
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years ago

    My Second Love –

    I was 21, in grad school, 6% body fat, and poor as a church mouse. I lived in a rented room in an apartment with three girls. I had a mattress and a stack of books in my room. Some clothes in the closet, not much else. I worked in a lab 9 to 5 part paid, part sponsorship doing research for my thesis. I took classes from 6 to 8 or 10PM, M-F depending on the night. I lived mostly on boiled eggs, apples, peanut butter, and ramen and never did a day go by I didn’t make it to the gym.

    He was 36, he had a house with furniture and a shelf stocked with cereal in the kitchen. I ate a whole box every time I was there. He made fun of me, gave me a hard time about it, but always kept it stocked. We teased each other mercilessly, both of us fanatics, compulsively, obsessively competitive. I remember crying on the hack squat machine when he wouldn’t let me stop doing reps… but the truth is, it was always easy between us. We played the same way, our needs were simple and our motives straightforward. We rarely talked about it, but we knew where we stood. In my life, he was the first person who the whole time he knew me, never missed a single one of my games… attended home and away, always made the choice to be there, I never had to ask.

    He was a nudist. Saturday mornings we woke up at 4AM to be on the beach by 6. Walk two miles down, set up camp, then surf till the tide stopped. We’d eat breakfast together, often quietly watching the sky, smelling the salt, listening to the surf. Then he’d walk back to join the main group of nudists. I’d stay with my books and my homework. Around noon he’d send someone for me. A lovely with a new piercing above her clit that she wanted to show me. A sport who wanted to discuss volleyball strategy. A couple he’d primed to tease me about my cute butt. They’d step between me and my books, rouse me and walk me back to have lunch with the group. Then volleyball. I’d play till no one else would, three or four hours. First sixes, then fours, and finally twos… as others dropped off to start drinking or flirting or carousing. If there wasn’t a party that night, it would then be time to go back, pack up, and head home. Once there, unpack, shower together each washing the other, sex, then back to studying.

    Sundays were our day. Either he’d have something on his mind… and we’d spend the day doing whatever it was (things like shaving each others whole body, cumming in every room in the house, or making a porn movie) Or he wouldn’t and we’d square off in a game of one on one. This meant jet skis, basketball, soccer, racquetball, or tennis most of the time. These were full out wars that left us both battered. Once playing soccer, I made a move, he got tangled and tripped himself, I sprinted with the ball for the goal. He pursued and tackled me football style full out. We both slammed into the ground and skid. I said it counts as a goal, he said it didn’t. I was furious and refused to ride home in the car with him (it took me an hour and a half to walk it). When I got home I was exhausted and dehydrated, I drank one glass of water before fucked savagely. Sunday dinner, we always went out. Regular places, chain restaurants, but we were always starving and it felt like a banquet, a privilege. These dinners were often the only time all week I sat at a table to eat or had food that had taken more than five minutes to prepare. At the end we were always in a great mood, it was the only time we would wax romantic.

    He loved me. Every now and again I would be struck by the realization. I was so young and inexperienced. It used to confuse me. Funny how when we love, we believe our love to be eternal, complete, indestructible, pure of motive. But when someone loves us, we reject assignment of the same attributes to their love. Or maybe you don’t? How fully do you feel it? How completely do you let yourself be rolled by it? How well can you deflect insecurity? Jealousy? Frustrations? Do you free fall into it? Risk anything? Give everything? Hold back nothing? Do you let yourself be utterly defenseless, transparent, laid open… vulnerable? Have you found for yourself what lies on the other side of experiencing love with all of these attributes, in tact, flowing freely in both directions? Have you had the commitment to maintain it? Trusted enough?

    • When we were young and living with little, and by the same token, living without many obligations, we had the freedom to love like we have never been hurt. Our youth did not necessarily give us the wisdom to hold that trust dear, or the strength to withstand the crushing burden of evolving duties on love and desire.

    • I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment. It is absolutely the truth that love and desire do evolve profoundly over time and with familiarity and that the duties increase as well and often seem to become a burden (and sometimes a crushing one)!

      But that is really where I have struggled most in my own life…that is what has frustrated me the most…how and why is that the case?

      What exactly are the duties on love and desire and where did they come from?

      How is it that we allow the expression or acceptance of love become so conditional or wrapped up in other things? Aren’t desires but a small snapshot of the massive mosaic that comprises who we are?

      At what point do we come to ascribe a “value” to love and desires in much the same way that we do money or possessions or achievements? Aren’t they nothing like those things at all? Is love a currency? Can we really trade in love? And what exactly are desires in and of themselves determinative of anyway?

