
  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 10 months ago

    I’ve always been told not to approach a woman like a thing; I’ve been taught and expected to treat a woman as a fully-fledged human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. And there is a beauty in the complexity of a female soul, a complexity which is a perpetual mystery in the male mind.

    But there are times where I relish the…[Read more]

    • Don’t approach me like a thing. I am a woman grown, I expected to be treated as a fully-fledged capable human being complete with ambitions, emotions and frailties. I know the beauty and complexity of my soul, and though it may be a mystery to the male mind at times, do not fear or shy away from it… else you’ll never learn to truly master…[Read more]

    • I love this story a lot. In many ways it parallels my own “upbringing” and the conflict that I have at times experienced when trying to “manage” my more primal wants and needs and urges (and of course the considerable guilt that goes with them). I also appreciate lakes response for the same reason, although I would add one other thought to…[Read more]

      • A. James- this moment I experienced had submissive thoughts running through my head that normally aren’t there. I had even questioned myself where this was all coming from. Would I have uprooted my life for this practical stranger? Probably not but don’t doubt for one second the thought didn’t cross my mind. My reaction was that overwhelming.

        • Ahh…those intense, bewildering, breathtaking, confusing, scary (or downright terrifying), outrageously illogical but exhilaratingly visceral, crazy moments where EVERYTHING that we thought we knew and understood and had worked so hard to figure out about ourselves and believed that we wanted above all else and with absolute clarity is completely…[Read more]

        • @lurkinglady – In my life there have been two times I had this immediate and overwhelming feeling (much as James has described… utterly compelling, irresistible, profound) and where it evolved into relationships. Both relationships did have a heavy BDSM dynamic, but here is the interesting part; these are the only times I have had that type of…[Read more]

  • pGroup logo of Your Fantasiesosted an update in the group Your Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    This is the first of a series of fantasies. I came up with the concept while thinking of the 5 senses. It prompted me to challenge myself to write fantasies/stories for all of the senses. I hope you all enjoy, I’d particularly like feedback from any of the female readers – does it excite you, arouse you, make you a little wet?

    Here, for your…[Read more]

    • I really enjoyed that and can’t wait to read your take on the other senses. Don’t forget that touch should also include focus on the body’s energy centers like the nape of the neck, the small of the back. And I think the use and feel of different textures (fur, feathers, spikes) arouse the sense of touch.

    • I love the idea of using the five senses as the backdrop for this exploration. The things you described are all certainly romantic and sensual and would be lovely to have happen.

      Since you asked for feedback, the thing I would say is, I think you could have gotten a more emotional reaction from me, if there was more context.


    All I could manage to say is “Yeah.”

    I look at her and see that she has already dosed off. I stop holding my breath and let out my heavy breathing. Not like she has not performed all those tricks on me before, but hell, my head is hammering. Okay, FUCK IT, it’s really my chest that feels like it is going to crack…[Read more]

    • This was fantastic! I laughed, I cried, I touched myself (well two out of the three anyway). I found myself connecting to the characters in a deeper way, and loved getting the stronger sense of who they are and how they tick, it has really dawn me into the story even further. I was ecstatic when she said ‘of course he touched me, he’s a man…[Read more]

      • Thanks, lake. And I really appreciate the feedback. This is not the end of the story since I have some other ideas on what else is going to happen. I am trying to figure out what Adam’s thoughts are so I can make that the next piece. I invite any and all input in that regard.

    • I’d be thinking along these lines:
      Is she thinking of me?
      What is she thinking of me?
      Will she call me?
      I wish I had done X?
      She did enjoy that, right, yes yes, she did… Then flashing on every smile, every sign of enjoyment.

      Then everything i can remember about how you felt, how you smelled, how you responded… Then what other things would…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    My Thanksgiving Break Fantasy Featuring Mallory

    Mallory in the park. On the edge of a metal seat. Sitting across from, and talking lightly with Master. There is an open seat for me, but I don’t take it. I step over the back of hers instead and sink down behind her straddling her back. My face in her hair, our bodies tight together……[Read more]

    • Now that I’ve recovered from this, I am going to try to articulate myself.

