
  • lake likes Barrister‘s activity 10 years, 11 months ago

    They reclined lazily in bed wrapped in their warm, soft red sheets. With the shutters opened, the brilliant late afternoon sun slashed in rays that fell across the bed in parallel angles. Each felt the effects of the wine they had consumed with friends on the patio of a local winery. They had dined and laughed with their closest friends, but rushed home to relax together without the burden of the clothes that they had worn. The smell of the outdoor fire that they had sat near lingered in their hair. With his head propped up by his elbow, he looked down with admiration as the sunlight fell across her lovely exposed breast. Though he saw her without clothes daily, he could not help but reflect upon how that each time that he saw her, he was as intrigued and stimulated as that first night they were together years before. With a finger he began lightly tracing lines up and down her arm, knowing that his light touch would send her into familiar bliss. With her eyes closed, she immediate…