
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago

    Alright, I want to borrow from your collective imaginations.
    Let’s say you are owned, you are married, and you are interviewing a male submissive because your Master is interested in exploring some of the ‘opportunities’ that such a person might offer for your play and exploration. You have never had a male submissive before.

    1. In order to get to know him better, what questions, assignments, or ‘homework’ would you give him?
    2. What are your ideas for setting up the first in person meeting?

    To motivate you to give this some real though, if I use your idea, I will report the results back to you.

    • I know next to nothing on this subject but I can comment on how to get to know someone better. I have a few suggestions for starting points in the following order.
      1. Have him respond in writing to the questions of “What draws you to being a submissive and what is in it for you.” You are here like many of us on SE because you care about the written word and I think you will enjoy someone capable expressive writing.
      2. If he intrigues you enough to meet, do so over dinner at an upscale place. Make these arrangements over the telephone so you can hear his voice and listen to his speech.
      3. Over dinner, observe his attention, deference, and tending to you.
      4. If you are lingering long enough for dessert, tell him to come closer so you can smell the side of his neck.
      5. After all that, are you still interested? If you are, then you can put him through more “tests.”

      • Food for thought indeed. Thank you Mallory, number 4 makes me wish it was time to head out the door right now!

    • Just for clarity is this for YOU, or for your Master, or Both? I actually like all of Mallory’s suggestions, but regardless of the setting, #1 and #3 strike me as the most relevant parts.

      If you are both going into this knowing what your dynamic is going to be – or it sounds like in this instance NEEDS to be if you are going to be satisfying your Masters (and presumably at some level your own) wishes – then there really can not be any question in your mind as to his ability and willingness to serve you in all the ways that you desire. There isn’t a middle ground on such things unless you are going to give him the opportunity to explore something other than being your submissive. That isn’t to say that there isn’t a period of time at the beginning when you are both exploring one another and seeing if there is enough of a physical, mental, and emotional connection to “inspire” one another sexually, but even from the very beginning – even before there are any rules or expectations or protocols – there should ALWAYS be an relentless (more like incessant) and fully present (even if not always acknowledged) undercurrent of just how firm and absolute and uncompromising you are and will ultimately become in your expectations of him. One of the things a dominant needs to have is full and complete disclosure from their submissive. I don’t see how anything short of that would ever be satisfying for either of you so #1 seems like a great way to set that expectation.

      I don’t know what your dialog has been to date, but any expectations that you have of him or limits to what he will experience with you should be clearly expressed upfront before you even contemplate a meeting. Again, you can start slowly and don’t have to get into any specifics or details, but understanding his reaction to and interest in such a relationship as well as his actual ability to be “attentive, deferential, and tending to you” both in writing and in person is the real test of “worthiness”.

      When it comes to meeting, this is about you not him, whether there is anything you really do like and appreciate and find inspiring. I can tell you that as “great” as it may seem to be empowered to be as “selfish” in all ways as one wants to be as a dominant, it actually requires a lot of thought and work. If there isn’t something that you find truly inspiring about this person, then I suspect that you will grow bored with them very quickly (OK, if I am honest, it may be hard NOT to enjoy having someone lick your toes and have their face buried in your crotch and licking your cunt and ass for hours on end with no obligation to reciprocate…but trust me…you will eventually get bored if they don’t offer something else – or maybe not!)

      Lastly, there should be some additional tests – requirements both as a condition to meeting and for when you meet. The easy ones are to ask for some photos of his cock his mouth and tongue and his asshole (at least he will start to realize just how closely you are scrutinizing his “eagerness” to offer himself in ALL ways to YOUR service. You should also ask him (a quiz) about his experiences and interests around giving oral pleasure, anal pleasure and making his ass available to you. Finally, when you do meet, he should be required to “prepare” himself for your inspection – even if you make it clear that you may not actually inspect him on this occasion. Make him shave his crotch and balls completely bare, have him go and get a cock ring and a anal plug and be sure to wear them both when you meet. I would think that he would need to dress in such a way as to make his “enthusiasm” prominent – possibly embarrassingly so – and it would be telling to see how his efforts and enthusiasm waxes and wanes based on how the conversation evolves.

      Hopefully that is helpful…

      • That is more than helpful. It actually causes me to ‘re-think’ more than a few things.

        I like to connect, and my instinct is to just do whatever is needed to get everyone there. For example if I’ve given 40% and someone else has given 40%, I am quick to give the extra 20% and never look back just to close the gap. This is not a bad thing, but it is something that Master would like me to have more choice around. So that I can choose to go the extra 20% or choose 10% or choose 5% and still make it happen by being better at getting the other person to also give more… and for me to be comfortable with that new balance. So this is very much, as much about my process and approach and how aware and deliberate I can be, as it is about the outcome. The overall purpose is not just the obvious one 🙂 … in fact it may never get to the obvious one. A lot of it is about expanding the ways of being that I am comfortable with and capable of.

        There is nothing about my experience or expression relative to my sexuality that is not for both Master and I… so BOTH. Number #1 on Mallory’s list we’ve definitely covered. #3 agree extremely important, both in person and even in just the written exchanges. Interestingly, weighing this is very challenging for me. My standards for myself tend to be too harsh and my standards for others too lax. As mentioned, that is probably part of the point right… to make me re-align that. I’d say he hits the right note on deferential and that seems to come easy, attentive – yes in the obvious ways, not as much in the subtle ways, and ‘tending to’… hmmmmmm, gonna have to find more ways to explore that.

