
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 7 months ago

    “For a few moments, attune your mind to the idea of harmony and peaceful coexistence flowing among all peoples and nations. The source of this idea is deep within your heart. As you calmly breathe in and out, picture it radiating from you like a fine, colored vapor gradually covering the face of the earth.
    See it enter the hearts of everyone, especially those stuck in the mad zones. Feel it circulate everywhere until it comes all the way round and back to you.
    This is love in action. The source of this love is the Tao. Savor this.” ― Stephen Russell

    I’m wearing my Mickey Mouse panties today – does that count!?

    @Him – the post update button is missing, if you are posting in the “what’s new with you.” Activity status. Like the new attachment options though!

    • I’m still seeing the “Post Update” button, sexy? You still not? Anyone else having the problem. In any case, meditating on the world and Mickey Mouse.

      • I have the button.

      • There’s only one solution as I see it, your just going to have to come over here @Him, once and for all, there really just seems to be more way around it.

        • Yes, it seems that’s our only solution. Now why don’t you come over here with that computer and sit on my lap while we figure this thing out.

          • I so like it when you are reasonable Sir, there seems to be a lot going on, and I have a few requests that I might sneak in… This could take some time.

    • Inspired by lake, and by her panties.

      • Okay, I am officially ‘warped’ the whole time I watched that I kept waiting for him to point the video at his lap, where we would see the back of his wife’s head bobbing steadily there. .. And this was such a favorite of mine as a kid… How far I have fallen.

    • @luis – kiss

      No Minnie, but if you’ll wear them I’ll find them! and if we’re doing that, I think I should get waxed in the shape of mouse ears? 😉

    • Thanks, Luis. Yeah, that makes those options permanently visible. But is anyone else not seeing them when they start typing? How are you posting, @lake-on-my-lap?

      • First I click my name. Then I type into the box that says, ‘what’s new lake?’ Then I go to click the post button, but alas, I only see the attachments and the permissions controls. Then my mind starts to wander, and I can feel the hardness of your thighs under me, it’s so very distracting, I start leaning in, wanting to feel the heat of your skin… Catch your scent in my nostrils. Will you fix my problem? I lick my lips, start to think about your neck… Your hips…

        Oh I love a mans hips, love to bury my mouth in the hollows along the front and run my hands around the sides and over a firm round ass, it drives me wild. Master has the most incredible hips and ass… Chiseled porcelain… Strong, relentless.

        I have an in incredible urge to straddle you… but I don’t know that I am allowed, so instead I turn and begin studying your face. I find that I love looking at your face, and it hits me that I can’t believe it is YOU really you, in the f l e s h. I realize I have a silly smile on my face, but it’s okay… So do you. I wonder about your hips. Sitting on your lap, I start thinking about waiting in the long line at Macy’s for a picture of the kids with Santa… And how I have waited for this! And how it will indeed feel like Christmas when I am sliding your pants down over your hips. Have I mentioned how I love hips? arrrgh, What do you fucking look like??!! Your in some tropical place… will I see tan lines? A lean frame stretched over jutting hip bones? Muscled hips with perfect side dimples? Are you older? Younger? Damn it man I need some clues, there is so much further to take this!

        Second day in a row I am too damn horny. My husband is sick and M is away. A business partner asked me to dinner yesterday and I stared right at his dick. That is a problem! It’s not even a romantic horny, not an inspired horny. I want to fuck and I want bad. I almost don’t even care who. Masturbated in the bathroom, that helped. My girlfriends took me to a play last night that helped more. I’m going out with my guy brigand tomorrow. We’ll probably end up at a strip club before all is said and done. I just don’t need anymore strippers in my life. Gotta make it just a few more days…

        • Oh man. Please do keep wiggling like that. And I’m afraid this situation may require the best and brightest over here at tech support. We may have to take you over to the factory. Until then, please keep wiggling.

    • Oh yes much better idea, and it already know how you feel about oiling up the rest of me 🙂

    • Ah Luis, such a sweetheart – thank you!