
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago

    How do you think the world would be different if everyone (of age) in it was having great sex?

    • It is hard to actually fathom how much more open and relaxed and less stressed and less judgmental the world would be as our collective brains sit soaking in all those “pleasure chemicals”. The more challenging question is why the hell do ANY of us (myself very much included) willingly agree to live our lives ignoring or suppressing or minimizing this essential aspect of our humanity? And we wonder why we are all stressed out, over-weight and plagued with endless physical, mental and emotional ailments…

    • Excellent points. And to me too, it does appear tragic the degree to which so many lives are lived ignoring this aspect of their health and well being and livelihood.

      It probably would take a review of he whole history of mankind to answer why we are so stymied. Probably has something to do with the residual affect of the fact that anyone who has ever wanted power over another has learned that manipulating their sexuality is one of the most effective means of doing so.

      And kristye, i also think you are so right. If I had no expression around my sexuality at all and I think about who I would be… it is a mortifying thought. It motivates me more than anything, to never let go or loose touch or stopping fighting for freedom and expression of this part of myself.