
  • From Lake, posted in our social network:

    “I have no qualifications for advising anyone about anything. But I love sex and possibilities and articulate strangers TOO, so I am jumping in. I think Mr. X nailed it, […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago

    ThumbnailReaders of the blog and our steamy social network often write in asking for tips on how to make sex more daring. These readers are occasionally single and looking for a creative spark, but most often they’re in a […]

    • Alright, sexys. This is a new, occasional column up on the blog. Please do click over there to chime in with your own advice.

      Also, can’t recommend enough the very hot ongoing story being written by @mal8899 in the Erotic Collaborations section (and I’m sure she’s looking for smart, willing collaborators, which is sort of the point):

      And, finally, quite a few people getting naked in the Photo Orgy these days. Call that a subtle hint.

      Stay sexy.

    • I can not comment on the main page, it is probably my privacy settings, but maybe you can re-post this for Michael from me.

      I have no qualifications for advising anyone about anything. But I love sex and possibilities and articulate strangers TOO, so I am jumping in. I think Mr. X nailed it, so I’m just going to try and build on what he laid out with more examples.

      Plan, imagine, dream, but I couldn’t agree more, that you also have to just start… act… and it begins with you. Most things will work themselves out as you go.

      Approach it on two fronts. One is in conversation. First establish a context… what do you want to accomplish from a relationship perspective? What is the point? What will success look like for you? What will it mean to you? Talk in terms of intimacy, connection, fulfillment, expression, trust, growth, etc. whatever it is for you… not specific acts (yet). Things in context are heard very differently than things out of context. For example, if you say, “I’d really love it if I could start fucking your ass sometimes.” and she has no context, what’s to keep her from thinking, ‘Has my pussy gotten looser?’, ‘Is he watching too much porn?’, ‘Is he bored with our sex life?’, ‘How we will deal with it if something goes wrong!”. If some hot guy that I have no context in which to hear his requests says to me, ‘take off your clothes and get on your knees’, I’m going to tell him what he can do with himself, and depending on the day maybe not in the nicest of ways. If my lover who adores me, and whom I have a long history of being rewarded beyond my wildest dreams when I trust him, says it, well, not only will i do it, but I’ll start shaking with anticipation as I do. Talk with her about a long-term vision of how the two of you could be together that will be inspiring to both of you.

      The second front to approach it on is in action. Do something different, anything different. It can be a grand gesture or dare, a new implement, a new place, a new attitude, new wardrobe, it can be something simple. If you normally initiate by kissing her and fondling her. Start fondling her without kissing her. Just look into her eyes. If she stretches for the kiss, smile, but withold the kiss, instead touch her lips, her face, her throat with your fingers. Maybe slide your finger into her mouth. If your normally on the bed in front of her when you finger her, instead do it standing from behind her. If you normally give her what she asks for, the first time she asks, next time tease her instead. If she’s says faster, harder… go slower or pull all the way out instead. Different alone, means she has to start re-inventing what she will do. She has to process different, surprise makes people more present. I have no idea what you normally do, but figure out something that will surprise her.

      Relative to sounds, trial and error. Play with what your doing. If you talk the whole time… talk less. If you don’t talk… talk more. Change the volume, tone, your position (behind her, close to her ear, against her lips) of your own sounds and talk… and as you make changes, watch her responses. If its working do it more, if it reverses do it less, if its unclear continue to experiment. If she does make any sound show clear appreciation (but subtly don’t make to big a deal of it). If she is making none, then try on occasion asking a question to get a vocalization, ‘How does that feel?’ if she doesn’t answer, roll right with it. Next time try a simpler question and give her more of a set up, say, ‘Oh my God that feels so good, doesn’t that feel good?’ If she so much as says, ‘mmmm’ let her see how much you love it, give her immediately more of what she loves. Part of why you are changing your own sounds, is to give yourself an appreciation for how hard it is to do what your asking. Don’t expect someone to be what they are not, appreciate small shifts, and figure out how to make things comfortable. There is a lot more here to explore, but this is a possible place to start.

      Obviously, there is lots more to do and lots that you have to talk about directly, but I’d start here, get a couple of good experiences on both fronts under your belt to up the interest and create some level of shared understanding around what your up to before I started to do the things that are going to be a little tougher or more awkward at first for either or both of you.

