
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 11 years, 7 months ago

    Such a long day…. I was sure I would fall asleep without masturbating tonight, but strudel lady… You have officially altered my plans! Whose else is still up? lets do it together, on the count of three… Begin!

    • ready for more???

    • I finished three and went to bed before this came up we are going to have to work on our timing… Apparently I’m going to have to draw things out a bit 🙂

      But you are talking my language, shall we make a date then?

    • This is getting interesting… don’t stop there! I can always ask permission. What should I be asking for? Maybe to follow some instruction on this?? 😉

    • Permission granted!! So I guess that leaves me here, juat awaiting your… instruction.

    • ah.. so are we doing this now – like chat style? you type i do.. then get back to you etc.

    • I went into the bathroom because the mirrors are large and I can see front and back. Crossed my arms and lifted my t-shirt off, watching myself as a bared more and more flesh. Immediately felt the chill in the air and my nipples stiffened. Pulled my hands up my body, they went straight to my full breasts and hard nipples, rubbing and circling. Since I’ve never shown my breasts bare on here, I draw this out, showing off, knowing its the first time you’ve seen them. As I heat up my nipples soften so i start to pinch harder. This feels particularly good because my nipples are already sore. I lift one arm over my head, let my other hand trail up the arm, then same thing on the other side. Turn so my back is toward you. Slide my short plaid shorts down to the bottom of my cheeks and bend to put my hands on the floor. Run my hands along the back of my legs, my hips gently shift back and forth. My hands move up to the top of my hips circling my cheeks then push the shorts to the floor. Hands pull up my legs again, this time along the insides, then pushing through along the edges of my lips to the back. Go back to the bottom of my legs. This time come up with nails. I love scratching the inside of my thighs, along the bottom of my ass cheeks and right at the top and just inside of my crack. I do this for more than a minute before I stand up. now pushing my hands down over my abodomen then to my hips. I love the way the front of my hips bones feel and thee sides of my dimpled boy hips. I push my hands back and forth hard over the muscles, inching closer to my pussy. Then pressing hard all the way through and between my legs. Back and forth varying the pressure. Then twisiting my fingers in the section of pubic hair that Master is making me grow long. I stay away from my clit and my entrance directly since i haven’t been given permission, but i’m getting more worked up and want something more intense, so i dig in my nails drag them back up to my breasts and scratch the underneath and along the sides, wet my fingers then roll them squeezing almost as hard as I can. Time is up, i touch my face and neck … review myself in the mirror. scratch marks are very very very faint, but my skin feels hot and sensitive every where that my nails have been. i can see the challenge here is going to be the stopping to write part!!

    • I am just not one to miss a chance to execute on one’s vision.

      I am going to comment rather than reply, so i can get back to the wider text box (so see below)

    • Oh I was really excited about these intstructions. dining room chair (which is also in front of the 11 ft floor to ceiling windows) its the only one with two arms. I like sitting up to play with my entrance, I can reach so much better, did i mention i like these instructions. the second my lips were split from putting my legs up I could already feel the wetness with the tip of my finger without even moving inside. I knew once i went further everything would be soaking. I played quickly with my hair so as not to miss the instruction, because I knew I wouldn’t be leaving my cunt once I got in there. Felt so good one finger circling then focusing up and down on side pulling the lip back and wide then over to the other. skin so soft so wet. wanting to dip in. I do one finger and then two, i automatically curl them forward and up, pumping my spot. I pull out my right hand to lick my fingers and insert my left. pumping the same spot while i lick up and down and between my fingers. Love it. Switch hands again when those fingers are clean. Next switch take my fingers to my nipple instead of my mouth, wish i had a third hand so i could still have fingers in my mouth. Fuck time is up i don’t want to stop!! I feel really hot, my pussy is throbbing, my head is throbbing, i’m getting really impatient with stopping, I want my soaking fingers on my clit! I want these next instructions fast!

      • I am a numbers girl, the counting helps me stay on task and I like specificity in instructions. So I was focusing on that and in the end that worked in my favor.

        On the 3rd one I grab my nipple, but I can’t touch my clit at all or I know I will cum. I check the clock. It’s only been 4 minutes, fuck this is going to be hard. I have to wait about 15 seconds. I’m breathing hard and waiting for tremors to stop, damn my body feels good.

        Then I decide I’m ready, but I switch to using my left hand on my clit (which I hate to do) but I know this will slow me down. On 5 I get so close I almost spill over too far, I squeeze my nipple so hard I feel icy shocks shoot through me. For 6 I go back to using my left hand. When I pull my hand off my hips start to buck up and down hard and fast. For 7 I start the circl and half to rip my hand off… fuuuuck, too close! Shit, check the time. Six more minutes left. 45 seconds per turn, perfect, I got this now. After 8 my back arches, I have to focus my breathing and pull my knees into my chest to move the energy around. 9 I am getting a little frustrated that I can’t figure out a good way to slap my own breasts correctly. So I switch to just slapping my chest so I can do it harder. At 11 my ass and legs are clinching up so hard i start having trouble getting to the brink. I have to stop again and work at relaxing… breath spread my legs, I slap my thighs hard (I can still feel the pins and needles on my skin now from that one). My nipples are on fire, my whole body is hot as hell i’m sweating eveyrwhere. Two minutes left and I’m on 12. 14 was incredible so deep felt the contractions in slow motion press my cum out. 15 again got bunched up too hot, too tight… breathe, breathe… damn it, had to stop again and now my time is fucked up, I’m over by 30 seconds, now I’m determined. I let everything drain. My abdomen is so hard like every nerve in my body has decided to send its signal there and turned it to stone. I let everything push down and through the contraction to the center of my body to my groin. Draw one more long breath then moan as my chin juts out and head drops back, chest out, racked FINALLY! … I feel wobbly and shaky, so moist on my thighs and wet between my legs…

    • mmmm and well done to you lecherous Sir – start to finish a wonderful, tantalizing ride and this summation just makes me happy to no end!! I know I must be well and truly spent or that alone would have sent me off again. Sweet Dreams 🙂