      Well damn it, lake, you had me blushing.
      You had me really horny.
      You had me lusting to the finish for you and also for your Master (I will assume I would like him since he makes you happy).

      I want to know in formulating the fantasy as you did, whether it effected you…[Read more]

    • This is actually, a funny story. I was headed to bed after a day of kids, cards, basketball, trash talking, overeating, and being lectured by my mom… and it crossed my mind that it would be virtually impossible for me to have a sexual thought tonight. I didn’t set it up or expect anything to come at all. All I remember thinking was ‘park’,…[Read more]


    How I’d fuck him? I don’t know if I’d fuck him just like that, but spending the last hour or so with him? That, is making me dizzy with a new energy, and lusting for someone new. I wrap my legs around Alex’s ass, look up at his faceless head, and with my heels, I pull him deeper. The sinister darkness of the…[Read more]

    • Hot and fun… The flash on his comment about her nails, brings it home how little things like that come around and all play into each other. I’ve always had penis envy… you are making it much worse.

  • Mallory posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic CollaborationsErotic Collaborations 10 years, 11 months ago


    Nicole hugged herself tight inside the cab, heart pounding, and body shaking. Refusing to read and look at the card, she shoves it into her bag. Taking a cellphone out, she texts Alex that she is on her way home now. Sinking back into the seat, dreamy, giddy, and tingling all over, she licks the corner of her…[Read more]

    • Oh man. You’re hitting some fantasies hard, Mal. Keep going. You’re good. And still loving this short format.

    • Hot!… The twist with the hood being on him, is really messing with my mind, you are always so creative, you catch me off guard and make me rethink things all the time… I love that.

      I just want to feel that moment when she walks in the door and he hits her in that mood over and over and over.

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    The Bicycle Experiment 2.0: Escalation

    As the result of the most recent race where I encountered my favorite dirty lad on two wheels followed by a series of saucy messages sent back and forth, I’ve had this scenario running through my mind.

    Context: I was pre-riding the course so I’d have some idea of what I was getting into (as this was one of…[Read more]

    • Mmmm makes me want to get chased in the woods!!

      Question, so I assume his reputation as a heartbreaker is because he has sex without converting these encounters into long term relationships, but do you know whether he actually misrepresented his intentions to the women who are mad at him for this? Being manipulative is very different than being a flirt.

      • I obtained some intel from one of our mutual male friends this weekend that apparently there are ladies in the bike scene who hate him who have actually NEVER slept with him.

        First two words: “Stay away.”

        Paraphrased: “It would be one thing if he was a straight-up womanizer. It’s just that for guys like [name redacted], they know only how to do…[Read more]


    Nicole lets out an evil grin, “no, no dessert menu. I sometimes say sure let me at least read the dessert menu but then I ALWAYS end up getting something.” She shakes her head adamantly.

    Adam laughs loudly, “NO dessert. That was the rule. We were neutral on the coffee, or tea. Do you want some?”

    She thinks…[Read more]

    • I really enjoy those moments, those times, when you meet someone new and find a connection, an attraction… Go home with a big smile on your face and your mind reeling with possibility. This really captures that so well, makes it a very enjoyable read, has me get more invested in the characters.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    @ Barrister has yet again inspired me to think more broadly than normal with one of his posts! In reading though his and many other fantasies and experiments on this site, I am reminded just how grounded we often are in our fantasies…about how we pass most of our interests and arousals and wants and desires through SOME filter which reflects…[Read more]

    • Okay so I’m freak, but do try to also remember that you love me when you read this. Plus it’s not totally my fault, James did ask for a fantasy that is ‘out there’.