        I have been very specific about our terms; including the level of disclosure that would be expected from him (though I know one thing I have to do is push the point of him being more detailed). I’ve also been honest about my level of experience… all of which he has accepted willingly. Physical, mental and emotional connection… this is in progress, both from the perspective of understanding what’s there and understanding what\how much of each needs to be there.

        Firmness – this is really interesting as I think about it. In those areas where I am channeling Master’s requirement or desire, I believe I have set the right tone, but what I haven’t done is really figured out what I require or desire and brought that fully to bear (again I’m sure this is one of the points of the whole exercise… to get me to do exactly that) I’m not sure I even begin to know how to enjoy being actually selfish. That along with being on the giving end of some of these ‘tests’… oh my, oh my … I’d be really pushing myself, but holy shit if I actually pull it off!! Even the thought is laced with quite the adrenaline surge.

        • It is much more difficult to assess “tending to,” which for me, is based on an underlying spirit of generosity. When I tend to my lover’s desire and pleasure, I feel like I would do anything to achieve them. Do anything, give anything, be anything. And I do so with my own hands, both of them, with self awareness of value, and anticipation of his joy, and thereby, mine.

          • Well said Mallory! I appreciate all of your more aggressive/assertive/alternative/provocative thoughts and expressions equally well, but it is knowing that at your core you possess both the capacity, the knowledge and the will to become THIS person – that all of your willingness to pursue any and all avenues of sexual expression are based on THIS fundamental approach – that is what makes you so remarkable, so attractive and so worthy of the desire I and others have expressed towards you.

        • I think that you understood my points (and Mallory’s) quite well, what I want to make sure that I followed up on was the notion that you do NOT have to be some cold heartless, relentlessly selfish bitch – some porn version of a dominatrix constantly belittling and humiliating her slave for seemingly pointless reasons. To me it always feels like much of what is portrayed is for the benefit of the submissive NOT the benefit of the dom (does the dom actually like seeing some of these things?).

          When a person pays a professional dominatrix to “dominate” them, isn’t all of the incentive completely backwards – either she treats the client in a way that brings him some powerfully satisfying experience (even if not sexual or particularly pleasurable) or else why would he ever return – isn’t that in itself a topping-from-the-bottom dynamic (to say nothing about the financial power dynamic)?!?

          The bottom line is this…everyones relationship dynamics are different…there are literally no limits to how complex or straightforward you make them. You can be as caring, thoughtful and giving a dom as you want…but where you need to be careful is in fine tuning your own ability to recognize how every act or action or request someone is benefitting more than the other. More importantly (or easy to identify) who is asking. Once you are able to answer these questions – in real time as it is happening – you simply need to make it clear that YOU are consciously deciding to either grant or allow or indulge it. Your desires and interests always come first. Even if his pleasure or sexual release IS of interest to you – something you want to see, experience, feel – ask yourself what is the most intense and rewarding way for you to experience that? I can’t imagine that having him stick his dick into you and cumming after 3 thrusts would ever be satisfying for you. Maybe you want to see him so worked up and ready to cum and so wild with the “need” to get his release… Make him hold back as long as you care to make him…and then sit yourself comfortably down in a chair with his cock at eye level and tell him to stand before you and make himself cum. Make him cum on the floor, make him cum on himself, allow him to cum on you or your body (although now you are into some real conflicted dynamics) then make him lick his cum up…off the floor, off his hands and stomach…off of your body (again he might really like this – which as long as you are liking it more then go for it!). Think of it this way…you should be left absolutely sore and wanting for nothing and he should be trained to give himself to you without interruption or failure until you are satiated…and then you may let him have his release.

          Another examples include how he looks at you or is allowed to initiate contact with you…if he looks you in the eyes when you first meet, you may want to ask him – “Did I give you permission to look me in the eyes?” Depending on his deference and contrition, you could tell him that it is OK for him to look at you but only because you like feeling his gaze on you” or you could tell him to “only look when you are speaking to him” or “Never without permission”. When he is holding or touching or kissing you, tell him what you like about the way he hold, touches, kisses you and make it clear that you expect him to hold, touch, kiss you in those certain ways whenever you are together and a failure for him to do so will have consequences. That says several things – one this defines your expectation on what it is that you need in order for him to serve you, two this reminds him that everything that he is allowed to do is related to serving and pleasing YOU, three there absolutely is a warning built in there to how his going to far or taking advantage for his own pleasure will not be tolerated and dealt with accordingly.

          The key is that this is always and forever about what pleases YOU. I admit that I myself enjoy giving and witnessing and bringing about pleasure in others, so if that brings pleasure to you then you are perfectly within your rights to allow it, but this always has to be on your terms…and you would be surprised just how devious and sneaky people (even supremely submissive ones) become in trying to direct events in the direction or in ways that are actually intended to serve their interests above their masters – you simply need to tune into that reality and never let down your guard! Otherwise, when you do focus in and realize that you actually can think of what you want much more clearly and specifically in real time with a guy, and allow yourself to indulge in your more selfish desires, I can imagine that a whole new world will open up to miss lake – or is it Mistress Lake?!?

          Good luck!!!