lexdepenny posted an update in the group
Your Experiments 9 years, 4 months ago
Since you asked so nicely, Mallory!
Back in Germany, my thoughts returned to circumstances in which I could show off Penny again. I needed to test the link between her exposures and her desire for greater security in our relationship. I concluded that it would be more exciting for both of us if I waited a while before trying again. I wanted Penny to be on edge, certain that such a moment would arrive, but never knowing exactly when.
Any husband who has shown off his wife knows it’s a lot easier let the world see her breasts than anything else. I was dying for Penny to be exposed, but was not ready for that exposure to be obviously deliberate. One day when she was out, I spent an hour looking through Penny’s expanding wardrobe to identify the outfits that were most promising. I decided that it would be more fun to wait until Penny wore something that lent itself to what I wanted. My best bet was a calf-length summer dress that buttoned all the way down the front and really tempted me. I waited.
It was a hot day when she met me for lunch in the city. It was breezy as usual, in the wide and often wind-swept shopping streets of Saarbrücken. Penny’s dress, beige, with a bold pattern of red flowers, swung nicely against her legs as she walked. As we entered the restaurant, she told me she was going to touch up her lipstick. She turned to go towards the Ladies’ and I had a brainstorm.
“Penny, while you’re in there, take your bra off,” I said.
Penny just kept on walking. I couldn’t be sure whether she’d even heard me. Penny’s tits weren’t huge, so when she rejoined me, it was hard to see any change. We went to find our table, Penny walking ahead of me. A waiter came to pull her chair out. Penny turned to sit down, and it was then that I saw that she’d unfastened the top five buttons of her dress, so it was open to well below the level of her tits. She leaned well forward as she sat down and the dress naturally fell open, giving me and the waiter a clear sight of Penny’s neat and braless tits right down to her nipples. She picked up her napkin, her face expressionless, as if she was unaware of what she was showing us. I smiled to show her I approved.
Penny asked for some water while we waited for our dishes to arrive. As the waiter was approaching with the carafe, Penny found it necessary to lean down to get something from her handbag. Again, the dress obligingly swung open. The waiter almost missed the table with the carafe, because he was having another good look down the front of Penny’s dress. She sat up again and the waiter went away.
“Do you want to put these in your pocket for me?” Penny asked. She reached across the table and handed me what she’d retrieved from her bag…not her bra, but her little white knickers. I put them in my jacket pocket. She sat back, looking as if butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, poured herself a glass of water and sipped it. As I got my breath back, I was thinking hard. When I’d examined the dress and identified it as a possible show-off outfit, I’d counted that it had twenty buttons. Five were already undone, so that left fifteen, I could figure that out, even with my sexy thoughts control turned up to maximum. I could see another five that went down to Penny’s waist, so that left ten for the rest of the dress. I leaned across to her.
“How would you feel about unfastening some more buttons?” I asked. Penny confused me by standing up and swishing away from the table. I was worried, wondering if I had pushed too hard, too soon.
Penny returned a couple of minutes later with the dress flapping open as she strode towards me. She was taking bigger steps than usual, which allowed the dress to show off a serious amount of leg. Each step exposed almost the full length of her thigh. I caught my breath. Not even a hand’s breadth above where the remaining buttons kept her decent, Penny’s black pubic curls were bare. She sat down again. Our dishes arrived and we ate.
Penny finished her last mouthful, put down her knife and fork, pushed her plate away and leaned over the table, which gave me another look at her breasts and her hard nipples. I lifted my glass in a toast to her. She pushed her chair back, turned sideways, sat back a little and crossed her legs. The skirt of the dress fell open, parting to either side of her thighs.
The waiter returned and I watched his expression change as he came closer to our table. The direction from which he was approaching meant Penny was facing him, so whatever I could see, so could he, and more. He handed me the bill and I paid. Penny was about to stand up, when I asked her to stay just as she was, so I could check out the waiter’s eye-view.
The dress was open all the way up to the top of Penny’s thighs. The waiter had to have realized he was looking at pubic hair, I held my hand out to Penny and she stood up. We walked out of the restaurant and headed towards where Penny’s car was parked in a side street. I kissed her and was about to leave her to go back to the office when she said, “Get in.”
I got into the car. Penny pushed her seat right back, spread her thighs and caressed herself with her fingers. She was very wet and it didn’t take long before she shuddered and came. I took her dripping hand and kissed her fingers, got out of the car and went back to work.
I must counter and suggest you go to Mr X’s blog table of content and read entry item #119. I got thinking about Penny and me that time and I need very much to….be self-indulgent again.
I’m all in favour of self-indulgence! If you don’t please yourself, who can you please? I hope you didn’t think I was being sulky. The bit about asking nicely was intended as a joke.
Any thoughts/reflexions/comments, especially from you, are always welcome :o)
I cannot wait to read more.