      So slight preamble. I believe at our core we are all light, love, and energy… infinite capacity without bounds and connected to everything. That upon that we are layer upon laye…[Read more]

    • If you walk up to a woman that you’ve been making eye contact with in a bar, simply take her hand and walk to the dance floor, slither against each other and under each other’s clothes for an hour, then take her hand again, walk her this time to the bathroom where you fuck her, and all of that without ever saying more than two words to each…[Read more]

      • Uh, hell, yeah.

        • I probably should not feel proud of myself for that, but damn it, now I do 🙂

          • Yes, this is a perfect example of said “zipless fuck”. So now I am more in awe than ever of the daring, sexy, make-it-happen in her life ms. lake!!!


            • I can’t let you be too impressed, in the mid 90,s there was the most fortunate trend in NYC… and straight girls were flocking to the lesbian bars in droves in order to get their ‘girl on girl’ badges. I don’t think I slept with a female that actually was gay for almost a year. I still can’t look at the leather vest I used to wear in those…[Read more]

  • lake posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    Okay, I have another game for us 🙂
    Everybody and anybody is invited to play.

    List four things about yourself. Three should be true. One should be a lie. Others have to guess which is the lie 🙂

    • 1. The No List: humiliation, real pain
      2. ISTJ
      3. Total number of lovers: 6
      4. Commitment weary

      • I’m picking number 3 for Mallory. Even if I thought it was 4, I wouldn’t pick it just to keep the dream alive.

    • 1. I once screwed up a date with a supermodel, by going to the wrong meeting place.
      2. I’ve been shot with a BB gun more times than you have fingers.
      3. I was a straight A student and a virgin when I entered college.
      4. I minored in bible.
      5. My mother once beat me in an archery tournament, and I’m still mad about it writing this.
      6. I was a live…[Read more]

    • Okay, how long do we wait to reveal the real answers Mallory, I am very curious. Maybe we should only tell the real answers in private to the people who post so that there are some stakes…

      • Um, we have to do that. If by Friday, it’s just you and me, you and I can exchange a private message to reveal answers!!

        Come ON, PEOPLE!! Where are the gamers???

  • Doris posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 11 months ago

    Sitting indoor, in front of the window. Autumnal nostalgia.

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 11 months ago

    Since there had been a number of “threesome” conversations (or was it conversations about threesomes…) I thought I would share a photo (which sadly is not my own)…which might inspire more conversations (or at least thoughts about threesomes!). Enjoy


    • Flesh, flesh, and more lovely flesh.

    • Hmmm…it is a hot picture, but you are so right it is the story behind it that really conjures the fantasy material, isn’t it?!?
      When I posted it I was imagining that the woman standing there was the wife/girlfriend/partner of the man and that the woman on the bed was the ”third”…
      But your comments made me want to consider all of the possibili…[Read more]

      • Mistress dressed, brought home this man, unknown to her pet, who is now being fucked by him.

        • Ohhh! I like this!!

          Its giving me a few ideas. Dominants can always learn from one another…and the submissive is usually no worse for wear either!

      • They are shooting a porn movie, the woman dressed is in the next scene. This is one of her first movies.

        • Maybe she is in her 40’s…just got out of a long term relationship and is looking to really live out all of her longest held fantasies

    • Wife dressed, has made a bet with her husband who thinks she is frigid. He has to make this girl cum to win the bet.

    • They are sex toy inventors and they are experimenting with a new product.

      • I haven’t been watching “Masters of Sex” on Showtime but I could definitely be a product tester for sex toys…any volunteers?!?

        • Hmmm… Which toy line are we talking Sir?

          I crack myself up… as if anyone believes I’d be picky when it comes to you James…

    • Oh my, YES THAT ONE!! Va va va vroooom

      • What I am loving most about your contributions @Barrister is that you can transition from lovely expressions of how you feel about the Mrs…to stories about how have found such wonderful ways to relate on such a passionate level…to how you are pushing and experimenting with those boundaries…al the way to this which is clearly in the “fantasy”…[Read more]

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Erotic PhotosErotic Photos 10 years, 11 months ago

    Not as revealing…not as conceptual…and not as high a quality as I am accustomed to sharing, but this has a quality far and away better than almost all the others…IT IS REAL!!!

