
  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years, 1 month ago


    Go to a library or book store. Browse the readers or books till you are feeling spry. Find the spot of your choosing and masturbate to the brink (under clothes, through clothes, fully exposed – your choosing, dress appropriately). To to the brink and stop, you score DARE points. Share a picture your score DOUBLE DARE points.

    Alternately, say, ’Thank you lake’ out loud and cum you also score DOUBLE DARE POINTS.

    Take a picture where we can tell you’ve just cum and share that… FIVE POINTS

    • Score five for the gals. Went to the New York public library and masturbated in public to orgasm. i did say thank you lake, but i only whispered it. i’m not counting that, but i still get the extra points for the pictures i’m about to post.

    • I went into a bookstore to get a notebook and thought to myself what would get me to even consider this dare? There was one copy, Alice Hoffman’s White Horses. I must have read this 20 years ago. Took me 15 minutes to find the part to read again. Yeah, still makes me hot. I couldn’t go through with anything else. Sorry, ladies. No score for me.

      • No score, but full credit and much fanfare for being in the game. It’s an ‘experiment’ after all and all outcomes teach us something and set up new possibilities. It takes a while to be able to wrap your head around doing something totally outside of your comfort zone. Afterall we are playing with fundamental instincts here: shame, humiliation, embarrassment. there is a point to it all. its about learning how to get to the other side of those feelings in the places you need to and want to. If you can do it here you can do it in other places fear, jealousy. to me its about creating for myself the deepest kind of freedom there is. Step by step … And this was definitely a step! I loved this and want some instructions on how to find the passage you were reading!

    • Chapter 2, Chapter 3, hell, read the whole book! I went to the library and took it out; I am going to read it again. End of Chapter 3: “…..she watched as Silver’s car made a turn in the road and disappeared. When she closed her eyes she could still see him, she could see him more clearly than any relative who gathered in the driveway to throw rice……When Teresa opened her eyes and stared into the mesh of the screen door it was just as if she were looking into a fortune teller’s crystal ball, just as if she stared into a cup where only the tea leaves remained. She could still see Silver: he was driving west, following the sun, but he looked into his rearview mirror, and when he did he somehow managed to see beyond the glass, he could see right into the living room where Teresa stood alone, still wearing pearls in her ears. There, among the roses and the regrets, she looked back at him, she called to him and finally let him know, after all this time, that her heart was breaking, it had shattered into thin pieces that fell onto the floor. And in his car, on his way to San Francisco, Silver heard her cry, and it was then he knew that there wouldn’t be a day when she wouldn’t be looking to the west, watching the constellations, listening to the sound of the river, waiting for him to come back.”

      • Ah this book will be quite the emotional jerker i see. This excerpt has just reminded me of another regret.

        Thanks for looking it up Mallory, I shall seek to find it and create an adventure of my own with it.