
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago

    And of course the obvious follow-up question… what makes you horny? or if that is just too broad, what things have made you horny in the past week that jump to mind now? You know you want to tell us 🙂

    • hmmmm… I’m in the process of having my tattoo removed so i can get a new one. I don’t suppose that counts?

    • I tried, but I can’t resist… tell me something that has you intrigued

    • Ah clever answer! Thank you, I liked it and now I’m so glad I did ask 🙂

    • In many ways it is the same answer, I like having someone to prod and push or be pushed and prodded by.

      I like to just be me and have someone react to me who is willing to be transparent about their reaction.

      I like that i can take thoughts and turn them into discussions in such a way that i get something new, or change or evolve my thinking.

      Because the exchange of sexual energy and thinking and experience is something I almost always want more of. And because i think we should work to understand and expand something that is such a fundamental part of us, that offers us so much.

      Because your real and trying to understand the human condition, just like I am.

      Because your willing to step out of the bleachers and be in the game.

      Because your a man and I’m not, and that makes me particularly curious about how and what you think.

      I could go on, but I’m pretty sure I’ve started to ramble.

    • Well it is a New Year and all so Cheers to that!