
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 10 months ago

    Master’s Gift
    I was a hot, swirling, unsteady mess. Master had worked me to froth over and over, but forbidden my release… even while I had served his on a golden platter along with a side of my tonsils and buckets of heavy saliva.

    I was on my way to my lover’s office with strict instructions from Master. I reviewed them in my mind. How and which parts of his body I was to use, what level of pleasure I could give, but more importantly what pleasure I would take. Some of the instructions were challenging, not in terms of my limits, but in terms of what E and I normally achieved together. But I trusted Master and if he wanted to take E and me to a new level, then I was the last person in the world to question his decision. I also wasn’t one to underestimate what I was capable of when it came to pleasing him. So here I was walking down Broadway with hot, swollen lips and damp panties reflecting on the outcomes Master had demanded and the rules I was to follow while achieving them. Often I’ve internalized his directives by the time the words have passed his lips, but when they are extensive it warrants careful review to mine the words for subtleties, both to ensure nothing is missed and because I know Master appreciates depth and creativity in my execution. While I WAS running through different scenarios that might get the required results… I wouldn’t say that I was planning the next two hours. It’s more a way to set my mind in motion, so I can show up and just let things play out. Somehow from there my instincts (almost) always manage it, often surprising even me.

    When I entered E’s office it was as Master’s slave; confident and certain, with a throbbing cunt ready to burst. E noticed something was up immediately. He was still in the process of getting his first sentence out, when I draped myself over his desk. He quickly abandoned that effort grabbed the back of my neck and locked me into a deep and passionate kiss. When he paused to smile down at me I mentioned that I was feeling particularly naughty today. His response was an eye lock coupled with an exhale that sounded part growl, part purr; and as it rolled through me it started triggering the landmines that Master had spent the afternoon so carefully laying. My breath caught and I was consumed with need, the strain of going a second longer without my release was suddenly unbearable. His next touch was meant to pull me up so he could strip my dress, but even that bowed my spine and I wrenched myself to press more of me against him.

    That triggered us both, and once again our mouths were probing hungrily, tongues slipping in and out over parted lips. He lifted and I was half on half off the desk afterwards when he unzipped my dress and pinched the hook on my bra open. When He pulled the dress down the bra and panties came with it, and in a blur I was naked. I was still writhing, still growing more unbearably desperate by the second, and the need to have his attention fully focused on my pussy was clawing its way through me with more and more determination. ‘Breath’, I thought to myself, anxiousness welling. I was beginning to stumble over my thoughts, ‘there must be at least a few minutes left?!?’ Master had insisted that my first release be within six minutes of my coming through the door… six minutes and at his hand, my own must not be on my body.

    As E purblindly stripped off his clothes, I pushed back up onto his desk and let my legs fall open to him. I could hear myself panting. Feel the blush spreading across my chest and belly, as I sat there leaning back on my arms staring at him intently knowing I had only minutes. This was Master’s pussy; nearly bare, glistening, inflamed… and pounding in a frantic rhythm alongside the thoughts in my head, ‘strict orders!’ Suddenly my throat was constricted, “Let him know what it feels like to own this pussy.” Master’s words echoing through me.

    And then E was touching me there. He had one hand on my pussy petting it tenderly; the other pulled his arm around me leaving it curved behind my back. I was going to scream, some part of me already was screaming. I let him know, let him see it bare, see just how much I needed this, had to have this. ‘How much time left?!?’, I thought, ’a minute? two?’ He was kissing me again when he first slid his finger between my lips, and I whimpered into his mouth. My hips shot up. He pushed down. ‘Oh fuck yes, the pressure of it!’ More sounds escaping from both of us, low sounds coming from somewhere deep inside. He was working me now, circling between and splaying my lips, with big circles that spread my wetness, and tugged alternately at my clit and my entrance. I heard the word ‘please’ whispered from somewhere.
    I looked at him, his eyes were nearly as wild as mine, and then I was cumming. The release racked my whole body, I have no idea how long it was till I was looking at him again. His face wore a calm otherworldly mask. He was half wrapped around me and staring gently down at me. I blinked and realized the hand on my pussy was still there and starting to move again.

    With the urgency of Master’s first task assuaged, I fell into the romantic haze that seemed now to be a tangible part of the atmosphere. Both of us reeling from the intensity of what had just happened seemed to be moving in slow motion. My hand drifted out and fell involuntarily against his leg. His fingers continued steady, and luxuriously bathing in my sex. Once my hand touched him, I knew where I wanted it to go. I couldn’t see anything but his face and his chest because of the way he was curved over me. My hand moved around his leg, tracing lines on his thigh and then cupping his balls. Coddling them gently, just enjoying this first touch, reading the feel of him like braille I knew he was fully erect and I immediately wanted to move up to his shaft. Again Master’s words hit me, “use him for your pleasure, ensure your full satisfaction… you may not give more than you receive.”