    • p.s. I LOVE this idea!

  • Mr. X posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago

    How’s the new reading experience in the new design for you iPad people? Any problems clicking on links? On this site, when you press, or stroke, a button, it should take you someplace nice. So please let me know if it doesn’t.

    • Oh boy, maybe it is just me… I’ll have to work on my touch… Maybe I’m not rolling it quite satisfactorily… Hmmmm

    • Okay I have another clue, the links only stop working for me on certain pages. This one for example:

      NICOLE AND ALEX – PLANNING ABOUT RACHELAlex finishes dressing, putting in the notch to his belt, and then putting his jacket back on. Still staring at the naked body sprawled across his office floor, he playfully whips his tie across her ass. She moans. He bends down to turn her over. She winces and moans again.“Did I hurt you?” he looks…[Read more]– Mallory (@mal8899) January 20, 2014

    • I am beginning to take this personally!

    • Ah, good point, I have been getting prompted to do an OS upgrade. I tend to pass on updates, because I go crazy when they rearrange everything! But I’ll go ahead and bite the bullet. If it goes awry, just remember you prompted for the crazy!

    • Oh and for the record… Mr. X’s page was wonderfully responsive… Perhaps one of the most responsive I’ve EVER seen! I clearly am going to have to keep coming back.

      • You’re an angel, lake. Very flattered. But even a responsive page does nothing without the right touch.

    • When the reward is one of you… I would be more than willing to evolve my touch, perfect it, personalize it, take it to a new peak. Inf act find it very hard to think of anything I want to do more right now.


    Nicole quietly tiptoes over to the side of the bed, leaning over, giving a snoring Alex a peck on the cheek. He shifts immediately and blinks a little.

    “Ummmm you want more already?” he whispers.

    She chuckles, “Maybe tonight, Sweetheart. I am leaving. I’ve got a case.”

    Alex groans, “Oh. Thursday. You got a…[Read more]

  • Now it is James and lake’s move.

  • Alright, I wasn’t going to do this, but I can. to let DukeofMontmorency’s offering go unrequited.

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 10 years, 10 months ago

    ThumbnailHere’s a dirty cycling fantasy from reader ellariasand, which includes this sentence – “I might not be the best at off-camber handling, but I can still navigate other types of curves.” – and then gets really, […]

  • Thoughts for this week:

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailHere’s a tasty pickup fantasy (fantasy?) from reader Adam. Let him know your thoughts in the comments section, and enjoy!

    I was beginning to tire of my trips to Vancouver to oversee the turnaround of one of my […]


    Nicole hugged herself tight inside the cab, heart pounding, and body shaking. Refusing to read and look at the card, she shoves it into her bag. Taking a cellphone out, she texts Alex that she is on her way home now. Sinking back into the seat, dreamy, giddy, and tingling all over, she licks the corner of her…[Read more]

  • The Bicycle Experiment 2.0

    So, almost exactly a year since the original bicycle experiment, I’ve found a new object of lust (the subject of the conversation experiment did not return my feelings, as it were). My odds of ensnaring him are rather low, but he is rather flirtatious online.

    I’m getting ahead of myself.

    As a result of a few dri…[Read more]

  • I was naughty last night and I am still naughty this morning.

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 10 years, 11 months ago

    ThumbnailOne of the biggest kicks I get from The Sex Experiment is exchanging emails with readers. Some come from the friends I’ve made on the site’s social network, which I affectionately think of as “The Orgy” […]

    • I really like this Mr. X and I’m going to do it. I’ll leave my ‘breadcrumbs’ from wed here. Monday, I’ll write them on a pad as you’ve described and hope to be brave enough to deliver them directly (at a minimum leave them randomly behind). I think about how I would feel if one were delivered to me, how I would look at the person handing it over, how my face would split with glee as I did, and what that might create between us… A good chuckle at the least, with a little extra perk in my step. I wonder how many of those moments I can create for myself and others. I know they are out there, I know who and what I believe people to be. The challenge is finding how to access it, how to set it free, can be so variant, but I’m not exactly one to back down from a challenge, especially when good, human, gleeful, and surprising interactions are the possible outcome 🙂

      7AM [lingering in bed, first day after a wax… I can’t believe how incredibly soft and velvety my lips are, it is heaven to pet them.] I don’t want to move. I think about what to wear, I want access to this tranquility all day… That makes me think immediately of his hand replacing mine. I feel longing, and with it recounting… I become wet, now I must force myself out of bed or I know I will get lost in this.