      Love a state of being, not an action…since when is every action or inaction meant to be a direct reflection of the truth about whether we believe that someone really loves us or whether we really love them?

      Desire is a whole different animal. It is such a personal and shifting and evolving and not always logical thing…how can we possibly question desire itself…it is what it is…it exists for better or worse. More importantly, desire is the root of motivation…and depending on what we do with that it is either a great thing or the worst thing (and for those who have chosen to love us it is absolutely the most threatening aspect of desires)! But if we don’t openly accept desires, or ignore them, or worse, feel so threatened by them that we elect to shut out them out entirely, isn’t it logical to assume that there might be a consequence to doing that? Hasn’t that proven to be the case? Aren’t the real world consequences of that approach as clear as the nose on our face?

      So…are love and desire really so complex?

      Do they really become more complex over time? Are we allow that to happen? Are we CAUSING that to happen?

      Sorry for digressing so far from the norm on this site, but this is exactly what has led me to where I am in my life…why I so enjoy how sex and sexuality – as one of the most fundamental aspects of human beings…as both central component of who we are and what brings us together and at the same time probably the single biggest threat to relationships and intimacy and ultimately LOVE itself (at least as seemingly defined by society at large) and how it can be used either to bring us our own ultimate fulfillment, or stand squarely in the way of ever actually being able to find it!

      I want to be sexual…I want to connect with others…I want to LOVE exactly as lake has suggested we should – “Hard and Full and Unbridled” – and I really believe that we do not have to choose between having a high powered career that is rewarding on many levels versus settling and choosing either a vocation that affords one the time to pursue these things or a passion project in which they exist naturally. I do not believe that a busy or complex life should preclude one from being able to find all of those things either. I believe that there really is a way to live a full and rich and rewarding and complex and accomplished life AND be sexual, and connected, and to LOVE others in the way that we really do all deserve. But you can’t do that if you aren’t really being creative and thoughtful and taking the time to sort through what does and doesn’t matter most to each of us.

      I am game…how about the two of you?

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        There is so much here that I would love to respond directly to, but I will just say relative to what you wrote, I do think you are on to a profound point. One that is very counter to conventional thinking ( and we all know how successful that is).

        I think love and desire are fundamental aspects of our being and biology. I think in their native form they are simple, and unmistakable… instinctual… hard wired, and as such imminently invigorating and fulfilling… Blissful.

        I think we layer many things over the top of them some complicated, some just filler or miscues; relationship, ego, worthiness, sin, agenda, insecurity, resentment, shame, righteousness, distractions, quick fix pleasures, judgement, fear, anxiety, obligation, defensiveness, protectiveness, resignation, pessimism, cynicism, possessiveness… To such a degree that in a ‘normal’ paradigm it is incredibly difficult to maintain beyond about three years (in my experience anyway – mind you I’m not talking about a successful or functioning pairing, I’m talking about inspired, invigorating, fulfilling, blissful deep connection – eventually somebody just can’t let go of, or give up something that gets in the way).

        But, Love is always there. Desire is always there. Explosive. Unbridled (think small children up at 4 am unable to sleep on Christmas morning) They are inextricable parts of us. We do lose touch at times, bury it under everything else, but to have them back one does not need to go looking, one just needs to get rid of everything else (not saying its easy).

        When everything else is gone love and desire expand and fill you to overflowing… You are brighter, clearer, more energetic and all the things you were tamping down love for, stressing yourself, pressuring yourself over… Either you realize they didn’t matter and you let them go or you realize they do matter and your engagement, your energy for them flow from you more effortlessly. We try to do things backward. We try to control and manage and force things, which is exhausting and worse it does not feed our real needs, and worse than that, it separates us from the love that we already are.

        It is like the spreadsheet your pouring over for hours late into the night, pulling your hair out over, but the answer won’t come. Then you pack up leave, go home sit on the floor with your kids or go for a run… and then that moment just after you’ve forgotten about it, the answer is just there right in front of you. You can’t force love or shape it or make it what you think it should be. You have to just STOP everything, trust, and accept. That’s when you find that it is better than you ever could have made it be, better than you could ever have imagined possible. It wags you, not the other way around. Individually, we are so insignificant relative to existence it is ridiculous the way we we position ourselves and work our lives as if we are in control of infinite, boundless things like randomness, love, or being.

        Did you say’game?’ Cause that is one of my favorite things you know. 🙂