    So I kept my hand low, grazing him inattentively keeping my focus and his squarely on me, where I knew Master preferred it. This allowed me to realize how much I really wanted to cum again there, just like this. At the same time I realized it, I knew it had to be done or Master would not be pleased. I considered whether this was the time to use the line Master had given to me to say to E, but the words didn’t come out. Now I was getting a little panicky, sensing that another count down had begun, it wouldn’t be long now before E would decide he wanted to start fucking me and the opportunity would be missed. So I focused on his hand, showed him with my hips and my moans how close he was. I looked down his body, which was also looking down my body; I gorged on the sights and smells. I breathed directly into my center and pushed out from there each breath riding on the underlying waves of pleasure his pressure and my grinding were creating. It was enough. What felt like a wash of warm honey spread through me from deep inside my cunt outward, invading every muscle, every ligament and ounce of flesh before it suddenly turned everything to stone and held it there clenching tighter and tighter till I thought my hips would snap. I heard vertebrae in my lower back crack. Then my own sounds were too loud to hear anything else. Finally, it was melting making me once again pliable and ravenous, and I thought, ‘FUCK ME’, but in that moment, I was not the one in control of this experience.

    He had moved further up the side of his desk and was pulling me to the edge, positioning my mouth on his cock. “Very gently!” he said the restraint slumping his shoulders forward and making his voice sound raspy. It was too automatic for me to override, I needed… had to take this particular challenge and mouth him in a way that would make my Master proud… proud of my interpretation… proud of my creativity. So I very lightly pressed one hand onto his body, pressing just the inside of my index finger and thumb against the base of him. This gave me just enough leverage to help me manipulate the angle while lying on my side. Then I very lightly began to run the tip of my tongue around the underside of his ridge, slowly working up to the flat side of my tongue before moving down the center line to his balls, never once rolling up and over the top. Once I reached his balls, I sucked harder and sloppier over and down the sides. That was it. He said, “I gotta fuck you now!” As he pulled back and moved to the end of the desk, he roughly and unceremoniously flipped me on my back, pulled me to the edge of the desk, and drove himself in.

    He was between my legs so fast, the brusqueness momentarily knocked me out of my reverie and I had just a couple of second to think, ‘was I letting this become too much about him’ before he was moving in and out freely and everything inside me started to explode in rapture. It felt soooo good, so incredibly good… too fucking good!! ‘Master what have you done to me?!!’
    How many times had you held me on the brink today? Warned me, yelled at me, slapped me, ‘Don’t you cum!’? I had held it, I had held it like the obedient slave that I am, but now it was slamming into me and I was losing control and I wanted you here! Wished I had never left you, and we had fucked till there was nothing left. ‘Stop it, breathe’, I made myself repeat in my head, and I remembered what else you had said. That it was time, I started using his cock more fully. I remembered that I don’t cum with E through intercourse alone… and that’s when I knew. I knew what you really wanted. I knew, and I was thrown back into my body and I opened up to all the sensation, all the pressure, and all the emotion of the day. And it was mushrooming inside of me as I pressed into E and he ground into me, and we didn’t stop, we couldn’t stop. I’d never be able to bare it if we did. Soon my hands were digging into him, and I knew he was straining, but I begged, ‘don’t stop, God E don’t stop!’ Then mercifully, he grabbed my breast hard too hard, which is never hard enough for me, making me cry out then he traded the handful for a firm two fingered grasp on my nipple, which he dug into and twisted as he pulled up. This was glorious and it caused my legs to clamp down around him as the convulsions started and continued in fits through my body. My fists smacked down into the desk as my hips locked and pressed up harder and tighter. He lifted onto his tip toes so he could drop his whole body weight onto me to press me down and keep himself inside me. He pressed deeper and then his own groans started to mix with mine only they were lower and deeper. Then he was pushing himself up, half yelling, ‘open your mouth, I want to cum in your mouth.’, as he shuffled back up along the side of the desk. After he did, he collapsed over the top of me. We were wrapped in a weird sideways hug sweaty and breathy gently placing light kisses on whatever spot we could reach with the least amount of actual movement, when I said, “Your cock really loves this pussy.” “Oh yes it does”, was his reply, then after a brief pause he added, “Though you know you are killing me.”