      8:30AM [Long eye contact with a stranger, who has just walked past me with a twinkle in his eye] I think, ‘he has eyes like V’, V with his ripped body, who wants to rig me naked and suspended me from the ceiling… Has me thinking of the feel of rope against my skin. One of these days, my answer to him will be yes. Makes me feel sly, playful. I turn my headphones up and sway more loosely as I continue walking.

      9:10AM [Woman in front of me with long, dreamy hair down to her waist. I walk too close too her, right up next to her, I have to touch it. I think ‘this is one of the reasons it is good to be a woman, I’d never get away with this stuff as a man. She is walking fast doesn’t even notice what I’ve done.]. I flash on the last time I was at a strip club, and the writhing luscious stripper in my lap, with her eyes locked on mine, her long hair draped down around us, inspiring me to break the rules. Makes me feel lecherous.

      3:30PM [Talking with my office crush. He is young, very buttoned up, all Harvard alpha male. Not the type I usually go for, but we work together very well, have been through a lot together, and I’ve brushed up against his softer underbelly.] He gets very still, I see his jaw clinch. I am immediately excited… Fuck yes, He’s there! I keep talking, calm, monotone no pauses, no questions… Just let him drift for a moment in whatever sexual thing I know he is imagining doing to me. Makes me feel focused, and happy.

      6:30PM [On the train, young woman Brazilian maybe, close to my height, but more petite, tousled thick jet black hair with a lace baby doll ribbon tied around the base of the pony tail on top of her head. Doc martins, black leggings, tight stripped cotton shirt, tailored waist cut leather bomber jacket, makeup heavy and flawless face like a model except her lips are too square with an extravagant pout… I love these lips. People have shifted, she has stepped into me, we are literally inches apart and I lean in. The predator inside of me wakes with a start, I want to open my hand wide and clinch her whole face, squeeze in at the jawline with my palm over her mouth, and fingers spread out and up across her eyes, feel the muscles in my arm flex, see her stare back at me wide eyed, open my mouth move to slowly lick suck and bite her whole face, smear her makeup… press her head back into a wall hold her like that while my other hand roughly rips her clothes off… Damn I am in a mood now.

      7:15PM [At dinner with a group of four male friends. I’ve slept with one of them, S. We’ve known each other for ten years, slept together four times, most of these with many years in between. He is one of the most emotionally reserved people I know, this of course frustrates me to no end. He’s also incredibly gorgeous which makes me more tolerant of the aggravation than I should be.] I notice that S has gotten his first grays in his hair. This makes me start to really look at him. His face has matured, I start to obsess over his lips, he has the most charming little pucker. I have the most incredible urge to slide my fingers into his mouth, I can feel my fingers wet now and sliding over his lips. That makes me want to slide my tongue into his mouth. I notice he is staring at me. I stare directly back. He gets a sly grin. I feel damn horny! Realize it’s going to be a late night.

      • Yum. Hot hot. Would love to post this up front once Anne’s response gets posted.

        • I’m glad you enjoyed it, but I’m feeling a bit shy about it going broader, I think there are too many personal details, and I expose a bit more of my own ‘creepy ness’ than i probably want to generally. I’ll do a new one for upfront when you post, that one I will make more ‘universal’ 🙂

          • Completely understand, and it’s nice keeping it “cosy” in here. Also, wouldn’t overestimate you “creepy ness”.

    • I left a small trail of these breadcrumbs last year around this time, in San Diego, including at the Miramar air force base. It was all very exciting, very hot.

      • So this year, I think an escalation is in order for you Mallory. How about writing it and handing it to someone? Or at least living it where you know they will find it and they will know it was you that left it?

  • Mr. X posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago

    Really enjoying @mal8899 \’s ongoing erotica in the Erotic Collaborations group:

    Join the group if you\’re not in it already for some hot, hot stuff.

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