    Thats, right…a real shot…a real woman…a real car…a real street in New York City (an avenue actually)…and taken by ME!

    So what is this? Well…it is obviously a woman…[Read more]

    • You are out of control, James. I hope she is ready for you tomorrow.

      • Sometimes I wonder myself if I am out of control…and then see things like this happening around me and I realize…no… there really aren’t many consequences when it comes to safe, sane, and consensual play when done thoughtfully!

        What’s the saying…”If you can’t beat them join them”?

        I am definitely in the “join them” camp, because their…[Read more]

    • Maybe she dropped something and he was ‘helping’ her find it! Lol

    • Also very interesting is a drive with trucks on the road! But you’re right, it is more interesting to entice the man in the stiff business suit to whip out his, uh, phone.

    • Wow, there’s always a story behind the photo, and this story is so very exciting. I undressed myself once on the Autobahn, while hubby was driving. Even took some pics but they were shabby. Dunno when I’ll have the courage to do this in town (not mine for sure). Thanks for the great story! 🙂

  • Alix James posted an update in the group Group logo of Your ExperimentsYour Experiments 10 years, 11 months ago

    This is an experiment, and it has to do with involving a third party in your sexual adventures. Mr. Barrister has been clearly expressed lately about what it would mean to him to see his wife become more expressed and open about her own sexuality and how willing and desirous he is of seeing her be more sexual with others. Mr X hasn’t been too…[Read more]

    • I have. Adding Lexi was based on that conversation, what we want and how we see it happening.

      • Fair enough…and it WAS quite revealing…but Adding Lexi was an experience wasn’t it? I wasn’t looking you had wasn’t it?

        I wasn’t looking for too much color, just some insight into the conversation…who brought it up…how the other reacted…whether the one who was told some interest also revealed their own interests and desires in…[Read more]

        • Adding another woman was discussed many, many years ago simply as a shared bucket list item. Over the years, we have known that this item would be something seriously considered if opportunity presents itself.
          Recently, there was an opportunity and Adding Lexi describes basically how we thought we would like it to happen. What was not discussed…[Read more]

    • This is perfect. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Again, the “conversation” isn’t necessarily about including others, it is every bit as much about learning about and understanding your partners attractions and arousals (or their past!). It is also about finding a way to share more of yourself…more of what makes you tick…what turns you…[Read more]

    • Over the course of decades, I’ve had this discussion with different people and with variant outcomes; successfully, unsuccessfully, and with mutually accepted compromises… and a total of five threesomes. I’ve also been on both sides of it (the one who was resistant and the one who was advocating for it). I think whether you are negotiating for…[Read more]

      • That is an extraordinarily account of private negotiations within an atypical marriage. Thank you for sharing it.

        • P.S. I think adding Lexi is emotionally, just about one of the hardest possible set ups for a threesome… bit of emotional masochism for the person in the role you gave yourself.

          I know you are competitive and demanding of yourself. I am very curious if you did that on purpose?

          • Yes, the role I gave myself is precisely how I want it. It is not because I am masochistic. I want “Lexi” to be someone with whom he has a real relationship, someone he cares about [to some degree], with whom he can even do things he cannot with me. The “threat” of real competition makes it much hotter for me. Dalliances are not that…[Read more]

    • “The chain of marriage is so heavy that it takes two to bear it; sometimes three.” ― Alexandre Dumas

      • Just read more of his quotes, he has many good ones. Here is another for this conversation.

        “True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it.”
        ― Alexandre Dumas

  • ellariasand posted an update in the group Group logo of Your FantasiesYour Fantasies 10 years, 11 months ago

    The Bicycle Experiment 2.0

    So, almost exactly a year since the original bicycle experiment, I’ve found a new object of lust (the subject of the conversation experiment did not return my feelings, as it were). My odds of ensnaring him are rather low, but he is rather flirtatious online.

    I’m getting ahead of myself.

    As a result of a few dri…[Read more]

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