
  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 11 years ago

    As a follow-up to lakes TRUTH: Unique/Quirky Turn Ons question…

    Mallory suggested nice sheets to which I suggested 100% linen being the absolute best! Well, here are my rumpled 100% linen sheets for all of you to contemplate! I posted a picture with me in them over in the Photo Orgy group!

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 11 years ago

    This “Fantasy” was a result of Mrs. Mallory’s recent post in the Photo Orgy section of the website…
    If you haven’t signed up to the group, you will certainly get the picture, although I much prefer to see her version rendered in the flesh (or at least pixels!)…well…for now!!!

    My first thought when I saw you posed like that was…”what if some…[Read more]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Holy shit… I am speechless. I have to tell you that really messed with my head… But I suspect that will come as no surprise.

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      The real fun twist with this, is all the explicit dialogue (internal or otherwise) around not wanting to loose control, when it is so clear that the truth is the opposite. It is a fabulous metaphor for the conundrum of human sexuality in our culture.

      Aren’t we all begging, yearning, craven for the opposite? To be that free primal sexual…[Read more]

    • I’m dizzy from your fantasy and flattered you got SO VERY inspired, James.

      Just how did I end up here, bent over, and ready to show you all of me? I’m going to let you have me, use me however you like because you are going to somehow, in your gentlemanly and cavemanly way, let your best friend know what the possibilities are down my erotic and…[Read more]

      • Mmmm…

        I suspected you would be dizzy…that’s probably the best sign yet!

        I cant think if a better way for us to become acquainted…can you?

        PS: My friend would NEVER find out…a treasure such as yourself would be worth protecting and you would definitely be under my protection from that moment forward!

        Not only that, I expect that with…[Read more]

        • Oh…and I meant to also mention that I absolutely LOVE the thought of your “erotic and sexual abyss!”


          • lake replied 11 years ago

            I loved that thought too.

            And as for this, “your true path lies with those who see you for who you really are, and choose to accept all of you, and are able to support and nurture the whole you in the ways that you want and need the most in life.” I say AMEN!!

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years ago

    ThumbnailDear Mona,

    It’s time. I have no doubt that you’ve been out there in the world living as sexily as you always do, but I’ve been having increasingly distracting fantasies of your body, your breasts, in increasing […]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Oooo I like this, not sure the exact whys and whats, but just makes me feel goooood… I think I want to be the Mona your envisioning Mona to be!

  • \”Now and then it\’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.\”

    Guillaume Apollinaire, poet, playwright, art critic (1880-1918)

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years ago

    Absence makes the cock grow harder. Isn’t that how the saying goes? If not, it should.

    Mrs. X and I are still spending most of our time in separate cities, but this summer we got to spend a couple of months in […]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Loved this, made me very hot and very jealous… I do have skype Mr. X… Just sayin

      • Hmm. So do I. Also just saying…

        • lake replied 11 years ago

          And I do love exactly this scene and know how to both make myself cum and type dirty… Just not seeing any barriers here… Am I missing something?

          If lust protects us, I think we both should feel extremely safe, cause mine is through the roof right now and I’ve come to expect yours will be too.

    • A very welcome and enjoyable addition to the impressive “History” of SE!

      No matter how long between posts, I am instantly transformed back to that place where I am silently watching from afar on what I have long considered to be of the most intensely arousing “private” moments of yourself and Mrs. X. Awash with the sheer joy of knowing where she has come from, how she has progressed and evolved into such a striking and relentless sexual creature, and how incredibly proud you must be to witness that. Well…proud and one VERY happy, increasingly satisfied, sexually evolved man.

      FYI…doesn’t Skype have a “party” line?

      Maybe lake could handle more than one man at a time…

      Better yet, since I believe she is local to me…how about she and I recreate your story for all of our viewing enjoyment???

      What do you think lake…would you spread yourself wide for Mr. X and let me come over?

      Show him what you are capable of doing with a mans cock?

      Hopefully more than a few hearts are beating faster at that thought…

      • lake replied 11 years ago

        My God James, when you are back you are really back!

        Mr. X, just a tad?

        There is a negotiation that would have to take place obviously with both M and I, well mostly M, but assuming we are able to confirm ‘compatibility’ this is more than a little intriguing and I am not running yet… In fact I am feeling increasingly confident that there is something an imaginative group of folks like us could work out that would be well worth the effort. The big question is, who is writing it all up afterward to share 🙂

        • Uhhh…



          In that case, lets just say that if something along these lines could be worked out with your “M”, mrs. lake, I would be more than happy to volunteer my best journalistic skills to report on it!!!

          (Psst! Mr. X… Don’t you dare let me down on this one…I happen to have taken a special interest in mrs. lakes mouth of late!)