    The whole thing was so intense and complete; I felt I was crazy for even thinking this, but there was something I had left undone. The line Master had given me was still unsaid. How far could I push this? But Master had been so right about everything and I wanted to get it perfect for him, wanted it more than anything, knew how much effort he had put into this, knew how important each of my steps were. So I knew I had to not just say it, I had to make it work. I touched E sweetly on the temple then let my hand fall against his face as I raised both of us up and brought our mouths together at the same time. I kissed him meaningfully, and then I spoke the words (embellishing just a bit) with my lips against his, “I want your mouth on my pussy, I want to cum one last beautiful time with your face between my legs.” And he did what I asked. The contractions were deep and slow and exquisite, but I came quietly because his act felt like worship. When he finished, I curled onto my side and he rubbed and caressed my back and my side and down my legs. In an awed tone he said, “Tomorrow I will not believe that this was real.” I was thinking the same thing.

    • This is an incredibly intense and hot story, lake. For me, it speaks to an ambiguity I personally find sexually and emotionally explosive. The nebulosity of who you are really fucking is highly arousing. I love the heady intoxication I experienced from the blurred source of your arousal and the ultimate ownership of your orgasm.

      • Thank You both. Your comments are thought provoking as well as encouraging to me. This was in many ways difficult to write… because of the emotion, challenge, and potential to fail during the event; because I am still trying to sort out all my thoughts about it even now; and because i really was not confident about being able to write about this in a way that would be understandable.

        So all in all, I am very psyched about and appreciative of your responses. The idea that I have shared this and that you actually ‘got it’ is very exciting and rewarding… the questions and interpretations, also give me more ways to think about it. AND that it also turned out to be provocative is… well, all I had hoped for 🙂 I am very happy i did share those first starts and that y’all got me all the way to the end, otherwise I’m sure I would have abandoned it,

        Master has been very pleased on all fronts, so I am indeed mentally and physically a very VERY happy girl!

    • My oh my…Aren’t you a deliciously provocative and endlessly confusing one! Was this real or fantasy?!? I know you know which stories go with which “group”, so I assume this is all very real, but apparently I am not the only one for whom this seems to raise as many questions as it does insights!!! And about those “insights”…HOLY HELL!

      Let me get this straight…Married, Owned, Lover…but I need a diagram to figure out how they all fit together and what each really knows about you? Seriously naughty and pretty damn kinky (each in the most glorious way)…and still no real indication of how any of this came to be?!??!? At some level you have to pardon anyone with the temerity to wonder “who are you?”! Now, more than ever, I feel that you definitely have some explaining to do. I can not wait to understand and savor every delicious morsel of your tail.


      PS: Yes, that pun was very much intended Ms future five star recipient!

      • It’s real (and actually I did originally mix up which stories go where… :P) though certainly filtered (and no I can’t share Master’s version here ;)).

        When you draw up the diagram please don’t leave out my occasional female lover who also happens to be my ex and best friend (and whom I am spending four days in Vegas with in January)! Oh and should we add captions for which relationships are vanilla and which ones aren’t and which kinks go with which person?? At a minimum we should color code for gender right? (sorry, I couldn’t resist having a little fun there :))

        Actually, it all probably sounds more complicated than it is. I lean towards open relationships and I am quite honest about that, so I tend to end up with people who also lean toward open relationships (or at least accept that I am not going to be monogamous). I also am much more fulfilled developing the relationships I do have over time, so when I do get involved, it tends to be long-term. And anyone who has long-term, open relationships is going to have ‘overlap’.

        The longest of my current relationships spans 14 years. The shortest is less than one year. I would say each of them knows parts of me completely. None of them know all parts of me completely (some know far more parts than others). Maybe if I ever found someone that everything was possible with… everything would be different, but that has not been something i’ve experienced to date. I think somewhere along the way i realized for me, the easiest way to just love the parts i appreciate about somebody without resenting what parts were missing was to get those missing parts from someone else. I really don’t think this would work for a lot of people. I think everyone comes to their own truth about what they need, and what they want, and who they are in their own way; and the answers can be very different for different people. At this point in my life, this is what works for me.

        Now, as for you savoring and pleasing my tail and other parts… beware Sir, i very much love the way you write, and i’ve already started to fantasize about you ‘watching’ me in someway on some adventure some time so that you could be the one writting it up and i could read what it would sound like written by you!

        • FUN! James can do the color coded diagram and maybe I can do the algorithm to generate all the possible permutations!

          Seriously, lake, thank you for your openness in sharing such intimate details.

          • There is definitely a fun project in there somewhere… and permutations in particular could be interesting especially if we aren’t limiting possibilities! 🙂