
  • lake posted an update 11 years, 6 months ago

    Truth or Dare?

    • Where would it serve you most to be braver in your life?

    • I hear this one often, that someone wish to sacrifice security for passion in their career. I want to say that I also respect the courage it takes to sacrifice passion for the responsibility of providing security.

    • Yes this is the most intimate post. And you are summoning more courage by choosing Truth over Dare.

    • And great answer MrTinkertoys. Thank you for ‘playing’ đŸ™‚

      I’d bet this is something many, if not all of us, wrestle with.

      When I had the flexibility (i.e. no dependants) to follow my passions; I didn’t have the confidence, purpose, self-possession, independence, or skill set to do it. My other problem is, I can’t say I’ve ever really known from a career perspective what my passion is. It’s funny, as ‘fearless’ as I believe I am, or at least as I try to be in my personal life – I am generally quite conservative with my career. Hmmm, maybe that is a way that I find balance. I do try to bring things that I am passionate about (like affecting other people positively and constantly improving) into what I do… um, does that count?

      There are many similarities between the passion vs security discussion and the emotion vs logic discussion, and in both I think balance is paramount. If your all logic without emotion – BAD, boring, unfulfilling. Likewise if your all emotion without logic – Also BAD, exhausting, unguided. With passion vs security though, i think it gets even more complicated. One of the reasons is because of what MrTt points out above ‘security’ is a construct not a reality… therefore unenlightened to chase… But at the same time Maslow tells us its a fundamental need… therefore required to chase. Oh and passion… don’t even get me started on the highs and lows of passion!

    • Not choosing is to cease to expand, exceed, learn in a powerful, purposeful way. Even if you choose security you can find ways to bring passion to that once you have choosen it. But not choosing, I’d have to agree is the least fulfilling.

      I want to hear more about your martial arts!! How many different ways can you kill me with just your pinky finger?

      YES, and here is your dare:
      You have two days from when you read this, to express your sincere appreciation of something specific about them to five different people. They can be friends, family, acquiatances, or perfect strangers, but your expressions must be richly and cheerily articulated.

    • ooo awesome!! I’m so happy about this, Bravo Mister!! xx

    • Mmmmhhmmmmm

      What is something about you, that you wish more people ‘got’ or really understood?