    • lake replied 11 years ago

      So this has me asking, what is people’s definition of a slut? Is it a good connotation or a bad one? Can men be sluts? Is it about number of encounters? Level of discrimination? Type of feelings involved? Filthy ness of the act? … Being a ‘relentlessly sexual creature’? Is your association different in reality than in thought?

      What if I did show James what I can do with his cock? What if I liked doing it, he was deeply affected, and Mr. X/Mrs X watched the whole thing (well with their own distractions of course)? Then what am I? How did I become less to you? How did I become more?

      Is the answer convoluted? Is this why people play so many games?

      • Ummmmm…

        Well…I do have an answer…or at least my answer to your question(s), and I do promise that I had arrived at my perspective on this subject well before this particular situation arose…

        However…given what appears to be a clear and distinct potential conflict of interest in this instance, I will have to withhold my response until such time as my answer could not have an influence on the outcome;)


        • lake replied 11 years ago

          Dictionary says a ‘loose woman’ or a ‘prostitute’…not helpful :/

          • lake replied 11 years ago

            I’ve settled on what I think it means. Someone interested in sex for the sake of the sex regardless of all the rest which may or may not be a part of it (i.e. relationship, security, connection, protection, etc. etc. etc.)

  • I’m never gonna wait
    that extra twenty minutes
    to text you back,
    and I’m never gonna play
    hard to get
    when I know your life
    has been hard enough already.
    When we all know everyone’s life
    has been hard enough already
    it’s hard to watch
    the game we make of love,
    like everyone’s playing checkers
    with their scars,
    saying checkmate
    whenever they get…[Read more]

  • Lots of threats to post lately, but no actual posts… So I’m jumping in, in hopes to get this party train rolling!

    It’s a little early for scary posts to be in season, so I cropped aggressively to protect the innocent.

  • Mr. X posted an update 11 years ago

    Many apologies for the site irregularities over the past few weeks, and many thanks to @mal8899 and @lake for pointing out some flaws (I love a woman who’s clear about what she wants in bed). You’re all the biggest part of what keeps me going here, and I’m inspired for the fall: with new blog posts, new fiction, and hopefully new sexy ones…[Read more]

    • lake replied 11 years ago

      Looking forward to all the new content! And thank you for keeping all of us going, making so much possible and inspiring countless new writers and new a
      adventures as a result of your introspection, innovation, talent, enthusiasm and oh so mysterious and smoldering sexuality!

      I’ll borrow from billy idol here and say, ‘she cried more more more!’

  • Just thinking…

  • Picked this room in the library. Was standing in the long corridor behind the long book case on the right. I unzipped my jeans, put my hands down my pants and toyed with my clit till I came. When I did my eyes closed and I curled over into the book someone had left out that I was pretending I was reading (some memoir by Einstein). When I…[Read more]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailI shouldn’t have done it, but last week I opened my wife’s computer while she was in the shower. We’re both sex nuts, and the bedroom has kept us together through ten years of marriage, but we hadn’t even […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailDear Mrs. X,

    This is your first sex experiment. Today you will not wear panties or a bra. You will wear a blouse open at the collar, and you will not wear stockings. If your husband occasionally sees you […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailDear X,

    You’re naughty. That was fun. I was a VERY nervous at first, but believe me I followed your instructions to the letter. I closed the door to the bedroom to dress. I did exactly as you said (and the shirt […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailWhen I got my wife’s e-mail response to her “anonymous” admirer, my first reaction was admittedly a burning jealousy that hit me right in the gut. Clearly she doesn’t yet suspect that I’m Mr. X (or else she’s as […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailDear Lady X,

    I loved reading your sexy e-mail, and I hope I’m not going too far if I say that I am one of the many men you’ve made hard over the past few days. I didn’t know what to expect from this experiment, […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago


    Dear Mr. X,

    Bastard! I really didn’t think I could pull this experiment off, and I almost fainted trying. You’re not going easy on me, are you, mister? Ha! I half-wondered whether when the delivery man showed […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    So my wife has turned out to be an exhibitionist, and I’ve turned out to really like it. I’ve always liked the looks she gets from men when we’re out together – they undress her with their eyes, just as I occasio […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    Dear Little Exhibitionist,

    How I would have liked to see you taunting your delivery boy. I can imagine that he’s still masturbating to the memories of the sight of you, and the extended sex fantasy the m […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago

    ThumbnailDear Mr. X,

    This challenge actually turned out to be harder than the last one (but then you probably knew that). Letting my tits pop out of my robe for the delivery man somehow just seemed like a game, but there […]

  • Mr. X wrote a new post 11 years, 1 month ago


    My wife still had Mona’s cell phone when she came home that evening from rendezvous to reveal her sexual fantasy. I had no idea how the meeting had gone, or even whom she’d met, because she hadn’t yet written to […]

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