be able to capture! Enjoy!

  • Quoting Lake and ilustrating how cookies should be done:
    ” – I am currently battling a relentless Christmas cookie addiction… so everything reminds me of cookies right now (not an encouraging sign for me taking more personal pictures anytime soon 😛 ). Hmmm, think I will add that to my Christmas list, a spontaneous fuck followed by being fed C…[Read more]

  • ADAM

    I don’t bother with any of the lights after I get inside my apartment. I moved through my routine mechanically, unconsciously and ended up on the chaise before I punch in the lights to go on. I look at the glaring white linens that only enlarge the emptiness of my bed. Yeah, I can imagine fucking Nicole on it alright. Truth is if I got…[Read more]

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